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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Off topic but no I didn't. You're obviously shilling for Putin. I have no idea of your motivation.
  2. Nobody with an ounce of common sense takes anything Putin says at face value. It's absurd to suggest oh he said he isn't interested in other countries, we must believe him.
  3. Yes, it's meant to be humor so I guess take it as such.
  4. He is not a journalist. His old employer was forced to admit that in a court of law.
  5. Distorted. Russia is now spending about 25 percent of their national budget on the military and war. The money is coming from depleting their reserve savings about 50 percent. Meaning all other budget categories for the people have been hit badly in an inflationary environment. That is not sustainable. Putin can't win the war in Ukraine unless the Maga fascists give it to him. Tragically, they might. He's waiting to see if his good buddy Trump comes back into power. If Trump loses, then things will get interesting in Russia as Putin will need to conscript white boys from Moscow.
  6. A professorial analysis of the Tucker enabled Putin propaganda show:
  7. Irrational? He's one of the worst human beings to ever come out of the American culture. What's not to hate? But it's not about hate. It's about keeping him from taking power again.
  8. Trump wants to be president again, is almost as old, and is melting down mentally at a rapid rate. Assuming it's going to be Trump vs. Biden, Trump is as relevant as Biden in such discussions.
  9. Dupes. Useful idiots for Putin. Labels don't matter. They're on the wrong side of history.
  10. It's magadonian cultists that have the problem with derangement.
  11. It's funny that so called "conservatives" who consider themselves the real "patriots" are cowering in the face of evil just as they did leading up to WW2.
  12. His goal is to crush the USA and the collective west. He's been explicit about that. In that he has strong allies in Iran, China, etc. If you want to cave to evil because you don't want to pay for a defense, well you are in a long tradition of America First isolationists like Hitler loving Lindbergh.
  13. It's going to be an election with only two choices. Trump is super relevant to this topic whether you admit it or not.
  14. Yeah she looked good on paper when picked. I doubt she foolish enough to bother ever running for president herself.
  15. News to me but I don't care either way. It makes no difference good job or bad job. Nobody wants her as president. Biden is stuck with her as VP but VP usually doesn't decide elections.
  16. On youtube. Not the only place to get it though.
  17. This is all noise. If its Trump vs. Biden Biden wins because Trump is ALWAYS the greater of two evils. Next ...
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