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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. An Italian dish outside Italy will be different to some degree either a miniscule difference or majorly, but that doesn't necessarily make the "foreign" dish inferior. In some cases it can be superior. Being perfectly "authentic" which is a can of worms word to begin with is not the only factor that food can fairly be judged by.
  2. Yes I recall reading about using already vaped weed addressing the question of whether you should separate the strains. It said no. It's all the same after being decarbed. I have been surprised as I use lower Temps to vape, usually Max 190 C that the already vaped week still packs a powerful punch. It's really easy to OD on edible weed if you're not careful.
  3. Just saying that's an unfounded accusation of fraud.
  4. His way of thinking about food is so incredibly passe. Food is global, now more than ever.
  5. I guess he would say it's impossible for that to be 100 percent the same as in Italy, which I suppose is true, but who the heck gives a flyin' puck?
  6. Maybe in Cloud Cuckooland it is. In the real world, it's one person loving a regional variation of pizza about all others he's tried.
  7. Terminal literalness is a scourge of humanity. It is a pizza. It's a regional variation of pizza. Italy has regional variations of pizza. Other countries do as well.
  8. I actually do understand regionality in food in Italy and other countries as well including my own. I do understand your point about toppings. Whats really annoying though about your posts is that they project an arrogant pomposity that you have some rare and special knowledge to use as a cudgel on the ignorant unwashed masses.
  9. I agree. Super great pizza much harder but again taste is subjective.
  10. There he goes again. Italy does not own Italian food. Period.
  11. You're attracted to who you're attracted to.
  12. I bought a Herbability Infusion and Decarb machine. I like it but figuring out doses is tricky. You need to start slow and experiment with any product.
  13. Both suggestions worth a try I guess but I still think dry weed is still stale regardless.
  14. For those of you needing to avoid "homosexual" content by all means you must watch the videos from this channel. I know I do.
  15. I look at the man and I see a fascist dictator. I get it sadly that many Americans WANT a fascist dictator.
  16. Medicare Advantage can be used (some would say abused) by expats if they tell Social Security and Medicare that they live in the U.S. This is because MA options are based on your U.S. zip code. Foreign address -- not possible. So at that point with a MA an expat would be covered (depending on the specifics of their company) for a LIMITED type of care (in general acute emergencies) abroad similar to travel insurance. It can be life saving depending on the medical event but if you get something serious and chronic, it will NOT work. There is DECEPTION involved. You cannot tell the company you're an expat or they won't even accept you in the first place.
  17. Trump back in power means the end of American democracy. The ballot issue will be decided by the supreme court as is appropriate. If he is put back in power it won't be the first or last time that a nation lost their democracy via an election.
  18. The constitution COMPELS it just as if a candidate was too young or born outside the U.S.
  19. Who said it was? The founders were wise but they failed to predict a president as dangerously unhinged as Diaper Don.
  20. No. But it's up to the supreme court which unfortunately is now an institution that has lost most of its credibility to interpret it for current times. Also it can be amended but that's extremely difficult to do.
  21. So if I'm understanding you correctly, any extra features from different strains other than potency are blanked out by decarbing? So if I'm getting that, spending a lot for high end stuff basically isn't worth if meant for decarbing? Just use more of the cheaper stuff, right? For an extreme example: Weed at 500 per gram with high 25 percent THC. Weed at 30 per gram with 10 percent THC. Makes no sense to buy the 500 stuff for decarbing, right? Oversimplified yes, but am I following the basics or not?
  22. Well it's not so hard to find photos of Stinky with a brown patch in the rear.
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