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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. She means 99% of the Thai girls she meets at work?
  2. That is why so many blokes put up with their special type of 'abuse' - and then it is too late to leave - and next is that she/family kick you out. It aint ever going to be better to stay, and it aint ever going to be easy to leave. The plan IMO should be to go somewhewre where she cannot find you - perhaps another country would be best - The Philippines? Spain? Plenty of single blokes down Jopmtein/Pattaya way that have been through exactly what you are going through. Somewhere you can go and live by yourself for a while and let things work themselves out. After that maybe you can find another - but dont look there - look elsewhere for a good keeper.
  3. ROFLOL - Do you feel the same when Thais use the term Farang ?? Get over yourself mate - it is a generic term to signifiy a young Thai male who drives a car/pickup/bike far too fast. If you do actually live here, you will see it is never young Thai females - hence male name Somchai.
  4. Thanks mate - much appreciated. I wont smoke because of both lung issues and also because I might start again. But your post is full of usful information and is much appreciated by me and others too.
  5. This is not UK or Aust guys - things that happened back home and the laws back home, mean absolutely nothing here.
  6. I hear you - BUT - the reason (besides the hit) I say that is because the other cars were stopped at the lights - Somchai just went stright through. I would not be surprised if he saw the green lights and went upo the inside (at speed). But I am only surmising - as are you. In my experience 'Somchais' are extremely dangerous drivers that in the West would eventually be caught and locked up and vehicle confiscated.
  7. Another 'quality' tourist visiting Thailand - and this goes on and on nearly every day. Another gun shooting and death. Another boat accident and death. Another series of violent assults. And on and on and on it goes - and the Baht still way too high And they wonder why the Chinese are reluctant to come here.
  8. Clearly the pickup hit the ambulance - not the other way around. Looks to me that Somchain (in pickup) was doing his usual and driving dangerously fast. He probably did not even see the ambulance with its lights on etc. until just before he hit it - they never do. I dont want Thailand to become like Australia with speed cameras everywhere - that is for sure. But they gotta nail these Somchais driving their pickups like they did when on their scooters - dangerously fast.
  9. And all the roadworks and the flooding mitigation system.
  10. And I figure you can also guess which way I would have voted too
  11. Thanks mate - very much appreciated for sending that. Let us know how you go next week. Still looking and checking myself - found some research articles below. Medicinal Cannabis for Treatment of Chronic Pain - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov) Use of Cannabis and Other Pain Treatments Among Adults With Chronic Pain in US States With Medical Cannabis Programs | Opioids | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network Medicinal cannabis for pain: Real-world data on three-month changes in symptoms and quality of life - Kylie O’Brien, Justin Beilby, Michelle Frans, Michael Lynskey, Michael Barnes, Mihindu Jayasuriya, Alkyoni Athanasiou-Fragkouli, Philip Blair, David Nutt, 2023 (sagepub.com)
  12. Indigenous - (of people) inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of colonists. Do you mean the indidenous aboriginees that came 70-80k years ago, or one of the many waves of peoples that came afterwards, with the last 'wave' being about 12K years ago - just before the seas rose (due to 'climate warming') and the land mass was cut off. And I guess you mean 'Australian' Indigenous - as in those that were on the land mass named Australia when found by the 'colonists' - Or are you referring to members of one of the many hundreds of nomadic tribes that wandered around that land we named Australia?
  13. What happens is that the KK Immi Officers will do a home visit - make sure he has a 'witness' ready to talk to them. They come inside the house as a check that he lives live there, take photos with him/wife/them, and then talk to witness. That is all bundled, together with his application documents and sent to Bangkok. Bangkok approve or disapprove and send back to KK who then will give stamp in Passport if approved. There is an online check system for the Bangkok part - KK should have given him details or maybe not available to them. That is of course if that is the same system as they did down here. Maybe KK approve or disapprove themselves - I have no idea.
  14. AND - That is how I spell and say their name - Abbo Riginee or Abboriginee
  15. REPEAT: Great result - even greater to see all the woke progressive lefties become offended by the sheer audacity of the Aust People to reject their BS.
  16. Great result - even greater to see all the woke progressive lefties become offended by the sheer audacity of the Aust People to reject their BS. (for my sins) Years ago I worked in Canberra for a while (not in Govt) and I got to know some senior public servants - yes some of them are OK (about 20%). This was the time of ATSIC and before Howard had won and abolished that corrupt waste of taxpayer money. He said that if we paid every single Abboriginee $1M each and told them to 'f off' and gave them no more 'additional aid/services/money' we would be better off in 15 years, and then going forward we would save $billions. I ran into him some years later when Aust had its one and only ever feminist PM, and he said he was wrong. He said that now it will only take 5-6 years to break even!! You guys have absolutely no idea how much money is wasted on Abboriginees - by all levels of Gopvernment and though Quasi-Governemnt Organisations and Charities and NGOs. Take what you know now and triple it. Our debt would dissappear in a few years if it was all stopped - and a lot of useless woke lefty people would be out of work - A LOT!
