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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Very possible. That's a pick that wouldn't do much to help or hurt him. Yes some would say he would help a lot with the black vote. I seriously doubt it. His skin is black, but ...
  2. Women are being restricted from having their votes count? What are you on about?
  3. I agree she should stay in to the bitter end. But suppose Trump does melt down. Then an open convention of some sort? I don’t know how that could work though. Trump delegates want maga. Haley is not maga. Desantis is a wet noodle. Then who is as mad man maga as Trump? Ramaswamy.
  4. Lots of people. He looked good on paper to Republicans. But the more people got to know him the more they didn't like him.
  5. As far as people moving to Florida because of the "success" of DeSantis there, that is not a one way flow. Escape to Affordability: The Top 6 States Luring Retirees Away From Florida (msn.com) The decision of retirees to relocate from Florida due to cost considerations reflects a broader trend influenced by economic factors, housing affordability, and the overall cost of living. While Florida has long been a popular destination for retirees seeking warm weather and a retirement-friendly environment, escalating housing prices, rising insurance costs, and increasing property taxes have prompted some retirees to explore alternatives.
  6. If a big if Haley wins in NH then she has to win in her home state South Carolina which she almost definitely won't. I don't see a path for Haley short of Trump totally melting down (jail, health exploding, etc.). Given the increased frequency of Trump's dementia moments, reports of being very stinky, the curious disapperance of Melania. and rumors of advance syphilis, who knows, maybe it's possible.
  7. NO! In 2020 40 percent of Florida Jews voted for Trump. That is indeed much higher than Jews in other states (older demographic). Overall Jewish Americans are the second most heavily democratic demographic after blacks. That will not change. It is true that Jew hatred has dramatically increased from the U.S. so called progressive left. But that needs to be seen in the context of the baseline of "traditional" Jew hatred coming from the (good people on both sides) right. Jewish Americans are Americans. They vote on a wide variety of issues. Israel / Palestinian policy is only ONE of those issues.
  8. Yes and we all know you always support what the U.S. state department says about Israel.
  9. That's very encouraging! Based on the history of such reports, I am surprised. I thought you would be forced into an overstay agreement. Which office again? On the other hand, you're correct, a verbal statement doesn't mean so much as what actually happens when you go in there. But still definitely encouraging. Good luck.
  10. Why are you addressing me? Talk to Biden. He's running so that's who we've got against Trump. It's beyond the time where there will be an alternative. DId I personally ever say I wouldn't prefer an alternative? You're living in the past.
  11. Nope. Why? The 12th Amendment. But even if possible, not sure what he does for the ticket. Florida is already a reliable red state so he doesn't bring Florida because they already have it. Yes he's Maga but DeSantis people were already going to vote for Trump. Also DeSantis FAILED miserably nationally. People really really don't like him. They smell a phony with his alien smile.
  12. Rather early to celebrate that. A signficant percentage of Haley supporters are saying they will either not vote or vote for President Biden if it's Trump vs. Biden. That means Trump loses.
  13. He's being deported back to Florida where he can rule over all the Florida Men.
  14. Also to raise the age when full benefits kick in. The trouble with that is that life expectancy is declining in the US and the system is already unfair to certain minority groups (including blacks) who have even lower life expectancies.
  15. I think it's relevant because it indicates a bias towards Palestinian terrorism.
  16. There would be no Iran left either. Absolutely Putin cares nothing about the lives of ordinary Russians.
  17. Definitely even less support now thanks to Hamas. Again, this is nothing new. There hasn't been majority support for a two state solution on either side. Of course a one state solution is out as well (though Palestinians would love that as it means the end of Israel). What's the answer. Don't look at me! I guess it's not OK to say there is no answer but what if that's the actual reality?
  18. It's delusional to think for one second that Israel would ever accept a one state solution voluntarily. That would mean the end of Israel and anyone who is half way honest fully realizes that. It's funny how many people expect Israel to commit national suicide when they would never ask the same thing of any other country, especially their own.
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