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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. It's the modern variation of holocaust denial.
  2. No! It's absolutely the front one now. Have you even done this recently? Sometimes you might get on a bus on beach road and when it gets to South Pattaya it turns towards Jomtien. You CAN stay on it if you like but they are not committed to go as far as you expect in Jomtien then. Also they know where you got on, and they know about the queue system so there's a good chance they'll demand 20 baht anyway. Enjoy
  3. Yes the South Pattaya queue is still there. First take a bus to Pattaya Tai. The fare is 10 baht. There is ZERO controversy about the fare from there. Again -- 10 baht. Of course never talk to drivers. However, there is now a DIFFERENCE. You don't board the bus at the back of the row of busses anymore. Instead you need to walk to the bus at the front of the row to board that. There you will find the same sometimes overly aggressive and abusive bus minders trying and usually succeeding in overpacking the buses. There are no markings on beach road that a bus MIGHT be headed to Jomtien. Most do not. You don't want to ask them because then it's a taxi. So it's best to forget that option and just get to the South Pattaya queue and take a second bus.
  4. Israel demonizers are always expecting Israel to do absurd things that no other nation would ever be expected to do. No, it couldn't possibly be because Israel is the one Jewish state in a world with scads of Muslim states. Nah, perish the thought. Israel -- chosen for masochism and suicide. Been there, done that, will pass.
  5. That may be overstating but basically the Arabs are the Johnny come lately crew. But we must face current reality. Both peoples are there now.
  6. Yeah but the republican version of Putin's Z zombies aren't interested in such facts.
  7. Good sarcasm. The republicans only care about deficits when they're not in power. It's ironic that the republican fascist party wants to throw Russia under the bus, a country that has officially backed genocidal terrorist scum Hamas over Israel.
  8. Wilderness tv series Skip it I got hooked in and binged it all so it was obviously watchable. But I felt empty at the end and overall feel it's not worth the time. Like junk food tv. Unlikeable characters. Never really got emotionally involved in the story. However, the character of the American boss was fun.
  9. By George you've got it! You've come up the best of all possible world's blueprint for peace for ... Wait for it ... Cloud Cuckooland! Where have you been hiding all these decades? Nobel prize awaits.
  10. Obviously if youve got the money you can buy your way into being attractive to some sorts of physically attractive people anywhere.
  11. Yes and that many Israelis either are Arab or can pass as Arab. Not nearly as mighty white as the leftist pro genocide River to the sea "anti colonialists" espouse.
  12. Very revealing self exposure as if we didn’t know already.
  13. Agreed. Of course it's impossible to kill an idea or ideology but you can castrate the hell out of their military and governing apparatus. Think de Nazification after WW2. Impossible to kill Nazi ideology but look at how Germany progressed without a Nazi government.
  14. For Hamas apologists and worse acknowledging that Hamas started this war on October 7 is a bridge too far. A real acid test
  15. October 7 was like 9-11 for Israel. Nothing will ever be the same. As Biden likes to say, an inflection point. Deny that reality and you can't possibly have any credibility.
  16. Because he was an example of an objectively exceptionally beautiful male. There is personal taste and there are also beauty ideals that generally exist at a societal level.
  17. I never said that I personally was swooning over the young Marlon Brando so maybe you can be a little less bewildered.
  18. Simple minded would be a compliment.
  19. What a load of total disingenuous garbage. Your rhetoric is vile and your prejudice is transparent. Jews were barbarically massacred on October 7, so now naturally the one and only ever tiny Jewish state in the world is going after the terrorists responsible so they can move back and live in peace, and the likes of you blame the Jews for defending themselves Outrageous. An example of why it is necessary for a strong Israel to exist. Also stop lying.. The lynch mob in Russia is going after Jews, not Israelis.
  20. Hamas just wants to kill Jewish people period. Zionist. Religious Atheist You name it.
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