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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. A curse on the American Putin loving maga fascists who are blocking vitally needed military aid to Ukraine in their brave defense against the murdeeoous aggression of expansionist Russia.
  2. I don't think people should take anything about this at face value from either the IDF, Al Jazeera, or Hamas. A question should be asked though -- who gains the most from people thinking IDF did this? Certainly not Israel. Anyway, I will focus on your as long as it exists snark. Clearly written by a person that didn't think Israel deserved to exist in the first place.
  3. Back to reality. Kids who think they are cats are incredibly rare. Moms who take their kids to vets to be treated as cats number one person. This is a novelty item and no more.
  4. Yes October 7 was incredibly barbaric. Soon after Putin invited Hamas (charter says kill all Jews) to Moscow. Reminds me of the exile of the pro genocide Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to Berlin during WW2.
  5. It's a war. Russia started it. In 2014 Russia stole Crimea. Taking out Putin's pride and joy the Kherson Bridge would mean a huge change in momentum for Ukraine. Yes I support the struggle of Ukraine to resist Russian imperialism and fascism and get back as much of their country as they can. It's not about loving destruction. When wars are necessary and this one is for Ukraine, you need to blow things up. Ukraine has already advised Russian civlilians to stay off that bridge!
  6. Wow finally someone that knows how to end the seemingly endless Israel Palestinian conflict! You make it sound so simple! You need to be flown out there immediately!
  7. It will definitely be very hard. But some progress is possible. I'm looking forward to the Kherson bridge being destroyed this year.
  8. Yeah you can find cherry picked anecdotal "news" stories to support any agenda. The truth is the "problem" of LGBT stuff in.schools is wildly exaggerated by right wingers. Their fascist solution to this fake problem is to pass laws to completely erase LGBT people and content.
  9. You are welcome to move there and be part of a meat grinder attack in Ukraine. We had western Hitler lovers in WW2 too.
  10. There are cases where it makes sense. Such as during pride month to help gay students who are often badly bullied feel welcome by school officials probably reducing feelings of isolation, depression, and to reduce suicides. Also perhaps there is a school club for gay students or gay straight alliance clubs. A problem with banning pride flags is that it is a strong signal to teachers to self censor about anything gay in any teaching context. Such as sex education, history, sociology, the arts, etc. Basically a don't say gay policy without the need to pass an explicit law about. BTW this issue was addressed on the latest episode of the tv comedy sitcom The Conners.
  11. Yes buying online is much cheaper. But if flower with thc is illegal again I don't see how that can be shipped anymore by Thai Post or Flash which most use. I can see that working for local area direct deliveries though.
  12. Keep in mind that anti gay bigots start by going after stuff in schools because its easy to sell but almost always go much further. Witness Russia.
  13. Its just part of his cynical propaganda mind f games. Putin is a monstrous imperialist fascist dictator.
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