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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. So if they do come in a big wave how will you feel as an American about so many new anti maga American expats?
  2. That's what Putin says about the millions of Russians who have fled his dictatorship.
  3. Well more maga Americans are moving to Russia now. Maybe they won't feel the need if Trump takes power.
  4. I make no predictions but this article suggests that yes more really will. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-reelected-americans-are-planning-to-flee-in-droves-2024-3 "Fleeing Trumpland As the presidential election looms, millions of Americans are eyeing the exits." Personally when I left the USA the political situation in the US had nothing to do with it. In fact I was happy with the political situation there at the time. Before Trump of course.
  5. A few things. Trump is lying. He always lies. If the specifics of the debate are proposed, he will object to it. Also, he's playing a cynical game which seems to suggest there should be debates BEFORE the candidates are nominated by their parties. Naturally, no president would ever agree to that.
  6. Yeah he doesn't seem to know much. For his purposes he should prioritize paths to permanent residency and citizenship. Nowhere in Asia. Possibilities in Latin America.
  7. I doubt Israelis are going to agree to rewarding a Palestinian state based on the October 7 barbarism. Palestinians already know they can milk hostages. For any hope of that Hamas will need to be completely out of the picture. Doesn't seem likely.
  8. I support people from the west considering moving abroad for financial arbitrage motivations, especially retirees, successful digital nomads, etc. Housing costs in the U.S., Canada, U.K. etc are ruinous. However people need to be realistic and understand that no target country is a paradise and they need to be realistic about how they are going to support themselves, as the place may be cheaper but it sure won't be free, especially if working in the local economy (plus of course visas). So you solve some problems leaving, but you gain some new problems as a trade off.
  9. I would like to suggest the youtube channel of Jake Broe. While some may accuse it of being pro Ukrainian propaganda and he is very open about his bias, it remains a very compelling source of daily war updates, human interest items, political commentary, and also not shying away from reporting good news for Russia and bad news for Ukraine when it happens. He is politically conservative republican type of American but extremely anti-maga based on their batting for Putin. While on the subject I also suggest: Inside Russia Zack the Russian Professor Gerdes Explains Silicon Curtain Vlad Vexler (probably an acquired taste)
  10. Trump spoke after doing nothing for several hours. Neither you nor Trump is fooling anybody.
  11. Ukraine has been doing amazingly well considering the American maga fascists led by Trump, Johnson, Tucker, Greene, etc. have sided with the enemy Russia. The vast majority of Americans want to send more military aid to Ukraine ASAP so it's particularly disgusting that these treasonous magas aren't even reflecting the will of the American people. These maga fascists are direct equivalents of the isolationist America First movement during WW2 led by Charles Lindbergh but that treasonous movement never came close to having a president or speaker of the house in their Nazi loving corner.
  12. I get your sarcasm. I'm sure you're wrong. Trump is objectively like no other politician in America history. Acting like this is just another partisan election is both dangerous and insane.
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