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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Many people are saying that Trump's drag name is ... Miss Trial
  2. I think Putin sees himself more as a Russian empire Czar than being about restoring the USSR. Either way barbaric and expansionist. Vladimir the Terrible. https://time.com/6218211/vladimir-putin-russian-tsars-imperialism/
  3. Yes and completely off topic here. A maga fascist who moves to Russia based on that issue would be exceptionally stupid.
  4. What's wrong with people having the freedom to be different? Does that hurt you?
  5. Congratulations NEMO on the big win (and me for picking the winner). They really deserve it. Such a sweetheart. It was a cluster F of a Eurovision thanks to the pro Hamas mobs in the streets and all that booing, but oddly and luckily, I think NEMO saved the day and will bring good vibes back to the contest.
  6. Completely unrelated cases. Bizarre that you even bring it up.
  7. Well I see it this way. Russians fleeing (perhaps in the millions) the fascist Putin dictatorship is totally expected and to be supported. Maga fascist westerners moving to Z Putin fascist Russia for political reasons is much more newsworthy, kind of like man bites dog kind of thing.
  8. Food overall is much better in Thailand. Hotels are cheaper in Thailand.
  9. You don't need to live in Bangkok OR Manila. There are other probably better for most options in both countries.
  10. It happened before so it's legal and constitutional, but never with someone who might actually win. Of course if he did win from prison he would free himself.
  11. I don't know but the reality is that the youtube channels of the better known maga fascists in Russia are growing very quickly. So many people are either hate watching their pro Putin propaganda or thinking about making such a stupid move themselves. So it shouldn't surprise that a topic somewhere else about about these maga / Putin Z fascists would attract interest.
  12. But it does. Some trolls here are trying to argue the LGBT rights issue based on arguments that children shouldn't be exposed to such thing. TOTALLY OFF TOPIC! The Russian anti LGBT laws again are comprehensive to everyone and everything in Russian society. It's an attempt at HIJACKING the actual topic and if you're playing along with that, you're adding to that too.
  13. The anti LGBT laws in Russia are about everyone of all ages, not only about issues concerning kids.
  14. Maher made a funny joke about Biden's failed effort to please everyone. Biden's in favor of the two state solution -- Minnesota and Michigan. Political savvy Americans will get that.
  15. I think golfers are weird but I don't want them sent to prison for several years for identifying as a golfer. Your post themes here about the LGBT situation in Russia are totally clueless and stupid relative to the actual situation there. In other words -- TROLL CITY. BTW -- I think everyone is weird. That's the human condition. Hell is other people as Sartre said.
  16. Nothing about the maga fascists attracted to Russia for political reasons so basically worthless and off topic. Typical PABLUM.
  17. Nobody. He can run from prison.
  18. The D7 Portugal visa would be doable to anyone that can do a Thai retirement visa. Unlike Thailand it's a path to permanent residency. For maga / Z fascist westerners seeking residency and citizenship in "Mother" Russia the videos of most of the traitors provide information and even references to a specialist lawyer geared to such westerners. Hetero marriage to a Russian is the easiest way. Otherwise it's quite a process and you must learn Russian.
  19. Weird post. Are you anti golfer if you don't golf? Perhaps you are ignorant about the extreme extent of persecution and demonization of LGBT people under the fascist dictatorship of Putin.
  20. Not if the west unifies in stopping him. If maga fascist Trump wins, then they won't.
  21. Well we have a winner. The X factor is whether the result would have been different if the Netherlands weirdo hadn't been kicked out.
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