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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Can you explain why Maga man Trump and his toady Johnson are blocking the most serious border control bill in modern history? I can. Trump and his maga meanies don't really want to fix anything. They just want issues to run on to gain more power.
  2. Yes Trump talking exactly like Hitler and confronted with that fact say he doesn't care and keeps doing it. What a disgusting person.
  3. Yep it drives the magas crazy that Trump is melting down rapidly which diffuses their Biden has dementia lie.
  4. Nikki Haley Nancy Pelosi At least Biden knows who Mitterrand was. Trump concept of history involves what McDonalds used to sell.
  5. Yes quite shocking. Pity that it's the truth. Racial resentment: The insidious force that divides America | Berkeley Opinion | Just how racist is the MAGA movement? This survey measures it. - The Washington Post It has long been understood that the MAGA movement is heavily dependent on White grievance and straight-up racism. (Hence Donald Trump’s refusal to disavow racist groups and his statement that there were “very fine people on both sides” in the violent clashes at the white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville.) Now, we have numbers to prove it.
  6. It's fair to assume that people who talk that way are referring to the fact that white people are becoming a minority, and they don't like it. Maga of course among other things is about white resentment.
  7. Bull. I'll watch it to know better what the maga traitors are buying.
  8. No. Magas are magas. Old style Republicans are the only real Republicans remaining. Calling them rinos is a maga gaslighting game. .
  9. You seem confused. The most vocal anti-Trump forces are coming from conservative republicans like the Lincoln Project. Being anti maga is NOT about right vs. left.
  10. You're more optimistic than me. Magas stay magas no matter what. It's a cult. It requires professional deprogramming to have any hope of shaking them from it.
  11. I checked the local prices on S24 and S24 plus and wow they were much higher than they would be in the U.S. Don't know if that is temporary because of supply and demand though. But basicaly too much money. I can afford a very expensive phone especially considering they are promising updates for seven years but I just feel uncomfortable worrying about loss and theft. Also realistically for how I actually use my phone, the S24 Ultra particularly is an absurd level of overkill. But good news, I have just heard that the AI features (translation is what I really want) will eventually be available on the S23 models. Maybe even fairly soon.
  12. You could do that but you can bet the house it will be all lies.
  13. There are reports from credible people including a staff member on the Apprentice tasked with cleaning his mess. Do your own research as the maga types like to say.
  14. Don't bother. It's a maga thing. Nothing to do with rationality or knowledge but more to do with ideology.
  15. Yeah we can just watch Kremlin propaganda to get all your pro Putin talking points. No need to repeat.
  16. Sleazeball Carlson does support him though.
  17. No longer a swing state. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/four-swing-states-that-will-determine-the-2024-presidential-election-172546631.html
  18. Early polls on this contest are meangless. Will adjudicated rrapist Trump be convinced of a felony before the election? Will the crackpot anti vax Kennedy run third party? Which side would Kennedy hurt? Read a report recently that he'd hurt Trump.
  19. Trump blocking a fix right now because he doesn't want to fix it he just wants the issue to run on. What a truly disgusting person always putting his selfish interests above the country.
  20. Californian votes won't matter. Only five or six states will. Thanks for the on the ground report.
  21. Notorious con man and grifter who regularly stiffs contractors would be a more accurate descriptuon of his "business" activities.
  22. He only serves himself and it's funny that you use the word WHEN. It's possible but far from certain.
  23. Trump has already been found guilty of financial and tax fraud, defamation and is an adjudicated rapist. More to come. 91 FELONY charges pending. That's remarkable for any criminal but for an ex president it's beyond unprecedented.
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