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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Tijuana is unacceptably violent but yes a lot of Americans so living in upper Baja Cali do take advantage of that. Going further into Mexico which is a much larger country than many people realize, that becomes much more problematic especially with acute situations.
  2. A recent purchase I made turned out to be too dry for ideal vaping so I plan on decarbing it to make cannabis oil with it. (I just made my first batch of oil using my supply of already used vape but of course already used vape is already somewhat degraded.) I guess my recent purchase was middle level stuff although obviously a bad deal as it's so dry. I won't mention the farm as I don't want to name and shame. I'm liking the idea of transitioning more to edible weed from vaping because the "experience" is more intense and lasts longer. (I won't smoke.) I do know when you decarb weed the strain differences / terps are degraded so I'm wondering if it's a waste of money to buy higher end product for this purpose, or not? Not really talking about brick per se, but perhaps lower grade popcorn type stuff that is sole quite cheaply, or something like that. I don't pretend to know much about this yet, so kindly don't mock me for asking questions and trying to figure it out.
  3. Such presumption as if you're the only one that knows about carbonara.
  4. How does that make you feel?
  5. Not unusual to get that. But I aggressively disagree that Italy has a monolopy on that. That's chauvinist claptrap.
  6. Of course obviously the crust is preeminent.
  7. Friday was a bank holiday in Thailand so that probably wouldn't have made it here last year regardless.
  8. Well ballot blocking won't stop him, but maybe this will?
  9. 1) OR 2) O visa applied for in Thailand -- NO INSURANCE NEEDED 3) Not needed for O visa. Needed for O-A visa applied for in home country or if you're a permanent resident of another country. 4) If you can get a single entry 90 day O visa in the Thai embassy in Buenos Aires (I used that embassy myself for a tourist visa) then go for it as it saves you the step of getting an O visa in Thailand. I doubt they will though. But you can ask!
  10. That's great to hear. I didn't know about the suspension of benefits option after FRA to age 70 until very recently myself. It's really the kind of thing that should be more widely publicized.
  11. Another reason that it totally sucks that we don't have the details yet (and have no idea when we will know) is that this is hurtful to the Thai economy itself. The ye olde shooting themselves in the foot syndrome. To wit -- People being scared off and not coming in the first place (people starting new households spend a lot) Most dramatically -- BUYING CONDOS! (Or other optional large purchses that you need to import money for.) Also optional medical procedures. I think you have to be beyond concerns about money or crazy to buy a condo in Thailand now. Of course this hurts foreigners hoping to sell condos to foreigners now as well. The supply of very wealthy, clueless, or insane foreigners is presumably limited.
  12. Thanks for posting this. I was aware of that option and should have mentioned it as it does provide somewhat of a "fix it" that can make a difference in some cases. Depending of course on initial early benefit, when the suspension is done and for how long, and the retirement visa qualification level of any target countries. Of course it presumes a person can AFFORD to suspend the benefits.
  13. Thats something else. What was posted is correct but can't be done until FRA. In other words for example a claim at 62, FRA at 67, you can suspend until 70. No payback and your benefit will increase until 70. It's a good point relevant to this topic as such increases could mean more countries to be eligible for retirement visas.
  14. It's too late for me as I chose 62 which means I have a permanently reduced benefit, but there is something I realized later that might be of interest to others making the decision. Assuming many or most U.S. oldsters here are either retired in Thailand or interested in same, it can't be ignored that Thailand's retirement system is on an annual basis and the rules can and will change. Not to mention this tax stuff in the news now. So sooner or later many expats will feel encouraged to leave Thailand or have no choice but to leave. So then what? Well you can go back to the US (if you can afford it) or you can move to another country. Each country has their own rules but most are based on a minimum pension level. IF you take your SS benefit early your benefit is more likely to be UNDER the minimum number for a number of countries. This indeed has happened to me! IF I had delayed the benefit, I could qualify for the majority of those countries that are out for me now. Sure there are COLA raises, but not much, and not likely to raise the level to make a difference for retirement visas. There is at least one exception where you might be better off visa-wise by taking it early. MEXICO. The most popular choice for retired American expats. In the case of Mexico the income level needed is quite high and so are the show money levels for temporary and permanent residence. If you take your SS early there is a greater chance that your savings, retirement accounts, etc. will be preserved and grow to meet the levels for Mexico as there is a choice there to use income or savings (which can be in the US including IRAs). If you have enough (it gets raised annually) you can qualify for basically INSTANT LIFETIME permanent residency in Mexico without having to ever import a dime or showing the money again after the first application (outside Mexico). Or for much less (but much more than 800k baht) you can get temporary residence which leads to perm after five years. Something else to consider that I doubt many people have considered in making the SS benefit start decision. In my case I still do have SOME options, but unfortunately FEWER of them.
  15. One or two a week? Do you want to correct that misinformation now or let that lie stink for perpetuity?
  16. Big Boys Season 2 is out (six episodes same as Season 1). I think Season 1 was funnier and I'm also pretty sure the show will end now, but Season 2 is still worth watching if you liked Season 1. Believe it or not all the UK references didn't ruin it for me as a 'Murcan.
  17. If you're suggesting that the banks might be withholding a portion for tax, no need to wait. They will not. Next ...
  18. Not surprising but I'm certain there is diversity in people supporting it. I'm sure that many do recognize the right of Israel to exist. No idea of percentages.
  19. Yeah you're right meeting all those demands would mean the end Israel. But perhaps that list can more charitably be seen as a starting point for negotiations.
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