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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Good Post - you are right, now it is a matter of 'wait and see' - while also planning what to do if/when they impose income taxes on Expats. Your last few words are what really worries me - "They may ask for proof (Certs)". What that means is exactly the problem will be if/when Thai RD requires an Expat to lodge a tax return and 'explain' the money that they are remitting into Thailand. If the Thai RD demands 'proof' that taxes have already been paid in home country, otherwise taxes will be applied in Thailand, then most of us are upthat creek without a paddle. The DTAs were 'built' for businesses, not for personal taxes. It is easy for a business to provide 'proof of taxation' in other countries, but it is not so easy (sometimes impossible) to get proof for a person. And that is the core of the problem - if Thai RD views all remittances as income unless/until proven otherwise, then there is going to be a lot of business for those Thai based tax lawyers/accountants. I have posted a lot on this topic (it is why I joined) and after reading through nearly every post, my plan is to bring additional funds into Thailand this year. The rule starts from Jan 1 2024, and I am also not a tax resident this year (<180 days). Then in 2024 I will only bring into Thailand the minimum required, while I wait to see how things pan out. If I am required to lodge a tax return in 2025, and there are 'tax problems' - then we will be leaving Thailand. I am already paying 'fees' for the privilege of spending over a million baht in Thailand every year - on which I pay a lot of VAT (far more than the average Thai). But I have no legal rights, I cannot use the hospitals for SFA costs like the Thais, I pay more than the Thais for most things (dual pricing), and I get no Govt benefits or services (including the 10K handout, and the Travel Incentives, etc etc etc). I can accept that as part of the deal, including placing a large amount of my money into a bank account, and being forced to get medical insurance. I am treated like and given the same rights and benefits as a (long term) tourist - I cannot and will not accept also paying income taxes. I do hope the Thai Govt is 'hearing' this message being shouted loudly and clearly by many Expats - if they go ahead and make Expats pay income taxes, then there will be a lot of Expats leaving Thailand.
  2. There are 3 banks in Thailand that are OK - as determined by the international rules when remitting money into Thailand. Bangkok Bank (BKK), Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) and Kasikorn Bank (KB). SCB (used to) have a lot of hidden and annual charges. Both BKK and KB have lower charges. All 3 Banks have more Branches and ATMS than the others. The next issue (most critical) is at what Branch to open an account. IMO open an account in a large Branch in that Province - not a small local branch. Most Provinces have their largest branches in a Mall - that also means they are open longer hours than the 'street' Branches. Get 2 accounts - one from each Bank - just in case something goes wrong when you are not near 'home' branch. The banking system in Thailand is not National - it is more like a franchise within each Province. For any serious/difficult issue, you will be directed to go to the Branch where you opened the account. Never ever use ATMs that are not either in/next to the Branch, or in a large shop - BigC, Makro etc.
  3. Maybe. Maybe Not. Politics is a long dirty game. He was put forward to the Senate, rather than the daughter, because he was seen as pragmatic and a compromise. So far he has behaved exactly as they wanted him to behave - no massive restructuring of the institutions. Will the daughtrer take his place before the next election - who knows.
  4. There was only one 'side' before - Hamas has declared war on Israel for a long time and many times, in the past Israel has not declared war on Hamas. But now they have and they are going to destroy them, and make sure they never again do what they just did. Either you kill all the cockraoches in your garden, our they will continue to enter your house and cause problems.
  5. A 'threat' is not something that crosses into your country and kills 1400 people in one day (mostly civilians). They are an actual terrorist organisation that kills people in Israel. Are you saying Israel should just ignore what Hamas did - because they cannot kill all Jews? Isreal will never again cede Hamas territory in return for peace. Israel will not accept their country being abolished. Hamas wants Israel gone, and all Jews killed or removed.
  6. I hear what you are saying. Yes neither 'side' is innocent, but one side wants peace, and the other does not. How many rockets has Hamas indiscriminantly fired into Israel in the last 20 years? Over 50,000 - with 5,000 as part of this current act of terror. They are aiming at anyone and anything in Israel (Jew or not) - they are not targetting military targets. Iron Dome (Israel anti-rocket defence system, stops about 90% of them). How many rockets has Israel indiscriminantly fired into Gaza in the last 10 years? None. Yes some during a military strike have 'missed', but they were all aimed at a military and/or terrorist targets. Israel used to 'occupy' Gaza until as part of a negotiated peace deal they left and handed power to the PLO. Things were never been 'great' between Israel and PLO - but since Hamas took out the PLO and took over, things have got very bad and after their latest atrtocity Israel has had enough. Israel is going to re-occupy Gaza - and I doubt they will withdraw anytime over the next 5-10 years (maybe longer).
  7. Agree 100% - it amazes me that some people will argue anything else. There is opinions and there there is facts. Israel is no bastion of angels, and in fact no counry or people are, but Hamas is a murdering terrorist organisation who currently controls Gaza (ever since Arafat died).
