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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. It's not really Russia hating. It's about specific things that Russia is doing under their genocidal war criminal dictator Putin.
  2. He can thank an incompetent terrorist for his good fortune. Great news that he survived.
  3. Disgusted by this of course though I do understand the business motive. I do wonder considering that Pita should have been PM (but we all know why he isn't) whether he would have behaved differently towards genocidal war criminal Putin, or not?
  4. Good riddance for bad Magadonian rubbish! What a sleaze ball that guy is. No legislation by him in a long career. Clearly guilty of not reporting sex abuse on a wrestling team. Pushing all kinds of Trumpist big lies.
  5. So what if she's a Jew? Does her ethnicity make her opinion any more or less true? I think not. It's like some people think Jews are a monolith and all think the same so if some don't it proves something. So stupid.
  6. I noticed that you don't capitalize Israel or Zionist but that you do capitalize Palestinian. Can you explain your disrespect for the world's one Jewish state (when there are so many Islamic ones) and the world's only liberation / political movement of self determination for the Jewish people? Do you not recognize Israel's right to exist? I've already gleaned that you're no fan of Israel defending itself from terrorists.
  7. You're tripping. The majority of Palestinians especially the young ones do not want to make peace with Israel.
  8. So you can't disavow your UK citizenship? Thanks for the Thai perspective translation to dog. So very irrelevant and so very obnoxious, khrap. Israel doesn't want to kill all so called Palestinians. Have you noticed the ratio of global Jews to global Arabs and global Muslims? Look at all the rage from a hit Gaza hospital that probably wasn't even from Isreal. I think its a cynical troll move to suggest that. Also Israel does not want to occupy Gaza.
  9. Definitely, If the Arabs and Iran care so much (they actually don't) let them take responsibility instead of always having the Israeli scapegoat. Also of course the Gazans themselves. Build their own infrastructure instead of terrorism tunnels.
  10. Oh my, you have a fertile imagination. I think Israel might create a large no man's land buffer zone on the Gaza border. I think they might be justified if they do.
  11. Pablum in the sense that she clearly wants peace but painfully unrealistic suggesting she's still a child.
  12. Exactly and that is what poisons her generally positive pablum message.
  13. Greta is OK but that kind of rhetoric is suggesting that Israel doesn't have the right to go after Hamas which is dedicated to murdering all Jews and erasing Israel, and I seriously doubt her own or any other country would be held to the same kind of absurd standard of passive suicide. Israel won't either, Israel should ignore the Gretas of the world and carry on to try to weaken Hamas.
  14. What? Do y'all think I wouldn't do an update? Well, here it is. I went in person to Jomtien. I wrote down my two joined condo numbers with a hyphen. My documents actually noted the same format on the front pages. So I just gave them everything including the separate chanotes for both condos. I was questioned somewhat sharply. Two condos? Then I made it clear they were joined, that it was one place to live with one front door. They had seen that before. It would be possible for someone to own adjoining condos and live in one and rent the other, so it's important to make that distinction. Given what was on the front documents showing two condo numbers I think I've been reporting my address and also this TM30 correctly. Got the TM30 receipt showing both numbers but interestingly without the hyphen. That's all good news, but here's some better news. No fine! I was told if there is a hotel tm30 done in Thailand, no need to report again. (Expected that.) But I was also told if I leave Thailand and come back with a later reentry stamp from my now current TM3, because I am owner occupant, there is no need to report! I assume that I would need to report a foreign guest in my condo though. Thanks for all the feedback. Did I even need the Tm30 I finally got? I really don't know, but I'm happy I did it, as no need to worry about needing it for extensions etc. now.
  15. You know what I meant. Stop the dumb play acting.
  16. But they almost always chant From the River to the Sea. That chant is about committing genocide on Israeli Jews. So basically terrorist cheerleading.
  17. Binged on De 12 van Schouwendam. I found it a bit amateurish compared to similar US or UK series and there were a number of plot twists with questionable believability. But it was still a good watch. The main reason for me was the acting of the lead female detective. I found her hilarious.
  18. So it was the Palestinian people that carried out the massacres at the music festival and kibbutzim, not Hamas?
  19. The terrorists are likely altering the scene with Israel missile fragments. Then they will announce that well before any independent inquiry is even possible It's never going to be known definitely.
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