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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Israel should just leave the doors open for the terrorists?
  2. I believe that you believe that. What makes you think that the wars will stop IF there is ever a two state solution? Anyway, the majority on both sides don't even want a two state solution but I guess for some it's their "white man's burden" to try to force that or at least give lip service to it.
  3. No it didn't. The conflict is long lasting. This current war starting October 7.
  4. Hamas is still on record as intending to repeat October 7s again and again and again until the Jews of Israel are no more.
  5. Another one that never met a conspiracy theory that they didn't like.
  6. There it is. Classic trope code. Do you even get the odiousness of what you're saying? Did I say that? A Muslim woman in the west who normally covers should be forced not to cover to be polite? If she doesn't, is she saying Muslims are more important? I'm not much interested in further discussions with the obviously bigotted.
  7. An observant Jew wearing a kippah is NOT intolerance. If you cannot see that, there is no hope for you.
  8. Non Jews probably don't get this. but the truth is that Jew hating which is always with us, has spiked up dramatically recently and that of course includes Jews who aren't Israeli, don't relate to Israel, and don't live in Israel. As a result Jews throughout the world are more and more voluntarily trying to make themselves less visible in order to avoid being attacked. That's not always possible if your last name is Goldberg or you look like Woody Allen. So it is common for men who would normally want to wear a kippah to choose not to out of fear. In other words, to HIDE. That is very sad that so many Jews feel the need to do that but that's the way it is. But if you're meeting on the topic of religious tolerance, it seems to me that would not be the time to hide your religious and ethnic identity.
  9. I call B.S. The guy is a RELIGIOUS Jew. Not just a Jew. A RELIGIOUS Jew. The meeting was about RELIGIOUS tolerance. He was being forced to NOT be religious. The gaffe is on the Saudi side.
  10. That's interesting. A Pinoy guy I knew told me about his experience being a guest worker in Saudi. A typical Catholic Pinoy he carried a cross in his luggage. It was found, confiscated, and he was beaten. Religious tolerance, my ass!
  11. You're imagining what I think and that is sleazy. I do find people that use the colonialization word are the types that don't recognize that Jews are indigenous to Israel. I also stand by my assertion that Hamas cares NOTHING about the welfare of their own people, in THIS life anyway,
  12. Nothing new Israel cares more about Palestinian civillians than Hamas does.
  13. You're suggesting that the USA should make its Jews invisible in a country so important to Abrahamic religions? That's despicable.
  14. A religion whatzit?!? Is Christianity attempting to erase Ukraine?
  15. There is nothing to apologize for. No Jew should march in a rally calling for the genocide of Jews or anyone else even if they agree with other messages. The pro genocide stuff cancels anything else.
  16. Now I see you're being disingenuous with your fake outrage acting like you didn't get the perfectly apt analogy.
  17. You still don't get it! I suggest reading Jews don't count. Progressives respect reports of hatred, racism, etc. from every other group as well they should but for some very perverted reasons the one exception is Jews. You won't even acknowledge that. Thus you aren't posting in good faith.
  18. I read it. It proved my point. Would you attend a rally that is chanting for the genocide of whatever ethnicity you are?!? Even if you liked some other things that were chanted? Perhaps the Jews will not replace us rally in Charlottesville was OK to attend if you're a fan of tiki torches. Your POV reminds me of Trump saying Hitler did some good things too.
  19. I want to go on record as being against interspecies marriage.
  20. Cherry picking out of context. Like I said, you completely refuse to acknowledge the problem I've brought up and documented. It doesn't fit your narrative so you totally ignore it. That's not only not posting in good faith but it's sleazy.
  21. I do have a point about the litmus test for Jews by leftists but you don't like to hear it, so you just ignore it as if it doesn't exist when it most certainly does exist. I have posted ample evidence that it does indeed exist. From Jews. It's funny that progressives are happy to respect reports from every other minority group that they are experiencing racist hate, but from Jews, they won't hear it. Refer to the book Jews don't count for more confirmation of this. I don't think we have anything further to say if you're not willing to post in good faith.
  22. I am not sure yet. I think you need to be in a certain frame of mind to enjoy watching it. I started to watch it and saw the quality in it but decided to wait until I'm in the mood.
  23. Any Jew willing to march with an anti Israel mob shouting River to the Sea is a useful idiot for Hamas. You proved my point but you're too dim to get it. Jews face a litmus test by leftists. Jews must proclaim that they are anti Zionist which means against the existence of Israel and be happy to march with pro genocide of Jews protests or they are enemies and subject to Jew hatred.
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