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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I kind of hate it but not in an aggressive way. My mother pushed me into playing as a kid with the idea that it would be a useful hobby for networking in adulthood if I was going to a businessman or something like that. Notably not my father who was the personification of a NOT GOLF adult. She wasn't wrong but it turned out I didn't need it. I played for some years at lower level courses and wasn't horrible for my age and lack of training. It was OK. But compared to sports like tennis, even table tennis, it didn't cut it. Watching golf on tv is more boring than watching paint dry. I enjoy watching golf related comedy in some shows, particulary Curb Your Enthusiasm. I get why retired people like it as a lower athletic level past time. Happily I never got to the point of wearing dorky golf clothes. I associate golf with more classic style republicans (even though fascist Trump is heavily into it) and I don't relate to any kind of republican. So bottom line, I'm tolerant of golf but actively avoid most anything to do with it.
  2. Exactly. All this global noise because there are Jews involved. That actually proves the validity of the origin of the ideology of political Zionism. Israel isn't going anywhere. The sooner the haters fully accept that the sooner there is any hope for a better future for so called Palestinians.
  3. Bottom line now is the Palestinians need to do themselves and everyone else a favor and face reality. Forget River to the sea. Israel isn't going anywhere.
  4. Israel means business. The top song in Israel now. It's a war song. Shouldn't be a surprise. Classic lyric -- They yell at me Free Palestine, but somehow to me it sounds like a holiday sale.
  5. I think that you do know so I won't humor you. Of course Jerusalem is particularly complicated. The situation with the illegal west bank settlements within Palestinian territory is inexcusable.
  6. I don't mind if people use that more clinical term as it tells me that I'm hearing from a person with a stick up their ass.
  7. Maybe people don't care but my understanding is that it's beneficial to do a variety of strains because if you use the same strain over time your resistance is more likely go up with the effect of needing more product for the same result. Cheers.
  8. On the IRA issue it seems to me Thailand Revenue wouldn't care if the withdrawal was from traditional or Roth. With traditional that is taxable in the US so you might have a credit to use with that against Thai tax. With Roth it's not income in the US but if you remit it to Thailand, depending on the enforcement of this mess, you may have EXPLAINING to try to avoid Thai tax just the same as traditional!
  9. Yeah I would say they are stupid. Discrimination yes. Apartheid no. Even Noam Chomsky rejects calling Israel an apartheid state within it's borders.
  10. If they're assuming poorer and darker is always morally superior to richer and lighter, then they are stupid. If they think Israeli Jews are overwhelmingly "white" then they are stupid. If they think Zionism is only about far right extremist Zionist settlers on the west bank, then they are stupid. If they think Israel is an apartheid state within it's borders, then they are stupid. If they see the conflict in terms of colonialism, then they are stupid. If they label things genocide that aren't genocide just to inflame, then they are stupid. If they refuse to understand that the Jewish people are indiginous to Israel and insist that only Arabs are (who historically came MUCH LATER) then they are stupid. If they see a direct parallel between discrimination against black people in the US and the Arab Jewish conflict, then they are stupid. If they chant River to the Sea, they are stupid if they don't know what it means or evil if they do. Again I wouldn't have wanted anyone to die on either side due to this current flare up of the conflict. But to suggest that Hamas actions on October 7 aren't responsible for what's happened is stupid. If you're saying the specifics of Israel's response to October 7 are debatable, then I would agree with that.
  11. Have you heard that rimming is all the rage these days among the younger set gay and straight? Lots of different things are disgusting to some people. I'm disgusted by Thai mayonnaise. https://www.salon.com/2015/02/02/ass_is_the_new_pssy_why_anilingus_is_on_the_rise_partner/
  12. Only scat fetishists who are rare are looking for poop during anal sex or play, gay or straight. Obviously accidents can happen but that's very different from being turned on by that.
  13. So you're disgusted. I think the way you think is disgusting.
  14. Normal as in a natural expression of sexuality. Not as in the majority. By your logic is it not normal to have hazel eyes, be left handed, being an American with an uncut dick, or being a citizen of Belize?
  15. I don’t take your post seriously. You are just playing games.
  16. Yes I would like the wallet but as I said Lazada refuses to fix the issue that makes my wallet a one-way street only. Again this is a specific issue with my account.
  17. For the most part they're just stupid especially the Jew hating River to the sea genocide chanting "elite" college students.
  18. The Jewish people are indigenous to Israel. Your Irish comparison though popular is without merit. People seem to incorrectly and bizarrely project what they know in their own culture upon the conflict. Human nature but terribly flawed. The conflict is very unique. As far as apartheid Israel is in no way an apartheid state within their borders. The situation in the West Bank of course is much different and quite horrible.
  19. My main problem with prepaying has been the merchant cancelling my order because they have no stock. No problem if you have a functioning wallet. I don't. So with COD if I check and see in advance low stock, I don't get stuck with a cancellation paid into my wallet (which I can't use). So COD prevents that kind of cancellation. BTW, I used to stick with COD on orders coming from China but over the years I haven't had one cancellation on a China order.
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