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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Makro prices have definitely gone up over the last year or so. And given that the Govt reductions in diesel/petrol and electricity will not flow 'down the food chain' for a long time, if ever, prices are going to stay higher for a while - maybe forever. Funny how increased costs always quickly flow up the food chain and prices go up almost immediately, but it just not want to do the same the other way. Not just in Thailand - Worldwide.
  2. Thailand, especially Pattaya, is a totally disorganised clusterpharrk of incompetent people 'managing' civil works projects. If I recall correctly, this 'promise' was made months ago promising that all the roadworks and flood mitigations would be finished before the high season. And if I recall correctly again, this seems to happen every year. But I am 'older' so maybe I am not recalling things like I used to do Many years ago we attended the first LPGA golf tournament at the Siam Country Club in East Pattaya. We booked a hotel near the course for the full 4 days of the event, and on the morning of day 1 we drove from the hotel to the golf course. Well we tried to do that, but on the road going around the lake they were working on a bridge - it was 'gone' and they were building/erecting a new one. Absolutely no thought that this was a major road and they really should do one side at a time - although there was a small 'bridge' for people and bikes to go over. It took hours to go back around the other way - the traffic was a nightmare. When back at the hotel the manager said that they have been working on that for a long time and it will be many more weeks before they finish - he said they work for a few days and then 'disappear'. He advised that if we had a bike we could ride 'through there' and it would only take about 10 minutes. Needless to say we hired a bike from him - and as an added bonus we were allowed to park the bike right near the gate - a short walk inside. Every time we go to the LPGA we now do the same - drive to hotel and hire a bike - because of the free and easy parking.
  3. Never use banking app on a phone - or any payment apps - there are many potential downsides - it is a risk. And in Thailand, or any 3rd world IT country with a dubious banking system and very few legal protections and legal rights, it is absolutely a massive risk. I worked in IT for 30+ years and have been saying this for years - they are phones - smart phones - but still they are phones. I guarantee you that if any Company (eg. Bank) or Government Dept (eg. Tax) is offering you something for nothing that will "make things easier for you to live your life and fulfill all your goals and ambitions' - it is a croc of poo-poo. They are doing it for their own benefit - not you. Unfortunately these days with so many young stupid over-educated idiots - banking and payment apps are being used a lot on phones. Which is a good thing, because that is what the scammers and hackers are all targetting these days. Meanwhile all us old school dinosaurs using heavily secured laptops and paying for everything using cash (like many Thais) are sailing in far smoother waters - we still have got to be careful, but far less chance of a major catastrophy.
  4. I know of several blokes who are doing same - Cambodia or Laos. They plan to return for no more than 179 days each year - 2 times on a Automatic Visa (hopefully 90 days by then). As one bloke said - I can always pop over to Thailand for any required medical procedure, and the Loas, Cambodia and Malayis emergency services are OK - keep the money in Thailand to pay for things if/when needed. One bloke said he is going to check out all the neighbours including Malaysia (not Myanmar) - then back to Pattaya/Jomtien for 3 mths at a time. TAT will be happy - more tourists - and each Expat re-entering Thailand 2 times a year counts as 2 tourists
  5. It was actually 'Pay the 2 dollars Roger" - but I accept your point. It would be OK if they wanted just a few dollars - but it looks like maybe they are after a lot more. As Dusty said - Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'
  6. More of the amazing Thailand on show in the media - day after day after day - and they wonder why 'real' tourists are reluctant to come. Maybe finally they will listen to what Expats have been saying for many years about all the crime, graft and dangers. Only kidding - they will never listen - and there is always some reason outside Thailand to blame.
  7. Phuket = Island of corruption and scams. We will NEVER again visit there - from being hit by the taxi mafia on arrival to all the rip-offs and scams, it was extremely annoying. Annoying to get them thrown at you every day, but even more annoying seeing dumb tourists paying up without complaint. Great beaches and some fantastic spots - but when even the leader of a Military Junta is told to 'shove off', you know the corruption is endemic and will never change. If it sank into the ocean, as long as all the Expats, tourists and Thai workers survived, I would be very happy.
  8. That is total BS - both in terms of information and your p-poor attitude. Australia, New Zealnad, USA and most of Europe do not have dual-pricing because it is illegal. Did you know that it is technically illegal in Thailand? But of course in Thailand they get away with it - and the Courts have ruled it is OK 'because farang have more money and it is good for Thai people'.
  9. Yes indeed - that is when Expats sometimes get caught out - when doing a 90 day report.
  10. Good point - and we both know that they have not even thought about that 'conflict'. However - there is a way around the TM30/28 'problem'. Are you married or have a Thai GF. If you do then open booking account/s in her name. Make the booking/s in her name - herself plus 'husband' (no name asked for) When you arrive she goes and checks in - stay back in the foyer/etc and dont go near the counter/desk. The hotel does not want all the crap with TM30 reports etc - and if booking is in a Thai name for 2 people, there is no problems for them. Only downside I can see is if you have a car accident or get into trouble with local officials - not having reported you being somewhere else - but IMO they would likely be less than interested in getting involved in that and you have bigger problems anyway.
