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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. That's meaningless! Do you believe everything written in newspapers? Egads. Do you realize how often major lost in translation stuff gets published here? Countries with double taxation treaties are subject to unique treaties for their country. Exempt? Meaning what? Totally exempt or only exempt for the amount of tax paid if any in the home country? Your link doesn't resolve anything.
  2. So I guess you're saying that would be more efficient than just eating it directly with fat? So you might need less product. But I'm wondering how much more efficient?
  3. After weed is decarbed do you really need to cook it then in butter or oil? Can't you just use the decarbed weed directly mixed with foods that have fat?
  4. Yeah I've heard that with decarbed weed the strain differences are all cooked away. So in that case it would be stupid to use high end weed for that.
  5. My level considering most of my income.is US social security which is treated advantageously has no US tax so double tax credits do nothing for me in Thailand. I really think they should exclude expat pensions as many countries do. Of course they can do what they want but taxing expat pensions definitely degrades Thailand's desirability as an expat retirement destination. Will I leave because of it? No. Already too heavily invested in staying.
  6. Condos maybe. Medical expenses no way except for insurance.
  7. Interesting. Can you provide more info about these machines? Models, costs, availability in Thailand? Alternatively, I would suggest dry herb vaping at lower temps. 170 to 190 C. Most of the issues with smoke and smell gone. Also you can later use the already vaped herb to eat.
  8. That label and 7 bucks will get you a latte at Starbucks.
  9. You can make that argument but at the end of the day terrorist state is just another demonizing label of use to "progressive" students hate on Israel rallies and little else. Clearly there are very serious issues on both sides of the conflict. The west bank settlements are a good example of a major failing of Israel. The way too long career of Netanyahu has been disastrous. But on the other side you have strong majority populations not only Hamas that can't even accept any Zionist Israel at all in any borders. I don't have the answers but I'm sure more food for the simple minded Free Palestine River to the sea oppression chic fashionistas is not helpful. By Zionist I don't mean right wing, I mean the core meaning. A sovereign nation state homeland with a majority demographic being Jewish people.
  10. Good point about Musk's antisemitism. He's too big to fail. i kind of get that. I want X to burn away but his other activities obviously have some or a lot of socially redeeming value, whether Musk is an antisemite or not (he is). How to Be Anti-Semitic and Get Away With It (msn.com)
  11. Understood. I considered putting this in the US forum, because for Americans estimating your life expectancy well is a really big deal (financially) in deciding what age to start your social security benefits.
  12. This may be an academic topic for most as looking at national life expectancy numbers doesn't tell you very much about your own situation as far as factors like health history, the risks you take, and health history of your relatives, etc. However in some cases it's worth looking at particularly for older Americans deciding when to start their social security benefit. Being American, I looked this up and was kind of surprised to learn that the Thailand life expectancy is much higher than in the US. I wasn't surprised at all to learn that U.S. life expectancies are much lower than other "advanced" western countries though. U.S. Men 73.1 (BAD!) Women 79.1 https://www.statnews.com/2023/11/13/life-expectancy-men-women/ THAILAND Men 75.75 Women 84.08 So long term expats, are we in the Thai bucket or stuck with our home country?
  13. Did you miss October 7? Have you looked at a map of tiny Israel relative to total Middle East? Not paranoid. Realistic. Much of the world and much of their neighborhood really really wants to wipe Israel off the map. It's not paranoia when they really want to kill you. If you don't acknowledge that, we have no basis for conversation. That's why the IDF (more like the Israeli government and usually excellent intelligence service) needs to function properly unlike the historic mistakes of October 7.
  14. My feeling is if Americans vote him in again they are indeed choosing dictatorship. If that's what most voters want then I'll accept that and be happy that I don't live there.
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