  8. Yes you are - completely. Israel wants peace - Hamas wants death - big difference.
  9. No. He has his position because he was a very successful businessman, and is a member of one of the 5 Thainese Families (Empires) in Bangkok that controls most of what goes on in Thailand. Some say he is just another Military controlled puppet, and others say he is a compromise that had to be made. I tend to agree with those who see him as a compromise - how he and his 'compromise' Govt deals with the Constitution and Courts and Senate left in place from the Junta, is how he will be judged in the long run. Reality is that if he does what is 'right', and removes the Junta imposed structures and institutions, he will probably be replaced at the next election by MFP.
  10. Anyone over 60 who thinks they can defend themselves against a 20-30 male was either a trained specialist/professional, or they are delusional. Best course of action is to either walk away - or point out the camera/s that are recording and then walk away (they are everwhere thses days). Many stupid older blokes get very hurt thinking they can take on a young strong male - dont even think about doing it - just dont do it. Most young men will be 'nice' and just push you away - but some will beat you up for embarassing them (you know who I mean).
  11. Like many older blokes I have had a bad back for decades - and I am also silly and play golf. Massages and medications (Tramadol, Norgesic and Diclofenac) do help, but I have heard Cannabidiol (CBD) can be very effective is reducing chronic pain. I used to smoke many decades ago, and I do not wish to ever do that again. Does anyone know what if Cannabidiol (CBD) is available in Thailand? Is there a doctor that can/will prescribe Cannabidiol (CBD)? Can it be bought in Thailand? Any advice would be appreciated.
  12. You are missing the point. Hamas has declared again and again that their only acceptable solution to the issue, is the removal/death of all Jews and the removal of Israel. Hamas does not want peace. If every soldier/person in Israel put down all their weapons and allowed Hamas to do whatever they wanted - they would kill them all. Proof is what they just did - especially the beheading of babies and children and the killing of civilians from other countries. If Hamas put down all its weapons, Israel would not kill them all. PS - unless I see the exact bodies to count, I do not believe word coming out of Hamas - they are lying terrorists who bombed their own hospital and then blamed Israel.
  13. If Israel are stopped from destroying Hamas, then this will happen again and again. Either Hamas destroys Israel, or Israel destroys Hamas. Anyone who thinks a settlement can be reached is stupid - Hamas will 'play along' with that, while they rebuild their arms and tunnels. That is what they have done every time Israel backs off - hopefully this time they dont back off and they finish it.
  14. Exactly - Hamas has never been tried and found guilty by ICC - but their crimes are very clear. They have fired thousands of unguided rockets into Israel every year for a long time now. Find the guilty verdict and I will stand corrected.
  15. You are missing the point. Atone for what ?? The history of civilisations going back to the beginning, is a history of conquest and destruction. It is a normal part of the development of human civilisations - the old and weak, get taken over and removed by the new strong group. Once you go back and pay reparations for doing what comes naturally, you will never stop. Advancement does not come from atonement - advancement comes from behaving differently. Or are you saying that the Jews should all be paid reparations for what was done to them by the Islamic armies that drove them out of their homelands? After all - their instutions are alive and well today. You could do the same thing all over the world. The truth is that all of us have come from a past of conquest and destruction - none of us have a history that does not include both.
  16. Will the ICC and UN also be 'gathering evidence and witnesses and investigate and analyse all the evidence' regarding the atrocity done by the Hamas terrorists? Of course not - why - because Hamas is not a member of UN or ICC - they are a terrorist organisation. One question to all the pro-Palestine supporters - when did you first hear about 'Palestine'. For me it was when Palestine Terrorists did the 'Munich Massacre' at the 1972 Olympics. Munich massacre - Wikipedia
  17. I agree with that politician who said - "Yes we will pay you reparations for our past injustices, just as soon as the Romans pay ours." "And then we will send you a bill for all the rodas and hospitals and legal systems that we created and built." Victimhood should never be rewarded - because it never stops.
  18. 6 million died (apparently) over a period of 3 years - nowhere near as much as they initially predicted. So what do they say - 780 Million were either 'Killed or Sick' - atypical public servant bureautic double speak. Clearly a lot more peope had their lives 'damaged' by the 'lock down response' - than by the Virus itself. Proof? Sweden !! UN and WHO etc. being held accountable ? As much chance as a Thai Minister/PM ever saying 'I was wrong and I apologise'.
  19. Same thing happens in the West - all the time. After a divorce with kids, inevitably the ex-Hubby has to pay 'Child Support'. That money goes to the ex-Wife, who spends most/a lot of it on herself - and not all of it on the kids.
  20. One problem is that funds in a Thai bank are only 'Govt Guaranteed' up to a total of 1 Million Baht. It used to be 15 Million, but the Junta gradually reduced the guarantee over the years.
