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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Don't make assumptions silly. It's not because I'm a foreigner. It's because of something SPECIFIC that happened with the history of my account that they refuse to fix. It's totally insane that they refuse to fix it but I'm stuck with this situation permanently. I won't go into details but again NOTHING to do with being a foreigner. Cheers.
  2. There isn't going to be a two state solution by magic. Currently, NEITHER side wants that, and this current war has made things considerably worse (and it's not over).
  3. Based on your corrected dates, there is no great urgency to get a new passport. You can get a new annual extension but you will just lose about a month. That is allowed and not unusual. HOWEVER, if you want to travel keep in mind that in general you need six months passport validity to do so.
  4. Currently I very rarely use COD and pay by bank transfer instead. But I will use Lazada COD if: There is something dodgy sounding about the seller such as low service ratings. If the stock on the item is very low, like last one or two in stock. Expensive items like electronics but sometimes they disable COD
  5. I can't use my Lazada wallet either. I have found that when that happens you can contact them and ask them to turn that amount into a voucher. It's more of a hassle than it sounds but worth it if it's a lot of money. I currently have about 150 baht locked that way and it's not worth bothering. Also be careful. When you get the voucher use it all one on ONE purchase! For example if it's 1000 baht don't use it on a 400 purchase because if you do that you lose 600.
  6. Huh? Why would Hamas whose ideology is KILL ALL JEWS surrender to an Israel that was so weakened as you describe? Bizarre post above.
  7. Kids like hearing stories out loud if it's done in an entertaining way. Did you forget?
  8. Thanks but still clear as mud. Let's say I sell 10k of a mutual fund and remit to Thailand next year. I have no idea what portion of that if any was increased after Jan 1. If not fully sold the basis is probably all older but how are such complexities communicated to Thai revenue.
  9. Do you think any country could have tackled a terrorist enemy like Hamas with hundreds of miles of tunnels and a policy of using civilian shields without massive civilian casualties? Hamas knew exactly what they were bringing on their own civilians on October 7. They care less about their own civilians than Israel does.
  10. Because it's what Hamas has. The PR war which they're awfully good at.
  11. Yeah like real life consists of only straight white men.
  12. We'll never know but I heard an interesting point. Children are defined as under 18. Many active Hamas terrorists are teens. I wish there were none dead, whether civilian or Hamas operatives. But Hamas made that impossible on October 7. Next ...
  13. As far as the politics of woke vs. anti woke, I totally reject that media having gay characters or story lines is about that at all. A beauty thing about lots of content like that these days is that creators are free to show ALL KINDS of such characters, from villians to saints. It used to be if you showed a gay character they needed to end up dead. Or later when there wasn't much, to show a bad guy gay drew criticism from gay activists. Happily we're well beyond such silliness.
  14. You're missing a lot of very good content for quite bizarre prejudicial reasons. Back when there was hardly any gay content, do you think gay people didn't watch content because there was straight stuff in it? Good content is good content.
  15. Interesting. I'm wondering about a very common source of retirement income for Americans -- withdrawals from traditional IRA accounts. Treated exactly as income by the IRS but arguably in a similar class as social security retirement income as far as that treaty.
  16. Orthodox Jews are a lot more diverse in POV than you seem to realize. I assume you're talking specifically about Israel Orthodox Jews. Some of course are radically anti-Zionist though happily a small bizarre minority. Yes west bank settlers are often Jewish fundamentalist extremists but lot of Orthodox Jews are more normal Israeli Zionists.
  17. A very disingenuous look at the history of the maps. No mention of the multiple times the Arabs attacked (especially after the UN partition) and Israel justified expansion for security in teeny tiny land against pervasive aggression. No mention of the Arab River to the Sea (the genocide chant).
  18. So you're making excuses for October 7. Predictable.
  19. Another thing about vaping. Weed for dry herb vaping should not be too dry as too dry weed in a vape is harsh and may even combust. But dry weed is fine for making infusions.
  20. As far as gay content in media I think there are shows mostly for a gay audience and then more general audience shows that have gay characters and story lines (such as Modern Family). Many films and tv shiws blur those lines such as. An example of the former one of my favorites.
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