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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. De halvt dolda (Those Half Hidden) Search with De halvt dolda 4 part tv series from Sweden. Dark themes -- withnessing traumatic death effect on a young child, the damage cause by Christian religious extremism, Nazi skinhead youth, bullying of gay youth, online catfishing, alcoholism, child abuse, closeted clergy, neglect of the elderly by children, women putting up with abusive husbands. The author is fascinating. Royal prize winner. He has been Sweden's greatest stand up comic of all things. His brother is a leading Christian intellectual. Gay of course. I had watched this years ago and randomly started watching it again without realizing that. I'm glad I did. I'm not usually big on rewatching stuff, but it's been so long that it was BOTH a fresh experience and somehow richer for the repeat. Highly recommended. Don't be scared off by some gay story lines in it. It is not a gay tv series per se. Those Half Hidden (TV Mini Series 2009) - Plot - IMDb The story of "The Half Hidden" is like a tapestry, in which the threads run obliquely between four different families in two different decades. Weaving recurrent patterns, the story unfolds upon the loom of our vulnerability in lives that are as brittle as the morning ice. This is the story of those who survived, and this is the story of those who did not survive. The half-hidden, Jonas Gardell engaging depiction of a number of people in the two eras. The script, brilliant acting and strong efforts directed by Simon Kaijser da Silva quickly made the half-hidden to a cult series - one of the most unpredictable, most poignant and breathtakingly exciting ever shown on Swedish television.
  2. You just dragged that number out of your ass. Not enough dead Jews for your taste? No shame,
  3. I view Drag Queen Story Hours as form of lower end live theater. I think live theater is a wonderful thing and that children should be exposed to it from an early age. I was very lucky to have liberal parents who frequently took me to quite out there live theater and I am forever grateful to them for caring about my intellectual development in that way. Of course in one sense I agree with you. Parents should have a say.
  4. Stop acting so dumb. You know perfectly well that West Bank Arabs are not citizens of Israel.
  5. There is discrimination but within Israel nothing like apartheid.
  6. What a load of crap! Are you even serious? One MP saying something crazy and you think people are so stupid as to buy your vile lie? Shame on you but I know you don't have any.
  7. Israel consists of 20 percent Arabs. Not good enough for you I guess. I'm reading your post as supporting a one state Israel including the west bank and gaza Arabs. In other words that is a River to the Sea pro genocide of Jews POV. Very predictable.
  8. Stop the silliness. THIS war did start on that date and Hamas started it.
  9. Roughly it's Jew hatred. Jew hatred takes many forms throughout history. SOMETIMES (not always) it's imbedded in hatred of Zionism and the state of Israel. It's really a case by case, if you can deal with that (which I doubt).
  10. Link please if you have it which you don't. In any case, most Israelis are not loving Netanyahu these days anyway. Israel is fighting a war against Hamas. Hopefully, Netanyahu's days as leader are numbered.
  11. Pure speculation. Note your total lack of concern for the massive exodus of Israelis from large parts of their country.
  12. I don't believe that you do want Israel to exist as a Jewish state.
  13. Dream on. It's obvious to any reader that you share the goals of Hamas in regards to the future of Israel.
  14. Nope. It would be if the moving was permanent. It's war evacuation just as large populations of Israel have recently done.
  15. You're wrong. He distinguishes between citizens of Israel and the West Bank situation
  16. It sounds like you hope this one mistake will somehow win this war for the Hamas terrorists. Good luck with that.
  17. Colonialism, ethnic cleansing, wearing white after labor day. Those Jews!
  18. It's a reality of the fog of war. Mistakes are made. That was a big mistake. Demonizing Zionism in a general way shows ignorance and hatred.
  19. I'm sure the women being raped and the toddlers mutilated by Hamas terrorist scum were thinking deeply about why that was happening to them.
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