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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Right now, if you're Jewish in a foreign country RACIST people naturally want you to declare where you stand.
  2. My information indicates most of the casualties were caused by crowd panic trampling. But the pro Hamas river to the sea brigade smell another incident to exploit for Israel demonization proganda. They're winning that part of this war.
  3. No, Trump's mental deterioration is much more advanced. 'Venezwheregullah': Trump's most ridiculed 'short circuits' from North Carolina rally - Raw Story
  4. Biden didn't start wars. Wars happened on his watch. I agree of course that Nixon and Bush Jr. were very bad presidents. Nixon's crimes seem trivial compared to Trump's crimes though. Bush Jr. Iraq fiasco was perhaps the worst foreign policy mistake in American history.
  5. I think it depends entirely on the academic context. For example in a classroom teaching Spanish, I think displaying the flags of all the Spanish speaking nations including the USA would be both conducive to learning and charming.
  6. Hopefully not scopolamine.
  7. Trump is pro Putin. Trump is pro dictatorships. Trump is anti democracy. I consider him a criminal and traitor.
  8. We're expats here. Not only don't we want to be arrested but we don't want to deported and blacklisted either. I consider buying THC flowers online now no risk to us. Extracts with THC and edibles you would think would be a risk to receive seem to be no risk as well. At the end of the year, I really don't know and nobody else does either.
  9. I am not sure that you're correct about that. I have read differently. But even so, it's clear they won't want online sales to happen as they do now.
  10. Yelling anti Jewish slurs is some people that "don't like" Jews? You really are too too much.
  11. As if you care about Ukrainians. Ukrainians are fighting an exisential fight for their survival as a sovereign nation and a culture separate from Russia. War criminal fascist dictator Putin is on record as not recognizing Ukrainian as an identity and his clear intention is to take over the entire country, Russify it, erase everything Ukrainian including their people and cities, and use it as a strategic base for further imperialistic expansion.
  12. I hate Netanyahu as well. The topic HERE is about a Jew hating mob at Berkeley.
  13. I am not bringing religion into it. Jew haters are racists against people with Jewish ethnic identity. It's weird how many people are so dense about what Jews are. It's not like Christianity of Islam. It's more like Kurds.
  14. Zionism is about political self determination for the Jewish people. Not sure what weird game you are playing bringing up religion. People attacking Jews for being Jews are RACIST. Whether those Jews practice the Jewish religion or any other religion for that matter is irrelevant to the Jew haters.
  15. So what? Is it a crime to have Israeli nationality. These Jew hating thugs were attacking the crowd going to hear a speaker with anti Jewish slurs. Don't play dumb.
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