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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. You think Putin is far left? I want some of what you're smoking.
  2. Yet they elected a Jewish president in a landslide. You're funny.
  3. He's a crackpot who has nothing to do with other Kennedy politicians.
  4. Typical right wing game. Like taking the history the democrats USED to be the pro slavery party and trying to convince morons that they still are today.
  5. I doubt he gets paid directly but he profits from his cynical perverted pro Putin position so is in the classic class of useful idiot for the Kremlin. Not saying he's literally an idiot as he's obviously intelligent but he uses his intelligence in dark ways that helps a key enemy.
  6. Thanks for the Putin talking point. GARBAGE.
  7. I think without this press blowup with fake conspiracy theory that Swift would have eventually said something to indicate preference for Biden. But now, I question if that would be wise if she really wants to help Biden. It's clear from her previous statements that she would support Biden against Trump so that's already baked in. In this newly super heated environment about what she might say, I think it might be more helpful for her to be even more active to persuade the Swifties merely to REGISTER to vote and to vote. That will be more than enough to help Biden greatly without paying the price of amplifying more divisiveness.
  8. You're really funny! You actually think Trump worked 18 hours a day! Incredible. If you had said 18 hours watching t.v. you would be much closer to the truth of it. It's too early to take polls very seriously whoever they show leading at this point.
  9. Yep the majority of republicans are now maga and in no sense conservatives. They're traitors. Just like the America First movement leading to WW2 led by explicit Hitler lovers. But those guys never got close to the great power that maga has and if Trump wins power again it's game over for American democracy.
  10. By a bit keeping in mind there is always a lot of disagreement on how Jews are to be counted especially among Jews. Jewish Population Rises to 15.7 Million Worldwide | The Jewish Agency Being critical of Israel doesn't automatically mean you're a Jew hater but quite often the rhetoric of such criticism strongly indicates that such hatred IS part of it.
  11. Hopefully you're joking. Pushing Jew hating tropes like Jews control the media and supporting global terrorist violence is objectively disgraceful unless you're pro Hamas in which case you think such disgraceful positions are great.
  12. Highly doubtful Trump will pick Tucker Carlson regardless of where he travels.
  13. Not interested in talking with people with strong opinions who are completely ignorant of current events.
  14. He's probably too white and "elite" for that. Most of Putin's cannon fodder are from far provinces from Moscow of Russian minorities.
  15. It's clear you haven't been following the news. If you think it's my role to update you on basic current events, sorry, that's your responsibility if you wish to have intelligent discussions on these issues.
  16. No, President Biden is not dead in the water any more than adjudicated rapist Trump is. Assuming both will be nominated (though we don't know that for sure yet) they both will face a challenging election, probably very close, and at this point in time it's clear either COULD win. I think there is ZERO chance of a Trump landslide but at least some chance of a Biden landslide due to adjudicated rapist Trump's very rapid mental decline and possible convictions and incarcerations. Yes I know the retort, Biden has dementia blah blah blah, but whatever his state of competency is, he has been consistent and stable in that for years now. Trump is visibly and rapidly MELTING DOWN, probably under the pressure of his fear of imprisonment and large judgments greatly threatening his wealth and family business, so that becomes the x factor in the election instead of Biden's condition. We shall see. Anyone calling this yet is a fool.
  17. I call speaker Mike Johnson ordered by Trump. Works for Russia to block aid to Ukraine.
  18. Great idea. He'd be very welcome. A fellow "conservative" American barber would surely give him free haircuts.
  19. Are we talking about the same Putin?
  20. A prominent exiled Russian Putin critic's perspective. He wisely doesn't get into the positioning of Tucker in the US political context.
  21. The entire maga movement is supporting our enemy so why single out Tucker? No citizenship can't be canceled even for traitors.
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