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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Bingo. I'm not neutral. I support the right of Israel to exist and defend itself. I know for a fact that Jews are indigenous to Israel and the leftist narrative of apartheid, "white" colonialization, and genocide is a crock. I think Hamas set up a trap and Israel felt they had no choice but to fall into it resulting in Israel badly losing the PR war. Possibly permanent damage to the future of Israel. I hope not but Israel demonizers have cause for optimism. I can also see that Israel has made mistakes and that Netanyahu has been a disaster.
  2. More stupidity. Being elected doesn't mean your views gel with 100 percent of your region. Stop lying about my views on Israel. Yeah you're a real 50 50 kind of guy.
  3. Don't be so stupid. No group is a monolith. Not all settlers are right wing extremists. Many are there mainly because they can't afford decent housing in regular Israel. Everything has to black and white with you. The real world is much more complicated.
  4. Agreed but her views do not represent the Israeli government.
  5. I'm not saying they should or shouldn't. My point is that people who fake being financially qualified with payoffs are by definition more suspect than those that follow the letter of the law. So in a REAL crackdown, they would stop the agent game. Yet they never do.
  6. The Arab leaders are lying. They can't accept a Jewish state in their region. Have Palestinian "refugees" for multiple generations is on them. They use that for internal political control purposes. They know they are same as any Arabs but they don't want to lose the eternal refugee card as a propaganda tool. Having an enemy to hate (Jews) takes the heat off their internal problems. If they absorb them then they lose that political tool, so the Palestinains are innocent victims of the Arab world. Of course Jordan has largely absorbed them so their political stance is different. If the conflict was Arab vs. Arab it wouldn't be an international issue -- PERIOD
  7. It's way beyond that! Online stuff has made attention deficit disorder the norm particularly in digital native generations. There is no going back.
  8. Xenophobia always works anywhere to divert attention away from real problems.
  9. More like they never want to absorb Palestinians. Look at how Lebanon treats them.
  10. You need to view bloodbath-gate in the wider context. I repeat my previous assertion -- Trump is evil. Stop him now before it is too late. ‘Bloodbath’ aside, Trump’s violent rhetoric is unambiguous - The Washington Post (archive.ph) ‘Bloodbath’ aside, Trump’s violent rhetoric is unambiguous Trump has already warned of “riots,” “violence in the streets” and “death & destruction” if he’s wronged. All of that context is vital.
  11. Saying people are "not people" is quite strange, but we've come to expect strange things from Trump. Of course all people are people. Even Trump. On the other hand all people are also all animals (mammals). Some people are so violent that calling them animals is not really so objectionable. But Trump is trying to demonize ALL migrants with his hateful rhetoric and that is not fair though it will serve to fire up his rabid base of cult followers.
  12. High level of debate there, bubba. You're right about one thing -- the connection between Putin and Trump. Yes Putin "won" his self directed show (not an election). Americans still have a chance to stop their wannaba dictator Trump in the upcoming election. It's way too late for Russians to change anything that way.
  13. Next we're going to hear that Israelis calling hummus Israeli food is genocide. Genocide inflation.
  14. No. There wasn't an actual election. Enjoy your dictator.
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