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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Yes and No - we are what is called 'in conflicting agreement'. The kids are the most important thing right now, but in 15-20 years they will not be. They will hopefully be healthy stable adults and will have their own lives to live. That is my point. Sure, absolutely make sure the kids are fine now and until they are able to live their own lives, but also at the same time make sure you will have a reasonable comfortable life in retirement - do not focus 100% on them and not think about your future after the kids. Far too many blokes forget that the kids will grow up and leave one day, and then it is far too late for themselves to prepare for their own life after work/family. Absolutely agree with you - the OP should make a legal separation agreement and let the wife go back to Thailand - if there is zero chance of saving the marriage - and if the Mother wants him to keep the kids. Win/Win.
  2. Thought so - lucky bugger 😉 The rest of us are in limbo until this is clarified. It can be a pain having to pay taxes to USA when not even living there, but as this issue shows, having the 'big boy' on your side can be a huge advantage.
  3. Yes - many times. Answers are everything from 'totally exempt' to 'potentially taxable income'. Reality is that the Thai RD will soon? release details advising what is and is not 'taxable income' as far as they are concerned - which pending any Court over-ruling that decision, is what matters. I understand that there are a few Thai people/companies currently developing appeals to the 'Tax Court' - but they may not be lodged if the Thai RD delays things for a while. Their main reason for appeals is that to change 30+ years of an accepted and ratified in Court method is both wrong and unfair (no time to adjust financial planning). That is the main reason Malaysia delayed this change being implemented for 5 years. IMO they are all waiting for PM Smiley to return form his business, trade, junkets and place some attention on this issue - besides being PM he is also the Finance Minister. Dont worry - but stay across the issue - maybe do some reading.
  4. Again - what you are deciding is 'applicable' or 'taxable' under any DTA is exactly that - what you have decided. What matters is what the Thai RD decides - and they have not provided that information or details.
  5. That is not your/my decision - the Thai RD is the sole arbitrator of what and what is not taxable income. If you disdagree with their decision you can appeal (must be 100% in Thai) and even then take it to Court (also 100% in Thai). One last time - BUT - if you are a USA Citizen ....... , then your income worldwide is taxed in USA, and the IRS enforces (imposes) that arrangement very strongly on all other countries (do not tax our citizens or else). This does not apply to citizens of any other country, that I am aware of. So you are fine (assuming you are American), but all other DTAs are not structured the same way (that I am aware of).
  6. You have misunderstood how the Thai tax system works - it is not simply a matter of you deciding anything. IF you decide you are exempt and do not lodge a tax return - the Thai RD has the right and can review that decision - and they can do it going backwards for many years (7 I believe, but maybe more). IF you decide to lodge a tax return and IF the Thai RD does not agree with your 'decisions', they may decide to check further and review the matter - they could either let it go, or they will calculate what they think you owe, and either send you a bill (maybe), or request more information (more likely). From there it would be wise for anyone to seek legal/tax advice before responding. Under most tax laws, in most countries (not USA), a tax resident living in any country full-time is required to pay taxes on any earnings they have received anywhere in the world - using the DTAs to offset taxes alreasdy paid on earnings received in the source country. You can say 'but I did not bring that part to Thailand' , but that may still be liable to be taxed, and/or the Thai RD can decide 'no - you pay income tax'. Like yourself, I have a private source of money - savings and private super/pension fund. I will be seeing how things go going forward - and it could go either way. But I do know that it is not my decision - it is the Thai RD's decision. And right now, according to most pundits, any remittance into Thailand could be viewed as taxable income - and where it goes from there with the appliucation of DTAs and clarifications and exemptions is anyone's guess.
  7. I hear you, and I may have missed a few things, but I mainly disagree with you. The main thing going forward IMO should be himself, then his kids, and then maybe the wife/family. As I have said, in this situation, far too many men think of the kids first, second and third, and they do not think about themselves, and they sacrifice themselves and their future lives (Pattaya etc. is full of them). Women (the vast majority and definitely this one) think about themselves first and then the kids - and they do not care about the man - but they will not sacrifice themselves and their future life for the kids - they believe the kids are better with them no matter what they decide for themselves. owever, having said that, if it is clear that she does not want to save the marriage and that going back to Thailand would definitely not acheive that, then I agree do not do that. Likewise, if she does not want the kids to live with her but wants to go back to Thailand by herslef, then he should make a legal separation agreement which would include 'paying her off' so she can go back to Thailand.
