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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Never mind the persecution of Jews for thousands of years BEFORE the idea of Zionism even existed.
  2. It's relevant to that moronic graphic saying there has been record inflation under Biden.
  3. No. I just know stuff that you obviously don't. Think Inflation Is Bad Now? Let's Take A Step Back To The 1970s : NPR
  4. I guess it depends. American Chinese food originated from regional Chinese food from one area and then Americanized. (Sweeter, more dishes with many main ingredients instead of one or two, more gloppy sauces.) So a lot had to do with Chinese immigration patterns. It's my impression that Indian food in the U.S. is pretty darned authentic. Well that's what actual Indians there have told me. One particular place that I used to go (the best Indian lunch buffet I've ever had, dishes change daily) was so good that Indians told me they dreamed about even when they were back in India.
  5. It really is total and complete BS . Especially the record inflation part.
  6. I guess to Trumpists FDR was "war mongering" when he prevailed over the Hitler Loving "America First" isolationists of the time. I don't believe that even you believe that Biden rules over a fascist dictatorship so I'll just file that part as a dumb troll game.
  7. It's ridiculous to think his second term would be like his first.
  8. Why an non American westerner is so enthusiastic about the USA turning into an isolationist fascist dictatorship is somewhat mysterious. I get why Putin wants that though.
  9. Good point. I eat Chinese food here more often than Thai. Agree about Asian food. Must have it. A big downside of living on Latin America.
  10. It's cooked Thai style in Thailand so it is Thai food.
  11. Islamophobia just as homophobia even though it's intuitive to think its only about fear because of the phobia part in actually is about BOTH fear and hatred. Look up the definitions and you will see. As far as Islam. well people that follow Islam are Muslims, and like all kinds of people they are NOT a monolith. So it's impossible to say all Muslims this, all Muslims that. So people should not hate Muslim people just because they are Muslims. You may learn stuff about individual Muslim people that logically makes them hateful in your eyes, but if so, it should be about that, not just that they are Muslim people. A personal note. I'm not proud to say this but I've had a few experiences in life of short term relationships with Muslim people. They were openly Muslim and hearing about that part of their lives was interesting to me. One (Malaysian) was even a Hajj tour leader! Also a Thai Muslim who complained to me that f-rangs discriminated against him. However, I intentionally did not tell them I was a Jew because I was afraid they would hate me for that and I wanted them to see me as me without adding that complication. I didn't give them a chance to prove otherwise. They just assumed I was a non religious Christian, a fair guess. Obviously that would have had to come up in longer relationship.
  12. Suppose they did. Is that an excuse to be RACIST against them? You did this again. You are coming across as advocating a perverted POV that it's OK to hate Jews just for being Jews if their political position varies from yours. DISGUSTING. Also of course don't be so STUPID. Jews are not a monolith anywhere. Of course there is a range of political views among UK Jews just as Jews anywhere, including of course Israel.
  13. It depends. I guess on average two or three times a week. I do think tourists are cheating themselves if they don't mostly eat Thai food unless they hate it but expats should just eat whatever pleases them just as they would in their home country. Had some very nice Thai food yesterday. Hor Mok Talay, fried garlic chicken wings, pak boong fai deng, and of course rice.
  14. Putin the Greatly Horrible by murdering Navalny has created an iconic martyr. Why now? The Russian "election" of course but also perhaps the Munich Conference. His brand is fear. Navalny was one of the rare Russians who was not afraid and that kind of spirit of course is very threatening to the fascist Russian dictator.
  15. Lock up those caps at Truth Social! A storm of "truths" is on the way!
  16. Again see a show. Most of his term the world was locked down with Covid. You like him. Fine. Waste of time trying to convert magas.
  17. That's something Jew haters often say. They blame it on the Jews. You're not going to ever convince me that Roger Waters isn't a Jew hater.
  18. Anti Jewish hatred comes from all sides. Traditional Christian you killed Jesus blood libel type. Fascist / Nazi / far right racist white Supremist Conspiracy theory global Jewish control tropes Progressive left based Jews are privileged white oppressors tropes Self hating Jews Finkelstein Hatred of Israel based example Roger Waters Islamist based Religious based rather than ethnic Judaism as a gutter religion People obsessed with the debunked Khazar Ashkenazi origin theory
  19. I just say I'm American but I hate Trump but it's sickening how many non Americans like him.
  20. Israelis don't deserve anti Jewish hatred either. They may or may not agree with their government's actions. Hate them if you wish because of the policies or if they support them, but not because of their ethnicity.
  21. Sounds like you think it is OK for Jews in the UK and globally to be attacked because of Israeli government policies and actions.
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