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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The Jews are indigenous there. The Arabs are the Johnny come latelies. When you say over do you mean River to the sea genocide?
  2. So you're kind of a fan of Putin? That's very telling.
  3. You're conflating draft with mobilization. There is always a draft in Russia. There is no mobilization now. There likely won't be until they have their fake election next year.
  4. The US force is a deterrent to Hezbollah and Iran. Hopefully it works.
  5. As far as propaganda to the genocidal "River to the Sea" fans and associated groups, whatever proof IDF shows is moot. Such people will always believe that Israel bombed that hospital. Also of course an independent investigation there is basically impossible. So assuming it was probably a Hamas accident, as they don't care about their own people anyway (in this life), that accident has won them a huge propaganda victory.
  6. Sounds correct. Bottom line, I did get blue books. The condo is a thing. It has no awareness of what color book it might get. I do understand the issue. Blue books -- no owner name.
  7. There you go again. Arab Israeli citizens do NOT live under apartheid. They do suffer discrimination.
  8. How do you propose that Israel meet it's very justified goal of taking out or least greatly weakening Hamas when Hamas uses civilian shields without civilian casualties? You aren't fooling me at all. You don't care one iota about Israel's very necessary goals. That or you would celebrate if Israel did what no other military in the world would ever do and go into every target street by street taking massively more casualties just to please anti-Israel extremists like you.
  9. Fair enough. But in practicality I was basically correct. As a foreigner I got blue books automatically. The yellow baok is not automatic. It's a process to apply and it's not a neccesity.
  10. Come on man! Do you actually believe that Israel would intentionally bomb that hospital?!? You've lost even a sliver of objectivity.
  11. Fair enough but I would assume hard to get really objective judgements in a zone controlled by Hamas terrorist scum.
  12. I call B,S,! Blacks in the US face discrimination and institutionalized racism but the U.S. is NOT an apartheid state based on that. Neither is Israel as far as their CITIZENS. Nobody said there wasn't discrimination. You're clearly on a perverted agenda to attack Israel on anything and everything while at the same time making excuses for the Hamas terrorist scum.
  13. No. This has been announced in the local press (but not allowed to link to the source due to forum rules). Apparently this also applies to Sri Racha as well.
  14. Hi there again! Well it's now tomorrow. Can you kindly post if you got your passport back with new stamp this afternoon even though your TM30 does not comply with the announced new enforcement rules at Jomtien?
  15. Jewish people have learned the hard way that when people announce they want to kill them to believe it. But clearly you have no appreciation for that. As far as the apartheid label that can't be applied to Arab Israeli citizens. I understand its use in reference to the west bank.
  16. I agree. Don't jump to conclusions. But its fair to conclude if it came from Israel that it was an accident.
  17. Huh? Israel is saying they didn't do it. Period.
  18. There is no way that Israel intentionally targeted that hospital. An accident was possible though. If it was Hamas I would hope it was an accident although consider that they don't care about human life and the propaganda win blaming Israel brings them, I wouldn't be as sure about intentionality.
  19. I am happy that the new online system worked for you. However I really doubt that is for my situation. Why? I don't have a yellow book. I am an owner occupant. Not a hotel. Not renting to tenants. That system at least based on the English part appears to be for businesses.
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