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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. It's a cult. He's insane. They're insane. Apparently, it's contagious. Trying to deprogram these cultists is almost alway a waste of time. The cult needs to be defeated ... without them.
  2. Pure gaslighting. That farce of an "interview" with Tucker Carlson was all about trying to help Trump. Again.
  3. If that. The River to the Sea Brigade generally justifies October 7 as resistance.
  4. Questions about age, cognition, and being fit for the job of president are relevant for BOTH Biden and Trump. But at the end of the day pro democracy anti fascist dictatorship Americans would vote for a rutabaga over treasonous Trump. The system can deal with a rutabaga. The system has proved incapable of dealing with Trump. No I'm not saying that Biden is a rutabaga. It is a pity though that Trump isn't a rutabaga because like I said the system can deal with a rutabaga.
  5. You're not fooling anyone. You're advocating for Trump. That's your right but acting like you're not makes you disingenuous.
  6. That's one case. Polls show a significant percentage of independents say they won't vote for him if a convicted felon. Maybe they're lying.
  7. I think Colombia is one of the best expat options in the world for long term high quality and affordable health care. If you move there before age 60 or so you can opt for the more luxury health plan option. Expats are required to enroll in their national health program which is an innovative system of private health insurance companies with government overview. No health review to enroll. Cost is based on percentage of income, so low on a most pensions. If you come later, the options aren't as good. Costs are getting high in Bogota and Medellin also higher crime so suggest the coffee region (Armenia or Manizales) or Bucaragmonga.
  8. The fact that he is trying to take power again after resisting a peaceful transition of power last time is the reason why trials should NOT be delayed before the election. The people deserve to know the verdicts. At this point they won't get all of them, but maybe they will get one or two.
  9. HUH?!? Dude. There are multiple upcoming trials. At this point best case for the American people is one or two trials before the election. No way that all the cases will be heard before the election. If found innocent, helps him take power again. If convicted, hurts him politically with independents (magas will love him more as it's a CULT) but he can still run for president even as a convicted felon, even under house arrest or in prison. If elected from prison, he can still be president. If he is president then he pardons himself and/or is released anyway because he'd be president. I'm unclear at this point on if the constitution addressed that. Any cases that don't get judged before the election vanish if he wins. Again, it's obvious that he's running to stay out of prison. If he wasn't running, all of his trials would happen and the chances of not being convicted of felonies with 91 charges is almost nothing. This way he has a decent shot at dodging prison. Later if he takes power, he'd be a dictator and never leave office for life (so prison dodged for life).
  10. You're either confused or being disingenuous. He wants to dodge prison any way he can.
  11. That's convenient. If he wins the trials stop. Voters have a right to know verdicts before the election.
  12. Were you required to file FBARs based on the amounts in your foreign accounts? If not no FBAR filing requirement whatsoever. Are you a US citizen? You would need to contact an expat tax specialist for advice on your case. My understanding is the penalties involve massive fines rather than criminal charges.
  13. Not clear what you're trying to say but a lot of Trump cult members were non voters before Trump so good chance they'll be non voters again without Trump to vote for.
  14. It's irrelevant what you call it. Social security recipients WILL face an automatic about 25 percent cut in pay in about 10 years IF the government doesn't pass a major reform bill. It will have to be bipartisan. Notice how well bipartisan billss are doing these days but there is still time.
  15. That's exactly what Putin would say about democracy.
  16. You are too kind. The way I put it is that he is one of the worst human beings ever to come out of American culture. A massively destructive and treasonous VILLIAN.
  17. The beauty part is that Swift can afford to lose the portion of her fans that are maga and STILL have no problem filling up massive venues all over the world. Keep going magas -- love to see you commit political suicide.
  18. Yeah I know about the black light. I tried that but at the moment of truth, it made no difference. The time they did hassle me (they made me file a changed signature card at the time) I had asked them to look at the signature that they had and understandably they had a cow.
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