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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Just stop the silliness. As Hamas won't ever accept Israel with ANY borders, if those terrorists win, do you think the many millions of Israeli Jews, most of them born in Israel, are just going to passively leave? Sure some would flee but the Arabs would need to KILL most of them. That's basic. Can you freakin' just admit that?
  2. Old news. Also I never filed one on my condo even once. Again, pay attention. It's about an at least announced NEW ENFORCEMENT policy at Jomtien. No service possible at Jomtien unless you have a TM30 in your passport done AFTER your last entry into Thailand. We have one report that they might not be enforcing that new policy yet. So there is that.
  3. Who do you think you're fooling? 40 acres and a mule indeed. You were talking about black people 100 percent. Stop the gaslighting.
  4. In that case, I guess I would stand. Do NOT put words in my mouth. That's sleazy. I never said I would stand or not stand for political reasons. You made that up.
  5. Okie dokie. Your whining rant might be more substantive if you actually told us what you posted there, instead of acting all innocent and making us guess. Then we could judge for ourselves whether you've got a fair point, or if that site was filtering out something horrible.
  6. If the local custom has changed to don't stand, then that's respecting the local customs.
  7. Bull. It's much easier to see what is a crowd is doing than that.
  8. You're a Thai basher too? Well, Gall-lee.
  9. Interesting. So you know it got through the document screener but you don't know YET if there will be a problem or not when it might get a second look before they stamp the stamp. Please update whether it remains OK tommorrow.
  10. Wow. But I don't have one at all. Question -- did you get your passport back with the new extension yet?
  11. Such a predictable post. Hamas doesn't really want to kill Jews. Hamas accepts the existence of Israel. Who do you think you're fooling?
  12. Unfortunately there will be no choice going forward at least at Jomtien. They have a rule change. They are enforcing a requirement for a tm30 receipt in your passport after your last entry into Thailand for ALL services.
  13. Israel should be planning what to do after they win but right now they have a war to fight and that may take months. I think we agree that the after part will be tricky.
  14. Yes it will. I think they might stay there initially to assist with setting up a new administration as if they are successful in erasing Hamas there will be no government there at all. But I don't see how they would have the bandwidth to have a permanent occupation there, running the local government. Israel has given no indication that a permanent occupation is their intention. As far as the Arabs being wary of running to Egypt even if Egypt allowed that, I well understand why they would be paranoid about that being a permanent removal. But I think that's academic anyway as Egypt doesn't want them.
  15. Thanks. However I'm confused. I think my situation is rather unusual and I'm kind of expected a fine. So I'm not sure if I should even try to file online instead of going in instead. It's not a problem for me to go in as I live in Jomtien.
  16. I can play a pretty decent fake rabbi when I grew my beard out.
  17. Key word -- human shields. Hamas doesn't want to improve the lives of Palestinians in this life. They're all about the after life. Think ISIS.
  18. That's my understanding, yes. If a foreigner buys a condo we get a blue book automatically. There is an onerous application process for foreigners to get a yellow book though.
  19. There is a maybe paranoid but probably not theory that the new enforcement rules at Jomtien which may indeed spread are motivated by keeping better track of the 180 day tax residency rule in Thailand coming up possibly next year if they can ever make it more official. I think that makes sense though it's often perilous to try to guess motivation of rule changes at immigration.
  20. We all make mistakes and spell checker makes a lot of them. As he said, he's not a native speaker. We understand now what he was trying to ask, and I think I've probably answered it as far as the new current enforcement at Jomtien.
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