  17. I am late to this post and cannot find the original post - I assume it is not back when this thread started in 2008. I am usually across all these sort of things - is there something I missed? Has there been a change of the laws relkating to the tax residency status for pensioners? Why are people saying pensioners will/may be forced to return to Australia?
  18. Whenever I read opinions about coffee and all the stuff different people like/dislike, I am reminded of that movie 'Bucket List' with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson : Kopi Luwak Coffee The Bucket List - YouTube We used to have a coffee machine from Aldi (In Aust) that was great and cheap - lasted for over 6 years (could not bring it here). Made by Expressi for Aldi - looked it up on Lazada and it costs 5 times the price in Aust and the pods cost 6-8 times as much. We are sticking to Macconna - only 2 times the price in Aust - we like the taste and it is quick/easy. And no need to clean a machione every year - you should see the crap that gets inside them over time. I recommend you only ever use bottled water in a machine here - and clean them frequently too.
  19. Fair enough. And to answer you question - my dentist did that by closely examining the tooth and looking at the far far better XRay picture on his computer screen and pointing things out to me while I was sitting in his chair. By the way - that is one of the best signs of a decent dentist. Not guaranteed - but useful - check out their chair/s. Do they have all the latest gear, including including a funnel/zoomed intral-oral x ray arm attached, and a computer screen either on an arm or attached nearby.
  20. Dont waste your time mate - unless they see an academic report/study from a suitable institution (Columbia Uni., etc) on an acceptable media outlet (CNN, NYT, WAPO, etc), they just will not accept that it can be true. That is also why they believe any stupid ignorant rubbish that comes out of those place - like climate change ending the world Soon - by 2000 2010 2012 2020 - In 50 Years - and like there are 543.2 Genders - etc etc etc. (insert latest woke preogressive fad).
  21. I am looking into both the Philippines PRA and the MM2H (Malaysia) more closely - because of this 'impending' imposition of income taxes in Thailand - as per the latest posts on AN. At the very least, if it is introduced without any exemptions and clarifications for Expats, we will all be required to 'report' where the money we move into Thailand is coming from and declare whether it is taxable or not according to Thai Tax Laws. What chances will I have to convince Somchai in Thai RD that I dont have to pay income taxes in Thailand. There are no 'agents' when dealing with the Thai RD, unlikje the corrupt Immi Police, and breaches of the RD rules means extremely harsh fines and jail (then deportation). Both PRA and MM2H are solid and reliable long term Visas, and although I have not completely re-examined each one in detail yet, the following is for both of them last time I cheked them out in detail (now doing it again). No 90 Day Reporting. No TM30s and/or TM28s. No needing to apply for 'Permission to Leave/Re-enter Certificate'. No annual 'begging' application to stay another 12 months, with ever changing requirements and uncertainty. And a lot of other 'benefits' and 'rights' that are non-existent in Thailand. The 'deposit' is either about the same or a bit more than what Thailand imposes, but you get bank interest, and you can use part of that money to buy a house or health insurance. Yes - you can after a period of time buy land/property. Yes - you can become a Resident - and Citizenship is an option. The Visas are automaticall renewed each year upon payment of a small fee. You get an ID Card and have legal rights (not treated like a 'dirty' Tourist). I am still going through the list of comparison, plus I am also looking at what is 'on offer' from other SEAsian countries - Vietnam, Cambodia, etc. When I last checked things out Philippines is a bit like Thailand in terms of 'rough and ready' and Malaysia is more like Singapore in being more 'organised and structured'. One thing I have noticed before and again now. There are quite a few Expats who have moved from Thailand to Phillipines or Malaysia over the years, and there are SFA Expats who later move back to Thailand. When I say Expats I mean elderly retired men or women (single or married) over the age of 50 who dont live in a small hotel room and chase bar girls in Pattaya etc. (Sexpats). Nothing wrong with that, but if Thailand does implement this income tax rule, and then maybe they should move reside there - and visit Thailand for less than 180 days each year and this avoid becoming a tax resident here. The wife and I have already agreed (in fact she is adamant) - we will not pay income taxes in Thailand - period - we will leave. Likewise we agreed a long time ago that we will not pay for those rip-off Thai health insurance policies. Both of those are 'show stoppers' for us. And if it all goes to sheeiite we will just move to Australia (as far away from Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne as possible - Darwin looks handy).
  22. Get the full insurance coverage possible - the lot. Worth it if something happens like an accident or stolen. Otherwsie holiday will be ruined.
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