  8. I hear what you are saying, and I agree this is all about what could be happenning - not absolutely 100% what is going to happen. But, you are very wrong about the 61 DTAs - if this goes ahead in its current form and all money remitted into Thailand is taxable income, unless proven otherwise. If you think Thai RD will automatically not apply this new rule/interpretation for any money brought into Thailand from thos 61 DTAs then you are very wrong - obviously (tax avoiders will just use those countries). If you think it will simply be a matter of you/I saying 'IMO this is not taxable under DTA' then you are very wrong. How the DTA works is that when compiling our tax returns, we have to claim a 'credit' for taxes already paid in our DTA country - and substantiate that the tax has already been paid. The DTAs are created for businesses paying taxes, and for the people who are paid by those businesses - it is an extremely complex and difficult matter and not designed for people doing personal tax returns. I posted details all about DTAs (including websites and Thai RD rulings) a long long time ago in this thread, and I know a little bit about what I am talking about - as does several other posters here who know more. The issue now going forward is not about DTAs, it is about how this new rule/method will be implemented - if it goes ahead. As a few posters have said, if the Thai Govt does not delay implementation, this will be subject to a Court appeal. The current method has been ratified in the Tax Courts for over 30 years - Captain Smiley Picard cannot merely say 'make it so'. Please continue to 'debate' - this is a good thing because it is very much being 'noticed'. Imagine if after this change was announced, there was zero social media feedback and criticism by Expats. That this topic is getting so much interaction (clicks) on Asean Now (and others), means it is being noticed by a lot of people in the tax 'industry' in Thailand, and that is a good thing - the squeaky wheel and all that.
  9. That is logical. But this is Thailand, and they will blame everything from gun killings, to boat disasters, to weather events, to global warming, to slow world economy, to slow China economy, to high Baht, to US China disputes, to Ukraine Russia war, to Israel Palestimne conflicts, to everything and anything - but they will never never ever blame themselves or their decisions.
  10. If/when you move to Thailand - then I recommend you do the same - use cash only. Here everyone takes it and some places (vendors, markets) just dont use cards. Just be aware that an ATM withdrawal at any other bank outside your Province will charge 15 Baht, so make the withdrawal a large amount (same fee no matter amount of withdrawal).
  11. Not for me thank you - hordes of noisy if nice people, heaps of traffic, no parking, ripoff prices - that is not my cuppa. This is my preferred type of location.
  12. When transferring money over to my bank in Thailand, I am asked by Wise to declare the 'reason'. I cannot remember all of them, but it appears on the Thai bank statement/book as 'Foreign TT'. I always keep the amount under US$10K because that is the amount that triggers some 'reporting' requirements (post 9/11).
  13. Story about an old mate -he married a Thai and took her home. After about 2-3 months they went to a big BBQ Thai event and there was a lot of 'single' Thai girls there - girsl outnumbered the blokes by 3-4 times. His wife was having a great time aughing and talking (in Thai) with many of the girls. While talking over a beer with a bloke he found out that all but one of the girls was married and had divorced their husband after living in Aust for 3-5 years - they all kept the kids and the house and most of the money - jackpot. So I will leave it to you to guess what happened to my old mate 3 years later - despite all the warnings. Yes there are very good ones, 3 mates of mine are very happy with their Thai wife after 10+ years, but they are not in the majority - they are not even close to half/half. It is all about good decisions/choices and luck - which is all about did you select the 'right' sort of person. I do hope you made a good decision and you are lucky. BUT please do have a Plan B - just in case - if it happens then you are prepared. Get legal advice and plan for it - that is best decision I ever made when I realised (from a mate) that something was wrong with my first marriage. Years later I 'escaped' with a much better deal that many others over the years - because I had prepared and was ready. Anyone saying dont go back to Thailand is wrong. If that is what she wants to do - then do it. If it makes her happy and makes your relationship get better - then do it. If it still fails, then your divorce (financial rape) in Thailand will be no where near as bad as in the west - you will be able to start again. If it aint broke, then dont fix it - is good advice. If it is broke, then fix it - is even better advice. If it cant be fixed, then either replace it or go without - best advice ever.
