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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Not bloody likely but either one is subject to health crisis risks and in Trump's case incarceration risk.
  2. I see a similarity to the Maoist cultural revolution where the most idiotic and unskilled cultists ruled and the elites that knew stuff and could actually do stuff were made into villains. Instead of little red book, they have their big red hat, fitting as they don't read.
  3. Unfortunately, Trump could win, especially is there are third party candidates. Being smug about this increases the chances that he will.
  4. You intentionally failed to mention that proposal was for massively wealthy people ONLY.
  5. Liz Cheney leftist? In what alternative reality would that make sense? Another case of maga brain rot.
  6. No. Cheney is one of the few remaining REAL republicans. Maga fascist Trump has taken over the republican party. They aren't republicans. They're Maga fascists.
  7. Blood on the hands of treasonous scum Trump, magadonians, Johnson, Tucker, etc.
  8. So does that mean you didn't like Please Like Me?
  9. Your loss as that detail even if you were correct about that is irrelevant to my main points there. Be honest. You're not really interested. You just like to be argumentative. So you play silly gotcha games. A fan of Tucker are you? https://www.businessinsider.com/fox-news-host-tucker-carlson-biography-of-right-wing-superstar-2020-7 Tucker Carlson was born in May 1969 in San Francisco, California into a wealthy family. His father, Richard Warner Carlson, had forged an eventful career in journalism and later politics, and his mother, Lisa McNear, was an artist.
  10. I have very much enjoyed the two seasons of the Australian comedy tv series Fisk. The humor is droll so not really laugh out loud stuff. I think a third season is coming. Easily triggered bigots alert - the main character's parent is gay. The style of humor reminds me a bit of the American series Loudermilk.
  11. You're missing a key issue. Agreed Tucker was born very rich and doesn't know about grocery shopping. However, LOOK DEEPER. Tucker is explicitly saying that because the total was 100 dollars instead of 400 dollars that Russia which he clearly knows is an autocratic regime is doing better for it's people than the USA, a democracy, though a flawed one. He says he was "radicalized" by his shopping trip. Clearly in favor of Putin, and against American democracy. Do you actually believe he believes the BS he is pushing? Do you actually believe he is so stupid that he doesn't know the average wage in Russia even in relatively rich Moscow is much much lower than the average US wage? Clearly, anyone with a brain understands that the US system is doing much better for it's people with food costs relative to incomes, yet he tells a big lie that it's the opposite. Now you could take other expense categories like housing and health care, and come up with different objective conclusions that would make the US look bad, but on grocery costs the propaganda he is pushing is garbage. So I do wonder does he believe the garbage he is pushing (in which case he really is very stupid) or is it just a game to increase his personal wealth? Another thing about his real or fake ignorance. I do believe lots of very misinformed Americans still think Russian grocery are still like Soviet times. He exploits that of course with his propaganda, but again, was he really so stupid as to have not known that was long ago history by now? So real stupid or fake stupid? I find it hard to tell.
  12. I want to add that according to a prominent pro Putin Z youtuber in RuSSia, Expat American, there are now only about 5,000 Americans living in Russia. I reckon many of them moved long ago for normal reasons like family reunification, so of those 5,000 hard to tell what portion are politically like this family. He and others are actively promoting more right wing westerners to move to Russia though. So it's a small trend, yes. But compared to the massive number of Russians that have fled their dictatorship (often very high skilled people causing a brain drain), it's really a drop in the bucket.
  13. Yep. In Tucker's case it's hard to tell if he's actually as much of a moron as he appears to be, or if it's just a cynical act to cash in on the low information magadonians. On that note, among the pro Putin English speaking youtubers in Russia western and local, Tucker is an object of worship. They make pilgrimages to every place he visited in Moscow. It's really quite bizarre! A case of an anti Putin Russian who has successfully escaped to a decent country -- Portugal.
  14. I don't think that's the point. I have problems with my US accounts as well. I fake being a US resident because they are generally expat unfriendly, sanctions or not. I think the issue with this foolish family is that they speak no Russian and in general expected things to be much easier than they already are. As we all know, being an expat anywhere means facing challenges going along. You don't give up after the first or tenth problem or you won't be an expat for long. They seem to think because they are so "pro family and anti LGBT" that there would be some kind of magical reception for them in "pro family anti LGBT" Russia. Their political views which are explicitly pro Putin don't make banking rules go away, etc. In moving there that have also forfeited any freedom to criticize the Russian government or really anything about Russia institutions in general.
  15. In reality, the problem with frozen accounts that happened to them was on the RuSSian side.
  16. Those propaganda clips were mostly about LGBT but yes also about vegan, racial minority issues, and childless couples. However anyone watching what's been happening in Russia over the years as I have been knows full well the main enemy targets of the Kremlin are the USA, the "collective west", and both of those explicitly linked to fear mongering about LGBT. Not everyone will agree with this, but I believe there is already a new world war on (cold and hot with proxies), and if western governments don't see that yet, the Kremlin certainly does. It's about a coalition of autocracies (Russia, Iran, China, North Korea, Hamas, etc.) against what remains of western democracies. The LGBT demonization thing is a scapegoating propaganda tactic but it's much much bigger than that. Within the western democracies we have forces more loyal to the autocracy side than western democracies. For example, Trump, Orban, Tucker Carlson, Mike Johnson, the Maga throw Ukraine under the bus brigade. etc.
  17. Canadians in their democracy are free to debate and advocate for their views regarding such issues. Moving to Russia, a westerner makes the choice to give that up to trade for living in a fascist dictatorship that scapegoats LGBT people to an extreme level. If they go to protest that or even speak against that, they are labelled a foreign agent and subject to long prison terms. Get the difference? The far right wing bigots moving to Russia obviously love that LGBT people are persecuted there, but if the Russian government has the power to do that, which they do, who knows who or what they will go after later, which may not be so pleasing to these useful idiots for Putin.
  18. Don't be so stupid. No sitting president ever would have a presidential debate with someone who isn't even nominated yet.
  19. Trump is more afraid of debating Biden than vice versa. Biden must demand debates and if Trump refuses then play chicken ads 24 7.
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