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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I don't think he's into commercial sex. Not all single men are whoremongers. Plenty of women are attracted to wealthy fit for their age men.
  2. He is and at the time he made it clear that million was not a trivial amount for him.
  3. That's interesting. The only city I've been mugged in was Rio (in broad daylight) but that was predictable. I did get pursued by a pedo when I was traveling solo in Amsterdam at age 15 but that too was predictable! I guess I would have needed to be exceptionally ugly not to be. Why is daylight broad? You never hear broad nighttime.
  4. I suppose that his inclusion of Costa Rica represented the type of tropical destination that Thailand is similar to. All he had on that was about snakes on the plane.
  5. I suppose that his inclusion of Costa Rica represented the type of tropical destination that Thailand is similar to. All he had on that was about snakes on the plane.
  6. I'm not but she strikes me as smarter than Pence not to humiliate herself like that.
  7. Definitely not. I don’t speak wasp. I was good enough to slum around on campus but not to invite home. I don't know about butlers.
  8. A magadonian acting out. Best ignore. Yeah Maher isn't into International travel.
  9. I had a college friend from Darien. Funny he never invited me there Saltburn style.
  10. If I was rich like that I would probably become a client of Nomad Capitalist.
  11. I guess this should really be about expats and expatriation rather than the messenger Bill Maher. The bit about Amsterdam was quite funny. I love to visit there but never ever thought that I wanted to live there.
  12. I don't really care either way but I'm skeptical. Please provide credible link. He tours nationally to do stand up comedy and I doubt people are buying expensive tickets not to laugh.
  13. I agree. Not his best bit but as expats in a country that most of us like living in more than the west, of course we're biased. He has no experience of such things.
  14. I'm a fan of his show and also like his casual sessions on Club Random with guests on youtube. No need to agree with everything he says or thinks to find value in his shows. Interestingly he just did a Club Random with Kanye and I think for the first time didnt release because Kanye was spouting so much Jew hatred. I wonder why book him if he expected anything else but I guess he wanted to give him a chance. Cheers A classic one:
  15. Exactly but he is LYING now and presenting himself as a journalist. Russian (and maga) propaganda is calling him a journalist as well. What a crock!
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