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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. OK, now I have an update to my update. As previously mentioned, the Jomtien TM30 desk told me that because I own my condo and live in it, I am NOT required to file a new TM30 when reentering Thailand and coming back to the same owner occupied condo. But I still wondered if the retirement desk agrees with that. I asked. I was told that they do.
  2. Located where in Jomtien please? I haven't tried this myself but I was told Fascino South Pattaya will deliver via the Grab app but I don't have a clue how you actually do that as I doubt there meds menu is posted there.
  3. It hasn't been lower than 10 for dog's years.
  4. I watched the rally in Washington D.C. online today. It was large but compared to demos for other causes not particularly large when considering that context. In the speeches, cease fire was rarely mentioned. What was mentioned often was absurd charges that Israel is committing genocide. Do they even know the definition? Also of note several chants of River to the Sea which they know very well means wiping out Israel, in effect a chant supporting genocide of Jews. Curious that they falsely charge genocide when they're openly favoring it themselves. Disgusting really. Not even one mention of Hamas or October 7. Not one mention of accepting the existence of Israel with the goal of living side by side in peace. There were also chants from the stage for violent intifida (terrorism). An event in D.C. is of greater significance because the audience is directly the American government and the American people. This was in effect not a pro Palestinian rally, it was a pro genocide of Jews rally and a pro Palestinian terrorism rally. If they hoped to persuade the U.S. government, they totally failed. It was clear to me that if even one speaker said anything reasonable about a peaceful path forward, they would have been booed off the stage or worse.
  5. Israel is not a theocracy. It's a nation state, flawed democracy, with dramatic political divisions, and by no means a monolith, though there is unusual unity about responding to the shock of October 7 (Israel will never be the same). Using the widely misunderstood "chosen people" phrase as a weapon to attack Israel is a cheap sleazy move at best.
  6. Well I assume that Angeles City has a different vibe than Cebu City. Interesting though to compare Angeles City to Pattaya both places with the reputation we all know about.
  7. Hamas clearly meant to bait Israel into a fierce reaction with the Gazan civilian deaths (human shields) used for propaganda purposes being a key part of that plan. Israel will always remember October 7 -- most of the world has already forgetten it not to mention the denialist narratives. It turns out Hamas is not a trivial enemy for Israel. It's anything but one sided now. Hamas is winning the propaganda war (with a side effect of global antisemitism surging to historically high levels) and their terror tunnels are going to be incredibly difficult and costly for Israel to deal with. Enemies of Israel of course will rejoice. However for those looking for peace and justice should not rejoice. Hamas is not for peace and justice. They are for crushing Israel out of existence, killing all Jews, and creating a regional extremist Islamist caliphate. Something the "progressive" westerners and Queers for Palestine chanting the genocidal River to the Sea might really love , ha ha.
  8. Perhaps the difference might be related to the fact that in the Philippines English is much more widely spoken and generally at a higher level than Thailand too.
  9. Hamas is winning the international PR/propaganda part of their plan big time. Hamas wrote, produced and directed this horror show | The Hill
  10. You missed the point. The flair factor is about encounters with locals in their environment. Somehow the locals in Cebu City (etc.) are more engaging.
  11. Yeah I get that but transport can be more. I remember feeling that there was a lot of entertainment value riding the San Francisco MUNI bus system.
  12. I have ridden Cebu City jeepneys and I have ridden Pattaya baht buses. The Cebu City jeepneys did add a "touch of flair" but maybe I'm jaded. I'm not feeling that on the Pattaya baht buses. But just checking to see if others do find that riding Pattaya baht buses add a touch of flair to your retirement adventure. Bonus happy brownie points for those that also ridden Cebu City jeepneys and can flair - compare. Perhaps the part of me that could feel the flare was killed when a baht bus driver pulled me roughly by my ears. Or perhaps it's garden variety familiarity breeds contempt or at least indifference. Peso for your thoughts? 6 Affordable Places To Retire Abroad Without a Car | GOBankingRates Jingthing
  13. It's also a lot more than Hamas propaganda and Queers for Palestine protests too.
  14. Total B.S. This is a war. Hamas struck first with a barbaric pogrom that reminded Jews all over the world that the sickness of antisemitism never goes away. The Hamas ideology is to KILL ALL JEWS, and of course to crush Israel. Yes Israel has a strong military but the side of Hamas has Hezbollah and all backed by IRAN. Normal criticism of any country is normal. Sadly criticism of Israel very often is quite odd -- expecting things of Israel nobody would expect of anyone else. Nobody is saying that all people in Gaza are terrorists. Stop lying! Israel is openly and explicitly going specific Hamas targets. But Hamas uses human shields, expects mass civilian deaths (and doesn't care), and then uses that result for propaganda (which works quite well). As far as persecution of all Gazans, the blame for that is in no way only on Israel. You've got Hamas itself which uses resources for war instead of infrastructure and you've got the Arab/Muslim world including Egypt that has a border with Gaza. You can say war crimes but I don't think it's rational to label targeted attacks on legit targets as war crimes where the enemy has designed things to allow mass civilian casualties. It's not like Russia intentionally bombing civilian targets where there is no military target. Israel didn't ask for this war. They got it, and they have every right to defend themselves from the genocidal Hamas terrorists.
  15. Hamas invaded Israel to start this war. Russia invaded Ukraine to start the war there. You may as well have been honest and said you hate Israel and I the USA and have a soft spot for Putin. I agree that for at least the immediate future recruiting Thai workers to go to Israel will be a hard sell.
  16. Israel definitely wanted it in 1948. But the Arab world went for broke. Took a high odds gamble that they could crush Israel and lost.
  17. Being antiwar is all fine and good when war can be avoided by reasonable compromises through negotiations. This is not one of those times. Israel didn't ask for this war but Israel must fight this war.
  18. Correct. Not the time. Those calling for it are either naive or intentionally trying to help Hamas.
  19. Absurd post. There wasn't an election finalization going on. Just a hearing.
  20. Speaking about what is taught in schools. BTW -- I totally believe this -- that the majority of non Israeli Palestinians do not want two states but instead want the end of Israel, just as Hamas does.
  21. Israelis would rather see their nation state survive against the evil forces of genocide from Hamas and their River to the Sea cheerleaders.
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