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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Is Dune 2 worth watching if you haven't watched Dune 1 and don't know Dune from a day at the beach?
  2. I can't help you if you haven't followed the news since he came down the elevator. But you're objectively wrong.
  3. No. Trump is different. The extent of his threat to the world is not hyperbole.
  4. If states could remove which scotus ruled they can't each state has unique election laws so not necessarily.
  5. Trump is not a conservative. He's running tp be fascist dictator for life. He's also a traitor.
  6. The Colorado determination stands! SCOTUS didn’t mention it. What SCOTUS did was to void a part of the constitution ruling states can't enforce it.
  7. The judge. https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-rape-e-jean-carroll-sexual-abuse-jury-judge-2023-7?op=1 Donald Trump raped E. Jean Carroll even though he was found liable only for 'sexual abuse,' judge rules
  8. The Zone of Interest Based on the novel by Martin Amis Another holocaust movie you might ask? Well yes as this one is entirely original in perspective. https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/the-zone-of-interest-film-review-2023
  9. It is a fact that Trump is an adjudicated rapist in a court of law. It is a fact that Trump is an adjudicated insurrectionist based on a legal process in Colorado. As far as presidential.debates let's see who the final nominees of both parties are first before blowing a lot of silly noise. If it's Trump v Biden I predict Trump will refuse to debate even once. We shall see.
  10. What SCOTUS didn't address was the Colorado ruling that Citizen (not president) Trump is an insurrectionist. So as it stands now, Trump on top of being an adjudicated rapist is also an adjudicated insurrectionist. Of course his maga cult fans won't budge, even as it becomes clearer and clearer that Trump suffers from advanced dementia.
  11. It sounds like he deserves it but then again I'm not thrilled to hear about expats being deported as a general thing. I would have preferred some kind of plan where this man was forced to humiliate himself publicly in a super dramatic way. Lost face for life. I doubt he would reoffend.
  12. Trump has problems pronouncing words. It's ironic that the attacks on Biden's age are now backfiring as more evidence comes in showing its Trump that has the advanced mental deterioration.
  13. Being tuned to rising antisemitism is a survival mechanism for Jews. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/31/politics/antisemitism-unstable-world-analysis/index.html
  14. Covered this already and anyway it's not OK if people feel the need to hide their ethnicity just to feel safe.
  15. I call B.S. What did random British Jews do to justify hatred based on being a Jew?
  16. I want to point out that Jew hating is also not OK when a person is an Israeli Jew. Recently my youtube algorithm pushed me stories about a bad boy son of an Israeli consular official in Florida. The boy committed a crime and it was judged he wasn't covered by diplomatic immunity. All well and good. Among Jews among any nationality some commit crimes and face justice. But then I read the comments. Endless flow of racist Jew hating toxicity. Those people don't just hate criminals, or Zionists, or Israelis. They hate all Jews! Don't believe anyone who denies how pervasive hatred of Jews really is. It's always been with us but right now it is exploding yet again.
  17. With "friends" like you, who needs enemies? Eight out of ten British Jews identify as Zionist, says new poll - The Jewish Chronicle (thejc.com) Eight out of ten British Jews identify as Zionist, says new poll The CAA said the November survey countered far-left claims that Zionism is separate from Jewish identity
  18. No it isn't. You hate something that you don't even have an accurate definition about. Regular ignorance or willful ignorance?
  19. Perhaps many non Jews don't get this, but all Jews know about visible vs. non visible Jews. Some Jews if they don't wear a kippah, Star of David, etc. can pass as not being a Jew. Others based on their ethnicity and cultural factors such as speech patterns, etc. can be marked as Jews by most everyone. I'm Ashkenazi and can mostly pass. So I have had the fun experience of hearing Jew hating slurs and jokes told by people who didn't know. Some of my relatives couldn't pass to save their lives (and historically that is literal). A thing that runs in my family is being blonde while young and then later not. Based on a story told by my grandmother that might have saved her life during an encounter with a Jew murdering cossack. Believe it or not there are similarities. to gay identity. Some gay men can butch up and always pass. Others are identifiable as gay a mile away. So to those who say well Jews can hide it. Yes, some can and some can't. But why should they have to?!? Is it a healthy society where people feel forced to hide their identity? A more general comment -- the massive spike in global antisemitism is a fact. It makes it much worse to hear gaslighting telling Jews it isn't really happening. It is really happening. From leftists who care about all kind of oppression but think oppression of Jews is "OK" because they perceive Jews as whiter and richer. For more on this subject refer to the British author of Jews Don't Count.
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