  11. Yes indeed - that is the way to go. I find Agoda and Expedia are the best options - there is often some hotel under booked and they offer serious discounts to get more visitors on those days.
  12. I agree 100% about how the Thai Immigration system treats long term Expats living in Thailand - utterly contemptable and ignorant. Could I ask what the 15K Baht costs are? I thought the Marriage Visa was 5K Baht. Are you including travel and accomodation costs maybe?
  13. This is just another example of why all Expats in Thailand have to be very very careful when doing any business deals here - including when buying or selling a property or a business. Not only can things go pearshaped very quickly, but you can end up in a Thai jail - and you do not want to go there - just ask Stig.
  14. I just had to check out this latest TAT BS - and yes it is total BS - yet again. The TAT 'deal' is offering 42% discount on a rooms with BF at Hotel in Bangkok - 2800 Baht (no names). I just looked at Expedia and the same room (with BFast) at the same hotel is 2600 Baht. TAT are truly amazing - in that they still exist and still waste a lot of Thai tax money.
  15. We have agreed before and diagreed before too - but on this one we are in agreement mate. First time 2010 - went back in 2017 (for Pension) - back again last year. I have a few regrets here, but nothing too big to mention :) Pension and Self-Funded. I (and then we) used to go back every year to visit, but now both my parents have passed, so going forward I have no plans to do so again. My kids and friends all have an open invitation to come and stay as long as they like - we communicate via emails and Line etc. The only serious negative here is how I am treated by the Thai Immigration 'system' - not by the people. I have to 'report' like a parolled criminal every 90 days, complete a TM30/28 whenever I holiday somewhere or change my address, request permission to leave and re-enter when we decide to holiday outside Thailand, request permission to stay another 12 months. And I have to do that all again, and again, and again. But in return I get zero legal rights and no Govt benefits, and I am forced to pay extra for things because I am not Thai. We budget to spend about 1 Million Baht every year in Thailand, and that I have to go through all of that is seriously annoying. Meanwhile they beg and plead and throw offers at Chinese Russian Indian etc. tourists to come to Thailand and spend 50K Baht each (on average). I am worth 20,000 Tourists and I am here all year every year - and there are a lot of Expats just like me - and in the years when we buy a car or a house/condo, we spend a lot more. Effin annoying. This upcoming possible income tax imposition is IMO a deal-breaker. If I am forced to pay income taxes, given all I go through as detailed in the previous paragraph, then we are leaving Thailand. My wife has never paid income taxes in Thailand - like the vast majority of Thgais - she (and I) pay VAT. There are actually two deal-breakers if they become compulsory - Income taxes and Thai health insurance. I have said enough about income taxes, but with regards to Thai health insurances we refuse to pay for something that is not worth the money paid, and which is not guaranteed or regulated, and which will inevitably involve massively increased annual premiums as I get older. We are self-funded in that we have a separate bank account with a pool of funds for 'emergencies' - including medical. Yes I love the place and want to stay - but there are reasons we would leave. Where too? Philippines, Malaysia (Penang), Indonesia (Bali), and in the future we may even go back to Australia (we are both citizens).
  16. Yes indeed mate - being here is like it was back then in 70s. Sure they have their issues, especially drink driving etc., but overall they have it about right IMO. I just hope they continue to ignore the over-educated western idiots (especially females), and dont try to fix every problem with ever increasing and oppressive Government Laws and Social Programs.
  17. All good mate - I understand - and in future I will be more careful about using that term. I also agree with your statement about 'the girls' in Thailand - I was with a few many years ago and they were all very nice. I have also been with a few of them In Ausralia/USA and they are mainly 'not good'. Like I said I have a mate in your situation and they are going great - the reality is that most girls in thge business are there because they are desperate and it was the only/best option available - and much of their money goes back to the family, who are often looking after their kid/s.
  18. All good - we all sumtimes get it rong and missspel words and use bad grummer two.
  19. Good to see - hopefully this means much of Hamas' leadership and infrastructre has been destroyed. Israel says it is swapping 150 Prisoners for 50 hostages - over 4 days - and then the war will resume. Extreme international pressure has been applied to Israel to make thius deal and to have a ceasfire. I wonder if both sides will keep their word - only time will tell I guess. One thing is sure, if Hamas reneges on the deal then Israel will intensify their actions and never cease fire again. What worries me about this agreement, is that Hamas is like most terrorist organisations in that it is not 'centralised' like the Israel army, and some random Hamas group may decide to take advantage of the cease fire and conduct an attack during the 4 day cease fire.
