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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. To Jew haters European Jews are white when it supports their narrative and Asiatic vermin also when it serves their narrative as the Nazis did.
  2. Ga-ga and Maga. It started with Bush v Gore and now it's much much worse.
  3. Agreed. Putin just gave a speech where he threatened again to nuke the west. On Russian propaganda tv they speak of global occupation including London and Washington. Yet the Magadonians side with Russia over Ukraine.
  4. They do. Isreal exists and isn't going anywhere. Try to change that and you've got a big problem.
  5. Israel exists and isn't going anywhere. Try to change that and you've got a big problem.
  6. Infused cannabis oil has a shelf life of two years max if optimally stored.
  7. Yes and no. Cannabis has a shelf life. If you stock up then you will have amounts that will probably invite charges of dealing if caught. Again the question -- do they intend on going into people's homes looking for weed or not? Even if not, if for some reason the police enter for any other reason, then you've got a problem.
  8. Jews already are indigenous to Israel. Have been for thousands of years. Long before Arab colonialists entered the area.
  9. Actually the nasty insult is a trademark of Trump himself. So I guess according to you Trump is gay and a woman. Haters gonna hate.
  10. Well it depends if flower with any decent level of THC will be allowed or not for medical.
  11. Bad news. The gateway drug thing is total hooey. Heck -- milk is a gateway drug to heroin. They could tighten laws about selling to underage only -- nobody would object to that. So what will this mean in reality? Will they be aggressively going after people using in the privacy of their own homes, or not? Will they take and respond to "weed smell" snitches coming from people's own homes? People will still want flower so it will still be available. So no chance of having taxes on such sales now. Risky for sellers then, but what about buyers? Will it be the old school sell it and then pocket a reward for snitching game? Will prices for flower go up or down? Miserable change.
  12. Magadonians don't get that trying to stay in power after losing an election should be completely disqualifying for holding any future public office, dog catcher included. You could list hundreds of faults of Trump. That's enough. The fact that a significant percentage of Americans want someone who did something so deeply anti American, anti constitution, doesn't bode well for the future.
  13. I have this issue with bee stings which I learned as a child. Apparently, she was very allergic to both nuts and dairy. I wasn't even aware of people going into anaphylactic shock from dairy. I associate dairy more with lactose intolerance. I think there might be a clue here. Food industry people may be suffering from customer food intolerance demand inflation. So many people act like they're celiac when they just might be gluten intolerant if even that. Even if celiac which is serious you don't go into shock from that. I'm assuming staffs are trained well about nut allergies, but I wonder if someone says dairy, that it might not always be taken as seriously. It's not an emergency if someone gets a stomach ache.
  14. Very few countries welcome Russians these days of the countries that Russians or anyone else would usually want to stay at. The most popular now are Georgia, Turkey, Thailand, Egypt, Serbia, UAE. It's a moving target. For example Turkey has made it much harder for Russians to stay permanently but of course still welcomes tourists.
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