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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Not sure about that but an irony about the massacres is that Kibbutzim Israelis (and perhaps music festival attendees) are more likely to be lefty type peaceniks than other Israelis. No not saying they all are or anything like that but if Hamas was a normal political group seeking a peaceful solution rather than the Jew murdering terrorist organization they actually are, they have killed (and lost the sympathy of) some of the best Israelis (from a Palestinian human rights POV). Anyway, any talk of a two state solution which was already mostly dead on both sides is much much deader now after the Hamas pogrom. Great work, Hamas terrorist scum!
  2. I think but am not certain that the new enforcement rule at Jomtien is that you must file one every time you reenter the country and you need that in your passport for any future service.
  3. Good question. The other day I was looking at an article from the Telegraph which warned several times, do you really want to view this graphic photo? I decided I didn't. You can't unwatch stuff like that. Same reason I'm not a fan of snuff videos.
  4. Pundits are properly mentioning that the US made big mistakes after 911 and that Israel should be careful to not copy that. But alas Israel knows for certain who did the terrorism. Also for Israel the terrorists are right on their ass like if the 911 terrorists had been in New Jersey. So bottom line not many lessons for Israel to learn from that as the situation is very different.
  5. They think I'm in my condo as I file 90 day address reports! Perhaps an obvious question now is does Immigration cross check between the address reporting and TM30s?
  6. Hamas wants to murder all Jewish people including Jewish atheists. What country in the world would not respond militarily to terrorist massacres which Hamas recently carried out? Why OK for every other country in the world to respond but not the one and only Jewish state?
  7. That sounds like a reasonably good suggestion but I'm not confident that irs a good idea to change what I've been putting on my address reports.
  8. Good point. But I've never filed one for my condo so I definitely don't have a receipt for my passport. Which I need now.
  9. Sure if that's what Thaus are doing. If they aren't it's easy to stay seated too!
  10. Here's a possible issue. I do my address reports and put down my address showing both condo unit numbers with a hyphen. For example 545-6. But as advised here I would only file the Tm30 for the primary unit in the example 545. I see the TM30 form requires address. Obviously. Should I put only the one primary unit number or put both using a hyphen as in my address reports? If I only put one number it will not match the address reports exactly! Or Perhaps I should put the hyphenated number on the TM30 form and give copies of both chanotes?!?
  11. I have NEVER filed a TM30! But can you get a receipt from that as required? How long does it take to process online? I don’t mind paying a fine. Just need this properly sorted thanks to the new rule change.
  12. Yellow books are for Thais but possibly for foreigners to get with a lot of hassle. So I have blue. A very long time! I have never needed a TM30. Have never been asked for one. Now apparently there is a rule change at Jomtien for any service like extension. My understanding us that there will be a fine for late filing I think it is 1600 baht.
  13. In the current context of the recent pogrom, it kind of does. Withness the global protest marches chanting the genocidal River to the Sea, with some Gas the Jews thrown in for good measure.
  14. You're tripping if you don't think military action is necessary from Israel. As far as the "current course of action" this is just the beginning, Israel realizes that Hamas uses human shields and has set traps, but you assume that you know exactly what tactics Israel will use to try to meet their goals (which indeed is ambitious to end Hamas). You don't know. I don't know.
  15. The title explains it. I kindly seek advice, the more specific the better. I assume you need to do this in person to get a receipt to put in your passport. I have blue books, not yellow books. I use plural as technically I own two condos which are adjacent and joined. So would I need to do TWO TM30's for such a situation or does immigration recognize adjacent condos are one residence?
  16. The earliest possible to "bring back" that criminally corrupt insurrectionist con man is January 2025 unless you're like a typical trumpist that wants to burn the constitution (except for the 2nd amendment).
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