  20. IMO this is the new rule for Revenue Officers at Thai RD that has been officially 'published' and which states that what was previously not assesable income is now assesable income after January 1 2024 for "Due to work dues or business conducted abroad or because of assets located abroad" What is needed is for the Thai RD to clarifiy what type of Expat's money remitted into Thailand is deemed as 'assesable income'. Until then we dont know what is going to be viewed as taxable income, and we are all stil 'watching this space'. I read yesterday on another Forum a lot of useful and useless information - no one knows what is going to happen. But there was one comment that rang true IMO. 'They completely screwed up the 'maryjane' issue and ended up with thousands of shops selling it for almost 2 years now - which was not what they planned - and which they cannot shut - and they are still trying to shut them down. If anyone thinks they cannot screw up this income tax rule change, and if they do they will quickly rectify things, then they are being either extremely delusional or extremely hopeful. Start planning people - if it does all work out well then good - but if it all goes to Hell in a handbasket, it would be good to have some idea what your individual options are.'
  21. Mate - stay out of it please - you are embassing yourself. The SAPTO is a tax offset of up to $2,230 for singles. And go do your own research - type in Social Security Act. Actualloy that requires high level reading skills - try this mate - Using the Social Security Guide | Social Security Guide (dss.gov.au)
  22. Spot On Mate . The only thing wrong in what you said, is that you did not mention so many others things that are effed in Australia now. Mutliculturalism and Diversity and Massive Uneeded Immigration sionce 1990s has fragmented and destroyed the Australian culture. I was 'debating' this subject (Australian Culture being destroyed) with a greenie lefty woke progressive years ago, who had 3 degrees (he worked for me). He reckoned Australia was a successful multicultural country. I stated that he was wrong because I had seen it. I pointed out that in this year I have been see Aust versus the Poms at cricket. And I have been to see Aust versus Kiwis at Rugby. And I went to the MCG and watched Collingwood play Carlton. And I went again to see Andre Agassi play in the Tennis (Aust Open). I stated that those events are a national tradition and a massive part of the Australian culture. And yet, at all those events I did not see certain types of people - none - they were not there - because they are not 'Australians' and they never will be - and they do not want to be - and I further stated that IMO they should never have been allowed to come to Australia. Needless to say we agreed to disagree - he was a massive 'academic' who did not think that any sport was valuable - and in his opinion all the Govt money spent on sports should be spent on 'the Arts'. Unfortunately those type of people have far too much say in what goes on in Australia - we have been pandering to the minorities for so long that they are dominating the majority.
  23. Go South young man I have only been to USA once - but I does seem that the further south you go, the less woke progressive they are. Perhaps Texas or Florida ? Unfortunately as you would know, the extremely far-right anti-woke and anti-progressive are also in that direction (Alabama etc.). However - there is a lesson in that - in both of those facts - which most people fail to see/hear. Those who have been 'highly educated' but still hold strong views about 'freedoms' and 'rights' are not woke progressives (Texas etc.). Those who have not been 'over educated' are not woke progressives (Alabama etc.). Clearly the lesson is that over-educating people (especially idiots) makes them into woke progressives, because in Alabama etc. they dont over-educate their idiots.
  24. Mate I stopped reading after a short while - you need to take a chill pill buddy - you have got it all wrong - 'arse about' as we say. You are massively over-reacting and taking massive offence on behalf of your wife - but there is no need. I refuse to answer all your tirade - just the first part - but I do accept that perhaps I did write that a bit poorly. However, if you re-read it again after reading my explanation below, you will understand that I diod not mean what you thought. You quoted this - 'that sort of bloke is what a bar girl is for' Please allow me to re-state the entire quote - '.....because a good Thai girl does not deserve to be 'caught' by such a slob - that sort of bloke is what a bar girl is for.' What I meant by that was that a naive inexperienced good Thai girl, would be massively taken advantage of, by the type of bloke I was describing - a slob yobbo ahole. He was who I was criticising - not the bargirl/s. Because only an 'experienced' Thai girl (especially a bar girl) would be able to deal with a bloke like that and not be severely upset - and take all his money if she wanted to. I then said - 'and if he changed and treated her right - AND she is a 'good one' - meaning that there are quite a few good ones that do not rip off their Expat. But lets get real - most Expats that do get ripped off by the girl - are ripped off by an 'experienced' Thai girl - and often that is by a bar-girl. You also pointed out how bad western women can be - I dont know how you thought I have any other view. That is exactly why I had a vasectomy and was not interested at all in getting re-married to a 'western' woman after being divorced (financially raped) for doing nothing wrong other than being 'boring and absent' (working 60+ hours a week making money). Lets not go back there - but I waited almost 10 years before finding a 'good girl' in Thailand, because it is far easier and 'safer' than trying to do so in Australia, or any 'western' country.
  25. We have been to and lived in a lot of places here - the locals buy filtered water everywhere - in villages and in gated communities. The only exceptions are those that have the supplied water strongly filtered - like in a hotel - but even then only trust the 4/5 stars. That is why it is so cheap here - for 30 Baht you get a 20 litre bottle delivered - that is best for cooking etc. In the shops (not 7/11) you can buy 2 doxen 600ml bottles of filtered water for about 50 Baht ($2). In Australia that would cost $12 to $15 depending on the brand you buy - it is much more if you buy just 1 in a shop. I remember paying almost $5 for 1 bottle in a shop in Canberra and the Thai wife freaked out when she heard how much.
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