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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Once read best ignored. Don't feel the jelly roll.
  2. Not a joke. Dead serious. https://www.salon.com/2023/09/07/plans-to-become-a-dictator--denial-will-not-save-you/ Donald Trump is a dictator in waiting. Like other dictators, he is threatening to put his "enemies" in prison – and to do even worse things to them. These are not idle threats or empty acts of ideation: Donald Trump is a violent man who is a proven enemy of democracy and freedom.
  3. It's sad how many people don't know anything about history.
  4. Trump second term would be much different and much worse than first term.
  5. What's not to believe? Trump hasn't even conceded the last election. He's running to dodge prison. He has nothing to lose if he loses.
  6. Of course the popular vote is irrelevant regardless, but I think there is zero chance of Trump winning the popular vote (which he lost dramaticaly the last two times).
  7. Well I use SCB only for my retirement extension qualifying account. I don't like that they ended online banking and so far I haven't installed the phone app and don't intend to over security concerns. I do pay them 200 baht a year to send an SMS every time there is a transaction so if someone is draining my account I'll know instantly. I do lots of online banking with Bangkok Bank instead. I have no problem with ATM or branch access with SCB. Dealing with them for my immigration business has been seamless for many years. One time I had a problem with them because my signature changed when getting a new bank book. Interestingly a recent experience where my signature changed again, not a word from them. Maybe after a certain age they just give up, ha ha. As I don't write checks and haven't signed a contract for years, my signature varies wildly pretty much every time I do it.
  8. But it was way too close for comfort in the electoral swing state contests in 2020 even though Biden landslided the loser in the popular vote. We need to face the harsh reality that Trump could win and even if he loses which he probably will, he won't admit it and chaos or much worse will follow.
  9. Still very funny to me. One of the best shows ever in television history. I am feeling sad that this really is the last season. They are bringing back characters or themes from previous seasons which makes perfect sense in a FINALE season. BTW -- It REALLY is illegal to bring water to voters waiting in long lines for several hours in the hot sun in Georgia and most of those long lines are in black areas. To make that humorous which he does is pure genius. Also the lawn jockey thing -- HILARIOUS! The store clerk power tripping over bathroom access -- who can't relate to that? He has done similar political type things before by making fun of how people react to Maga hats, the classic Palestinian chicken episode, the Vindman episode, etc. and always in a hilarious way.
  10. Honestly as an expat in Thailand, probably not all that much right away. BUT ... As far as the USA and the world, a whole lot of chaos and the continued global rise of dictatorships and the decline of democracies. There will be risks whoever is president of course. Trump will leave Nato and throw Ukraine under the bus and contrary to what maga types say, that will embolden war criminal dictator Putin and he'll be much more likely to go for other countries in the region -- the Baltics, Poland, Moldova, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan, etc. But he might pause even for some years in order to rebuild his military which has been significantly damaged. Of course above would mean a more explicit world war with an axis of Russia, China, Iran being against the west with an isolationist USA greatly weakening the west. Would Thailand try to stay neutral as they historically generally prefer or side with the axis? Why would they side with the west with a then isolated USA and Russia and China so much closer? So how would Thailand then treat "enemy" foreigners living in their land? Also to consider CIVIL WAR is now a risk in the USA. How? Trump is likely to lose the election like last time but like last time he will never admit that he lost and he will claim that he won. It's easy to imagine several possible scenarios that could lead to civil war from that. Obviously expats abroad from a county at civil war are going to be facing negative consequences.
  11. About the funding issue yes. He has bipartisan support on that and it's been an issue for decades. On the we won't honor Article 5 collective defense, that's outrageous. As for I encourage genocidal war criminal dictator Putin to do what he wants to NATO nations short on their funding -- that is TREASON.
  12. Putin wants peace if you give him everything he wants. He's a genocidal war criminal and his intent is to completely erase Ukraine. Other nations in the region are worried as well. Even those to the east the Stans which you would know if you actually followed what is said INTERNALLY in Russia, not the we want peace lies told to the west. A negotiation would only mean a pause until Russia beefs up it's military again to then take more. There is evil in the world. Yes Putin is the Hitler of your times. You may not be interested in war but war is interested in you. To erase any further doubt of the imperialist mindset of Putin who fancies himself as a Peter the Great / Stalin figure: Vladimir Putin: “Russia’s borders do not end anywhere.” Now on billboards in Russia.
  13. SCB charges 200 baht for the full year statement on the spot but gives a shorter one free. I don't get the 12 deposits -- that would be income method and yes in that case you need to show them all without an embassy affadavit. I use the 800k method. I think Jomtien will accept bank copies without a 12 month statement IF there are composite transactions during the year. Or perhaps the policy changed.
  14. As if we don't see enough Kremlin propaganda posted here.
  15. I call B.S. If someone you didn't support said something like that, you would call it out for what it is.
  16. Don't overthink it. He's a TRAITOR and those that carry water for him like Tucker Carlson are traitors too.
  17. The word that comes to mind to me is: SCUMBAG. How can any decent American have any respect for any fellow American that would vote for such a despicable creature? Except perhaps sympathy for people who have fallen into the grips of a dangerous CULT.
  18. You are on record. I think it will almost definitely be a Biden - Harris ticket but I think the republican side is less certain because I'm not sure they'll nominate him if he's literally in prison.
  19. Cherry picking video clips to foment hatred of Jews.
  20. I agree but many are and I have never seen a report of a pro Palestian / anti Israel rally where that genocidal chant (and others) is chanted where there are any visible walk outs. I can tell you if I went to a protest where people were chanting for genocide I would get out of there ASAP at the very least. So I think you're being disingenous.
  21. I agree it isn't genocide but I respect good intentioned people that want the killing to stop. But so so often they just say ceasefire and say nothing about October 7. the hostages, or the need eliminate Hamas.
  22. Those that want either: A one state solution which means the end of Israel as Israel couldn't exist with a Jewish minority or Hamas and similar types who want Jews expelled and or murdered from Israel (genocide) or Stupid college students who couldn't name the river or the sea they are chanting about and don't realize the chant means Israel no longer existing at all
  23. Ouch. You got me there. That was a brain fart. Now retracted. There are of course those Jews in the designated areas of the west bank. There are a number of complex zones there with different rules. It is clearly a mess. Note: I corrected the quote you posted, and acknowledged it was changed because the error was pointed out.
  24. There are Jewish Arabs in Israel. Not a lot of River to the Sea types know that so congrats. There are no Jews in Gaza but there are illegal Jewish settlements in the west bank. (Last sentence changed to correct a major error pointed out by another member.) In Israel about 20 percent of the citizens are Arabs. I am assuming but am not certain (share info if you have it) that the 20 percent statistic is about Muslim and Christian Arabs and that Jewish Arabs are included with other Israeli Jews. Of course the majority of Arabs in the region (with the population boom) live in Gaza and West Bank. The situation there is anything but simple. Whether there is "genocide" happening right now is debatable but I think I share your desire to end the war deaths. Hamas can surrender and release all the hostages and I'm sure a cease fire would then be in the cards.
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