  21. I am with you mate - I did the same, so that I could get the Pension with portability and then go back to Thailand. If that is why you (or any others reading this) returned to Aust, and just in case you have not heard/seen this - it is imperative that you make it very clear by your words and actions, that you intend staying in Australia forever. If you alrady know this - then AOK. CLink cannot deny you getting your Pension without extreme reasons, but they can deny Portability if they think you never intended to stay in Australia. If you are there for the Pension, and plan to then return like so many others do, make sure it looks to everyone that you are staying long term. Join in some local activities, join golf club/RSL etc., make sure all your communications and everything you do makes it clear you are staying. Do not start telling blokes at the club/pub or anyone else, that you cannot wait to get back. I have a lot of knowledge about this (worked in ACT for 20+ years) and CLink can get access to all your social media posts, and the number one way they find out is by being dobbed in by a fat ugly feminist bitch who hears from their hubby/friends that you are desperate to go back. There is nothing a fat ugly feminist bitch in Aust likes better, than stopping old blokes from enjoying their lives overseas with much better looking feminine ladies. Trust me, CLink is full of them, as is the whole of the ACT. Do not trust anyone mate. Talk about where you are thinking of buying a place in Aust when you have enough money - that you might move to Sydney or Brisbane etc etc etc. The Pension is a 'right' but Portability is at the discretion of the CLink Delegates. And then once you have the Pension - wait. Give it a few months before you start saying to people and on social media that it is very expensive living in Australia. Never say anything about the fat ugly feminists everywhere and you hate the place. That was the hardest thing for me - telling people I knew that we were staying in Australia, and not ever saying that I could not wait to get back. In the end all the family and my mates accepted that I was leaving and that it was the right thing for us to do. Having a Thai wife helped that is for sure - plus it means we can both go back if ever needed later in life.
  22. That article is from a Lawyer who wants you to use their services and not the Public Trustee. The QLD Public Trustee (and NSW and all others I believe) publish their rates and charges up front. Fees and charges - The Public Trustee of Queensland (pt.qld.gov.au) I was surprised at your statement so I did some research. That report you mentioned was about the Public Trustee and 'disadvantaged' people. It was not a very negative outcome - there were some mistakes made, and it suggested that for poor people they should charge less. There is not one comment about they are more expensive than a private Lawyer. opa-public-trustee-fees-and-charges-report-executive-summary.pdf (justice.qld.gov.au) I have been involved with 2 Public Trustees - QLD and NSW - plus as I said, I used the QLD office to write our Wills. There were all far cheaper and more 'professional' than any Lawyers I rececived advice/quotes from - for both my Parents and ourselves. Lawyers delegate this sort of stuff to their 'Juniors' and some of them are not that good/experienced - same as for property conveyancing. Lawyers are about making a profit - they are never cheaper than the Public Trustee. And if things do go wrong you can take the Public Trustee to various Govt Appeal Tribunals for free, and also to the Members of QLD Parliament. Good luck taking on a legal firm in the Courts when you think they got it wrong or over-charged you.
  23. Anyone arguing against that point you made - is either ignorant of the truth, or is a woke progressive liberal (genetic). How I shut them down - and it works every time - is to simply ask them 2 questions:- 1. Did Muhammad ever visit SEAsia? 2. How come Indonesia and Malaysia are Muslim countries? When the over-educated amongst them come back with 'Jesus never visited Sth America etc', I say YES Christianity took over there, and then I ask them - So are you OK with Islam taking over here? Because I am not !!
  24. The death penalty is always a problem - if anyone is executed that is later found to be innocent. That is why the process takes so long in most countries like USA - to allow for innocence to be established. However, it still makes errors and some are executed that are later found to be innocent. But - the death sentance is a viable deterrent and suitable punishment in some cases. Perhaps rather that take the death sentance off the Judges - perhaps add an additonal process where an independent group reviews every death sentance with the view to establishing if the death sentance is appropriate. Judges and Courts are 'controlled' through many years of rules and precedents - I think that there should be a review process above the Courts (not the High/Supreme Court). One step could be to establish if the defendant wants to be executed or not after a suitable period of time - some psychos want the notariorty of being a 'martyr' (good riddance). If the result is 'death' then so be it - if their choice is jail then put them in solitary confinement for life - after a while the guilty ones might take the offer to end it - if innocent then they will fight forever to prove their innocence. Maybe do things to those that are given the death sentance that are otherwise 'unacceptable' (hypnosis, drugs, etc) as part of the 'review' process after sentencing - the innocent ones will say 'yes please'.
  25. Get in contact with the appropriate State Public Trustee and tell them of your situation and that you want to make a Will and appoint them as the Executor. It is free - any advice and writing of the Will - they take a fee from the Estate (much lower than a Lawyer). Ask them what to do - you and the partner may have to go visit Australia and sign some paperwork - but maybe it can be done using the Aust Embassy in Bangkok as a witness JP. We did all that before we left - and they were great and very helpful (I used the QLD Public Trustee - my last address). If you do have to visit Aust, make sure you tell CLink (International Group) before you go - explain why you are returning and for how long and that you will still be living in Thailand going forward (they might decide you have returned otherwise - portability issues then).
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