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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Israel should not be immune to criticism for how they are carrying out this war. On the other hand, I detect a double standard where Israel is judged differently than other countries regarding their right to exist and defend themselves, and I do think that the root of that comes from Jew-hatred. No anti-Zionism isn't always Jew-hatred, but often it is (case by case). Has Israel committed war crimes in this current conflict? Unfortunately, I assume that they have. But what about genocide? Nope.
  2. Watch what interests you. Don't watch what doesn't interest you. Sorted.
  3. If you're talking about Drag Queen Story Hours I would say not in schools, but fine if parents are OK with it and the shows aren't bawdy (as they generally would not be at such events). But bottom line, I think this is one of those way overblown manufactured outrage things that fuel the fortunes of Fox News, etc. Again I don't think that children viewing drag queen entertainers makes the children gay or drag queens. It's basically THEATER and artistic expression.
  4. Yeah I remember those and more. I suppose Lost in Space was my favorite of those. Don't forget Bonanza. As good as those memories are, there is no way I would watch any of that stuff again.
  5. The OP is experiencing homosexual PANIC! So tragic for him. I would say OK Boomer, but I'm a boomer and I oppose stereotypes of boomers having such regressive atttitudes. The reality is that representation of sexual minorites is not going to make more people gay any more than represenation of blacks will make more people black. Certainly there is ZERO chance that media representation is going to make most people gay and interfere with human reproduction -- to assert that is PARANOID and INSANE. It does make more people not afraid to COME OUT, which is a good thing, as living a double life is extremely psychologically stressful. Yes societies change in different directions. Sadly not enough straight people understand how deeply psychologically damaging being in the closet is or perhaps many more of them would understand how important representation is. Straight people are not closeted because unless they give strong clues otherwise EVERYONE just assumes that they are straight. DUH. He could always move to Russia like this homophobic fascist!
  6. As I've never had such a problem at 7-11 or FM I don't even bother to call out the 1000 when I pay with 1000. At other places such as restaurants I usually do. I consider what happened here as a very rare outlier.
  7. Was Hunter elected to something? Is he working in his father's administration?
  8. Yes that's my impression too. The voices saying that Israel shouldn't be using bombs fail to say what they really mean --that they think Israel should accept much heavier losses to appease the Gods of so called proportionality. What other country that has the weapons would freely sacrifice that way? Would the Palestinians? To be clear I'm not saying that Israel has waged a perfect war with every target properly justified as if that's even possible for any humans to do.
  9. Again, no grounds for impeachment. You're talking about elections.
  10. There is ZERO evidence of Joe Biden's involvement in his son's shenanigans. But go ahead silly republicans.
  11. Since when have policy differences been grounds for impeachment?
  12. I've noticed that the IDF soldiers have taken heavy losses. So much for the BS argument that it's Israel fighting against rock throwers. Also note that Israel separates civilian from military casualty stats. The Palestinian Arabs don't (for obvious propaganda reasons).
  13. I thought it was a Barbie world. Just because fascism is polling well now doesn't mean that it should be accepted passively. We don't even know yet who the nominees will be at this point. People assume Trump vs. Biden, but it could easily be a race with neither of them.
  14. Historically it's a thing that happens that people democratically decide to elect dictators. That's what's happening now and it will happen unless the trump train wreck can somehow be stopped. But democracy once lost is incredibly difficult to ever restore. They still have elections in Russia but they aren't real. If that's what Americans want, by heck, that's what they're gonna get.
  15. Hmm. Well I've been there and have followed their pattern of insane financial crises over many decades. It's a tragically unique country that should have been at a much higher level by now. I'm not usually a fan of that style of politician but in this case, I'm with the voters in the sense that they clearly feel like taking a massive gamble to finally clean up this pervasive mess. I predict very very rough times for Argentina and no idea if these radical measures will work, but at least they have a chance now and business as usual offered no chance. Also las malvinas son argentinas innit?
  16. I won't watch it because based on research it's not coming from an objective POV. But here it is for anyone interested:
  17. It's obvious a Palestinian state would accept NO Jews. Well, appropriately named Norman Finkelstein maybe (the grand Wizard of self hating Jews). It's incorrect to call Israel an apartheid state as you've explained. But that's about Israeli citizens. There isn't really any good defense for the west bank settlement movement. For there to be any hope of any kind of transition to a two state solution, at least some of those settlements are going to need to be dismantled.
  18. That is total B.S. to suggest that was the core motivation of Zionism. I have no grounds for discussion with any person with such a narrow twisted view of the history of that political ideology and of the ANCIENT history of the relation between the land of Israel and the Jewish people (INDIGINOUS to Israel). It's just one ignorant insult after another from such people. It's funny. The same people are for a national liberation movement for Palestinian Arabs (an identity that didn't even exist until Yassar Arafat invented it). The hypocrisy and clear anti-Jewish sentiment is galling.
  19. They can say what they like, but it doesn't actually. The Hamas charter "Kill all Jews" does clearly indicate genocidal intentions. The intention of Israel is to stop Hamas -- and why wouldn't it be?
  20. Israel goal is to go after Hamas active participants, not everyone that supports them. Obviously not everyone in Gaza supports Hamas. It's an absurd question.
  21. How many Palestinians would settle for a two state solution?
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