  14. And that is exactly why it is probably so 'dangerous' for Expats - if they do it - because they will screw it all up. They will attempt to get that additinal money, and they will completely stuff it up, and some Expats will get caught in the net, and they will not be able to 'get out' - or at the very least they will have a lot of trouble and expenses and risk jail and deportation. Almost 50% of the Thai economy is 'black' - and they are desperate for money - they are very likely to screw it all up. Malaysia is far more 'organised' and when they implemented this same rule change back in 2021, then delayed implementation for personal income taxes for 5 years (2026), while they work out all the details and exemptions. Will Thailand clarify details before 2024, or delay implementation - I dont know. But if it goes ahead as is and with no more details and exemptions, then I can assure you that the Thai RD in 2025 will be seeking details from all banks about any account or person that transferred over XYZ Baht into the country in 2024. If they see anyone's account and no tax return, they will not hesitate to start asking questions - including for Expats. They will probably create a whole new team of Thai RD 'investigators' to check incoming remittances against tax returns - and just like the BS fed from TAT - they will justify their additional expenses by nailing as many people as they can - including Expats. My plan is to bring forward incoming remittances to this year, and then bring in the absolute minimum in 2024. If they declare that Expats must all do a tax return - then I will submit one claiming all the exemptions etc. If they say I must pay income taxes on the money brought in for 2024 - then I will pay, and then we will leave.
  15. Yes they are very short sighted - both literally and figuratively. Hopefully someone in Thai RD and/or Cabinet will realise that 100,000 Expats bringing in an average of 1 Million Baht EVERY year, equates to 100 Billion Baht - or to put it another way - that equates to 2 Million 'high spending' Chinese Russian tourists they love so much for their money. But according to some sites there are approx 200,000 non-working Expats living in Thailand (they dont keep official numbers), and that equates to 4 Million 'high spending' Chinese Russian tourists - which they spend a small fortune through TAT to get - and they welcome with open arms, and 90 days exempt Visas, and the PM saying hello, etc etc etc. Meanwhile, in return for our 1 Million per year, we are all forced to 'report' every 90 days, complete TM30s, request 'permission to leave/re-enter and pay, request 'permission to stay another year. AND now it could be (not certain) that we are going to be forced to pay income taxes, unlike the Chinese Russian guests - but in return we get zero benefits or rights above what a Chinese/Russian tourist gets while they are in the country. Yes Thailand is short sighted and ignorant. Meanhwile Malaysia and Philippines (and other countries nearby) are offering me so much more. They dont all do all this following list, but they all have no income taxes, no 90 day reporting, no annual begging to stay (auto renew 5 years, plus another 5). Many of them also offer - customs duty exemptions on stuff brought into country, min sales tax on a new car, and a few others - and ............... wait for it (some countries) ............. the right to become a Resident and to buy a property with land (minimum value). My Thai wife has made it very clear - we are not going to pay close to 2 Million baht in income taxes over 15 years to Thailand for nothing in return. We will go live in a country nearby that gives me/us benefits in return for us living and spending all my money there. Or we will return to Australia and suck it up and just ignore all the woke left greenie crap. Although things may have started to turn in Australia - they just voted 'No Way' to giving the local Aborigines additional rights and benefits in the Constitution, despite all the MSM and all the woke lefty companies and organisations supporting it. Maybe we will go back earlier than planned.
  16. Thanks - I always suspected that. If anyone thinks that the Thai Govt is not going to see that and try to get additional taxes from all tax residents in Thailand, to pay for all the election promises etc., then they are very much mistaken. This new change is a step in that direction - and if any Expat thinks it will absolutely 'not apply to me', then they are very mistaken twice. Only if and when the Thai RD issues clarifications and exemptions that specifically state that money brought into Thailand by long-stay Expats is not taxable income (given certain conditions), such as Malaysia and Philippines and others have done, then it would be wise not to ignore this matter and assume it will go away. Hopefully the Thai RD clarifications and exemptions will be issued soon, or they delay implementation like Malaysia did, but until then IMO it is best to 'watch this space'.
  17. Ditto my last comment - stay away if this bothers you - it is totally voluntary to participate. But I think maybe you like being ............... difficult.
  18. Honda - whatever model suits you. Parts and Service everywhere - huge dealer network. Unlike KTM or Harley, they are not a 'niche' product - Honda is the biggest in Thailand by a long way and you will have more luck finding a decent dealer/service place.
