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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Another charming thing about their cult. They hope to move to a remote area and continue with home schooling the same they did in Canada. In English as they don't speak Russian. Their stated plan is 4 hours home school and then farm labor. I don't know if the Russian government will allow that.
  2. Blimey I reckon rural Saskatchewan is as white as the driven snow. Also statistically there is a good chance at least one of their family cult will be gay. That's gonna be great in Russia!
  3. Well I have and stale weed in a vape is a bad idea even with the lower Temps.
  4. I agree with that too but I would like into whether the weed is too stale as well.
  5. He has claimed he has been researching Russia for many years. I don't doubt he knows a lot about farming. I can understand getting out of Canada or the US. Costs are too high, probably too regulated, especially the US wracked by political division. But for his purposes there were scads of better choices than Russia all places! For example Paraguay and I'm sure Spanish is easier to learn than Russian.
  6. He's part of a fairly significant trend. The Putin regime is encouraging this for propaganda purposes. There has even been talk of building a Maga village specifically for Maga Americans. I wonder if there was a similar trend of North Americans moving to Nazi Germany.
  7. I have been following this family for the same reason it's interesting to look at train wrecks. The parents are hard core anti LGBT BIGOTS. They lived in rural Canada and were occasionally exposed to things like rainbow flags when they needed to go into cities. So because of that they move to Russia, a land ruled by a fascist dictator, where any speech against him or his war of choice (which you're not allowed to call a war) can land you with a long prison sentence or thrown out a window. His videos feature showing the Russian flag which he calls the new flag of freedom. Tell that to Navalny. I consider his family an internal loop small CULT. I feel both parents are guilty of child abuse. He openly claims that it was his children (who are of course very sweet) were the reason he moved to Russia because that were offended by the LGBT stuff too. I don't believe that for a second. He taught them to be homophobes just as families often teach their kids to be racists. I think he will probably stay in Russia. He's a great useful idiot for Putin -- great propaganda. I think the Russian government ultimately is invested in more far right wing, anti LGBT, maga, etc. westerners choosing to move to Russia. Of course they will need to toe the Z Putin line or they'll be screwed.
  8. If it was water, the netizens should back off. The drivers are human beings and it's hot out. If it's Coke, yeah of course, he would need permission. I can't see the color of the liquid coming out, can you?
  9. They've sold their souls if they ever had souls for a transactional deal with a wannabe fascist American dictator. Trump cares only about himself. If you can help him, he's on board. If not, you're the enemy.
  10. Check to see if there is a difference between fresh weed and older dried out weed. Good chance that's the problem. Dry weed in a vape will combust and thus the coughing.
  11. Russia created this war. I think in a world war with the west vs. Iran, Russia, China, Thailand wouldn't be able to be with the west even if they wanted to.
  12. Calling it "woke" art is crap journalism and tells the audience what to think. It's art period. A statue memorializing a monarch is a statue. Apples and oranges.
  13. Discounting the orangutang theory I'm quite certain citizen Trump is indeed a human being. But I'm also convinced he is among the absolute worst human beings ever to come out of the American culture in all its history.
  14. So you think Thailand should prioritize non citizens over Thai citizens? Interesting.
  15. So equal rights is woke? That's what's messed up about the so called anti woke movement. All it's evolved to mean is everything they don't like.
  16. It's hard to imagine Thailand ever putting someone as degenerate as Trump into power.
  17. Conspiracy theory garbage. There has been an organic grass roots movement in Thailand for sexual minority equality for decades already.
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