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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. This is naive bull. Israel needs to bomb Hamas targets first. It's on Hamas that they use their own people as human shields. Going into the tunnels is going to be one of the most difficult tasks in military history. Israel will take massive casualties regardless. But you're suggesting that they voluntarily take massively more casualties by not softening Hamas targets first with bombing. No other country would be expected to commit suicide like that!
  2. So just leave terrorist Hamas in power after the October 7 pogrom? Does not compute.
  3. Well it seems better than Cambodia anyway! I recently learned there is no Lazada or Shoppee in Cambodia.
  4. Says you. Says most Palestinians -- all of Israel. You're insane if you actually believe there is very little antisemitism in the world. I'll let you enjoy your US political wet dreams. I get it that you hate Israel.
  5. Obviously there is no perfect solution for all. But a lot of the impoverished in the West retirees have incomes even as "much" as 1500 to 2000 a month. Yeah you could scrape by in cheapest areas with 2000 but living abroad you could be having a great life. But 1000 is more than OK to at least survive -- abroad in some places.
  6. Of course you would say the "Israelis" had it coming.
  7. Free Free Palestine! With what borders? How about freeing Palestine of ... HAMAS? This is about the underlying antisemitism inherent in the so very common Israel demonization rhetoric. It's not explicit but it's definitely there. There is no such thing as a ‘free Palestine’ (telegraph.co.uk) There is no such thing as a ‘free Palestine’ Israel has lost the PR game if dumb students are chanting for what Hamas wants – when Jews say they’re afraid, believe them
  8. That's a myth. Most living like that are not mentally ill (but may become mentally ill because of the harsh conditions) and simply can't afford housing. Homelessness is solved by homes. The US doesn't offer affordable homes. Lower cost countries do if you have a basic western sourced income. Some western expats are living OK in Cambodia on 600 a month. I suggest more but that means there are options even for those with very low incomes (and of course setup and buffer money, etc.).
  9. I suppose you define "truth" in the same dishonest way that you define apartheid, war crimes, Zionism, occupation, "Free Palestine", etc. etc. Boychik, you don't own the truth.
  10. Yes and also Egypt and the rest of the Arab world doesn't want to touch them.
  11. You could have commented that right after the UN partition passed many Arab countries immediately attacked. Arabs and Muslims have HOW MANY nations? Jews have the one tiny nation, yet the fanatical obsessive Israel demonizers are totally obsessed on making it's security unviable. But no, they're not antisemites. Perish the thought.
  12. It doesn't matter. To Planet Pallywood, it will always be Israel's fault and facts have nothing to do with it.
  13. B.S. They are bombing Hamas targets. Hamas uses human shields. It is not Israel's fault that Hamas cares nothing about their own people.
  14. I completely disagree. Many or most of the people surviving on the road in such conditions have more grit in their pinky than your more fortunate typical American couch potato.
  15. Compared the recent Hamas led pogrom, very.
  16. Easy for people like you who are obsessed with demonizing Israel and failing to see the great things about Israel compared to any other country in that region.
  17. Total fail. No unequivocal condemnation of the Hamas pogrom. Instead the typical Israel demonizing BUT BUT BUT ...
  18. If the "devil they know" is <deleted>ting in a bucket with no roof over their head, many would be well served to seek an escape hatch which with even basic income is available in a number of coutries.
  19. My take is that opinion piece reflects not really caring about the conflict, but is caring about the Thai hostages. If the Thai hostages had already been released by the Hamas terrorist scum, would that item have even been published? Nothing unusual or particularly horrible about self interest, but there it is.
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