  19. Not trained and not an attack dog - but it barks a lot. Tried many times to get it addressed - wife says we will have to move - nobody ever complained before me. Owner of this house has come and asked him to do something - he has threatened to call police on me. House other side of his is vacant. House across the road is vacant. House at the back of his is vacant. Thais dont complain - they just move. We will be moving next year - after this high season - too much trouble (and prices up) for next 3-4 months. I have a feeling his gate will be locked up one night by a padlock after I leave and he wont be able to get out at 6am and go to work - just saying. I have started catching and 'relocating' cats - that stopped him barking all night - but it still barks at everything moving in the street all day. My advice - never ever never ever never never never - buy a property in Thailand. It might be great for a while, but then one day a new neighbour will be like one of those in the OP list, and unlike back home in a civilised country, there is not a thing you can do about it here in Thailand.
  20. And if the mentality of some Expats on this forum is to be believed, they are going to get a very serious wake up call if they believe that in Thailand things work like back 'home'. Example - to get access to my bank records back home the Police needs a court order - but not in Thailand. Another - a bloke was detained in a Thai jail for 3 days because of a negative post he made about a Thai hotel (owner was realtive of a policeman?). There are so many other examples I could go for days. Reality Check - If the Thai RD wants it - they get it - and if that means holding an Expat in detention for not filing a tax return for several years while they 'take' all his assets - then they just do it. Some Expats dont seem to realise that they aint in Kansas anymore and that they have SFA legal rights in Thailand.
  21. The two worst cars I ever drove were an old Nissan Pulsar (which was new) and an MG Z. The Pulsar was a long time ago (rental car) and I never throught that it would be 'bettered' - but the MG Z that I rented for 2 weeks did the trick.The way that I look at it, all brands have a few 'duds' - even Mercedes screwed up with the original As and Bs. But going forward, I aint likely to ever get an MG - especially this showroom monstrosity - sorry mate.
  22. Suck it up Princess - face reality - you know what it is - make a plan. Ask her if she wants to move back to Thailand for a while. If she says NO. She is planning and preparing for divorcing you and taking you for all she can get. She is probably talking to a Thai woman or two, and a lawyer. Go see a lawyer and plan for the divorce - forget the kids mate - she will use them against you without any thought - and they will not want to know you when they get to 12-15 - the mother will poison your name and reputation. If she says YES. Move back to Thailand and see how things go. If there is no improvement over time, then slowly plan and prepare for a divorce in Thailand (much better to do it there mate). If things improve then you have made the right decision. Whatever you do, do NOT think that the kids matter more than yourself. Have you any idea how many single and sad 60+ years old blokes there are in places like Pattaya, and all over the western world, who spent a fortune 'looking after' their kids because it was 'the right thing to do' - but they never want to see him and rarely if/ever visit? Mate - Women use what is between their legs and what comes out of there - that is the way it is mate - sorry if you did not realise that (yet). At the best a good relationship is a balance of often opposing wants and needs in which both sides 'give'. The vast majority of women are idiots and want way more than they should - when told how they can get money from you they will often take that path - setting you up brilliantly - and 10 years later the bloke has no money because he was doing what he thought was the 'right thing' for his klids - but the moneyt all goes to the ex-wife who spendsa most of it on herself. Women are masters of self deception - they have no 'soul' as such - she can fully justify to herself financially raping you for decades and think nothing of it. Have a good long think and talk to a lawyer to get advice - do not talk to anyone else - women talk and anything you say to a mate will be 'sucked' out by his girl/wife and get back to your wife. Play it dumb and stupid - let her think you do not have a clue - we are good at that - but mate get back to Thailand either way. If/when it all goes to sheite in Thailand, then get a divorce started with an Expat lawyer and move out of Thailand - maybe Philippines - she can easily get you arrested and deported mate - yes they do those sort of things. Sorry mate - but you can spend the next 10-20 years of your life paying - or you can decide that it is over and start a new life. Up to you - but like I said - there are millions of old poor sad 50-60+ blokes with little money who stayed and did the 'right thing'. PS - if you leave - get a vasectomy - dont have any more kids mate.
  23. What they are doing is measuring their average passenger weights for the calculations mandated for additional fuel to be carried. In the past airlines used an 'average weight' model that I believe was set in the 80s or 90s - and people especialy in the West are 'heavier' now. Thai Airways will do their calculations based on the results, and they will have a lower 'average weight' than say a German or USA airline - so less reserve fuel and the costs to fly for them are lower. Will this in the future result in additional charges for obese passengers - I certainly hope so.
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