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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. More than that. After Putin's fake election in March the consensus of opinion is that there will be another major troop mobilization. So that's going to push a new wave of Russians out of Russia and many of them will of course come to Thailand.
  2. Definitely Hitler. I think Putin is today's Hitler but I think it's up to the Russians to take care of that.
  3. If you're talking US law, I think it would only cover US presidents. Do you know differently? Other national leaders I think would be covered under free speech.
  4. Have you done a survey of their political views?
  5. Go looking for rouble, rouble will crash on you.
  6. Everything about Trump and his swarmy band of Magadonians is divisive and repugnant.
  7. He will live in infamy for failing to vote to convict Trump. He could have saved America from fascism. Another case of a complicit republican who put Trump over country and constitution.
  8. No, too respectful of the constitution to effectively serve under Trump.
  9. Trump in power is not about the USA's interest. It's only about his personal interests.
  10. Makes sense to me. If Trump takes power he intends to be King od the USA. All the protection for him only.
  11. Not a silly question. There is a democratic party primary happening. Biden is winning that overwhelmingly. There is not even one democratic of substance opposing him. They are free to do so but haven't. Why? Well there is a usual custom with both parties that an incumbent president who.has been reasonably successful is usually nominated easily for the second term. It may seem a paradox but the vast majority of democratic think Biden has been successful and that his policy positions match with theirs AND that the optics of his age are terrible. If he had not run again it would have been a wild open primary. But he did.
  12. Perfect Days Zen and the art of professional toilet cleaning? Why does this Japanese toilet cleaner have such great taste in western music and literature? Why does such a character find fulfillment in such a lowly job? This is an art film I guess but accessible beyond that label. If you don't know Tokyo you will feel you know it. To me the film was a mixture of the life affirming and life depressing but the affirmation part dominates. 5 flushes
  13. Not a silly question. There is a democratic party primary happening. Biden is winning that overwhelmingly. There is not even one democratic of substance opposing him. They are free to do so but haven't. Why? Well there is a usual custom with both parties that an incumbent president who.has been reasonably successful is usually nominated easily for the second term. It may seem a paradox but the vast majority of democratic think Biden has been successful and that his policy positions match with theirs AND that the optics of his age are terrible. If he had not run again it would have been a wild open primary. But he did.
  14. Look dude the vast majority of democrats want to put up someone other than Biden mostly because of the optics of his age, but he's made his decision, and when push comes to shove there is that binary choice and he will probably win against trump the traitor, but there are so many variables in what could happen between now and election day that it's ridiculous to be overconfident either way.
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