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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. And the civil war had nothing to do with slavery and America was never a racist country. Sure thing, lady!
  2. Agreed! Donald Trump Is The World’s Greatest Troll | FiveThirtyEight
  3. His stated number of brave Ukrainian defenders war dead is from Kremln misinformation so based on that I'm labelling that as Russian propaganda. I hope antivax nutcase Kennedy runs third party. He will hurt Trump much more than Biden.
  4. Israel, Gaza, West Bank. There has been no genocide. Rather a population boom of Arabs. Israeli's have the best tech in the world. If they wanted to do genocide, it would have happened long ago. It's the Palestinian side along with Iran etc. that has explicit intentions of genocide of Jews. But so far, not the capability. Yes of course that about one percent of the population in Gaza (no Jews allowed) has been killed in the recent war started by Hamas terrorists is a horrible tragedy. But look at historical genocides such as Armenians, Jews in the holocaust, Holodomor (man made famine by USSR against Ukraine), Cambodia, etc. and one percent doesn't make it into the participation awards level.
  5. So he's stuck in Russia. A country with no press freedom at all. Seems fitting. Crimea river.
  6. Neither will happen. Stuck with Harris is much better than being stuck with dictator Trump. Statistically it is more likely Biden will survive through his second term than Trump. Trump is a little younger but much less healthy. I don't see Harris as particularly bad but I do see her as much less popular than she deserves to be. Often unpopular presidents do a good job. So she is definitely not helping the Biden ticket but the unknown question is whether she will really hurt the ticket. We don't even know the republican ticket yet. Probably Trump of course but he may well pick a VP even less beneficial to his ticket than Harris. He has a hard choice. Go very maga and lose even more independents. Go less maga and the magadonians will be less energized. Go with a crazy pick like Tucker Carlson or Marjorie Greene and commit political suicide (please).
  7. It's been talked about for years. The media IS starting to talk about Trump's mental breakdown and hygiene issues though. Why do you care about Harris maybe hurting the ticket? Aren't you maga?
  8. Forcing her out would backfire. It won't happen. Also very remote that she'll leave herself. Time to move on from this. The ticket is the ticket.
  9. I get what you're saying but I doubt Maher is really interested in economic refugees from the US. He's been rich for a long time. I agree that people who threaten to.leave the US because of who is president left or right are asking to be mocked. Personally that had nothing to do with my decision. It is true that there are cases where that makes good sense such as Russians leaving Russia because of Putin's politicies.
  10. That wouldn't look good either. It's not going to happen.
  11. It is too late. If you don't know why you don’t know much about politics. The only way if she exits herself.
  12. Israel has been much stronger for a very long time. In that time the population of Arabs in the region has boomed. I do not believe that Arabs are at actual risk of genocide. Israeli Aran citizens aren’t even being expelled much less killed. You're right though if the Arabs with help of iran got the upper hand they would then expel and or murder all Israeli Jews. Israel can't let that ever happen.
  13. There are many thousands of working American comedians. I don't think you can fairly generalize such a diverse culture. You obviously just have a closed mind. It depends on the comedian not the nationality.
  14. Silly question. She looked good at the time. They couldn't have predicted that she would become so unpopular. Similar to DeSantis who looked like a serious contender until he actually started running for president where it turned out the public is allergic to him.
  15. She won't be approached about this by anyone. The only way it could happen is if she decides herself that it's best to do that for her own and/or the country's interest and volunteers to resign. She could be promised some other job if Biden wins or perhaps an ambassadorship. But a Biden Newsom ticket has problems too. People would want Newsom much more than Biden. People vote for the top of the ticket. An assumption that is only running to step down would have a strong negative aspect.
  16. He came to help Putin campaign for Trump because Trump will throw Ukraine under the bus which is what Tucker, Trump Maga, and Putin want in common. Jake Broe details the specific questions a REAL interviewer who is a REAL journalist would of / should have asked genocidal war criminal Putin. Of course Putin would never allow a real journalist to interview him and of couse the show we got was not an interview. I have read reports that even in Russia where Tucker as a Putin fan boy is admired he is being mocked as a weak puppy dog.
  17. You'd have to be an idiot to NOT think that Putin's Russia is an expansionist power. An idiot like Tucker Carlson.
  18. I never said that everyone that voted for him is in the maga cult. Not everyone that voted Hitler into power were Nazi party members. There are levels.
  19. So don't watch him. Like I said I'm a fan but that doesn't mean agreeing with him about everything he says..That's part of the fun of watching him.
  20. There are no comedians especially political comedians that everyone will find funny.
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