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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I don't. No university has hired him as a professor of geopolitics because he is not qualified for that. Just as you wouldn't expect a brain surgeon to be able to replace a car transmission.
  2. The fact that American Chomsky has Jewish ethnicity does not mean that his rather extremist views on the conflict possess any magical Jewish space laser fairy dust. I will also add that while I don't think Chomsky is an antisemite Jewish antisemites definitely do exist just as gay homophobes do.
  3. In other words you excuse.the massacres.
  4. Hamas is not tiny. Polls show the majority of Palestinians do not favor a two state solution.
  5. There are also antisemites posting here pushing the trope that all Jews are rich. As far as the color and ethnicity of Israeli Jews, that varies widely and includes quite dark skinned and black Ethiopians assuming you're referring to farang as white foreigners. Please tell us the slur Thais use for Israelis. I'm genuinely curious.
  6. What are you on about? That trans comment was bizarre.
  7. The Hamas aspiration is not a Palestinian state. Their aspiration is a Caliphate and to exterminate the Jews and to end Israel.
  8. An adult government that expects to be taken seriously in the world doesn't say juvenile things like we don't have enough information. If you had a student in a class with that excuse from doing to an assignment he would FAIL. It's the job of an adult government (or really any student in any class) to GET the information.
  9. Antisemites can be found on the left, right, and center. Nice try -- no cigar.
  10. When they're obviously being disingenuous. The counting (Jews) thing really gave you away.
  11. It's a disingenuous pose. His POV about Jews was already obvious. I actually prefer Jew hating that is open and honest. Play acting fake objectivity is tedious and it's dangerous because it fools a lot of people. Hamas is obviously pure evil but at least they've been open about telling the world about what they're all about -- killing all the Jews. It's easier to fight evil when they don't act all innocent and "just asking questions" like Tucker Carlson (darling of Moscow).
  12. Yet you seem very interested in counting (Jews) in the U.S. government. You're not really fooling me.
  13. The author is a vile antisemite with associations with white supremacist types. You can read all about her associations and Jew hatred here: Alison Weir (activist) - Wikipedia As Israel was founded as a state after WW2 it's relevant to learn about how extremely antisemtic the US state department was before and during that period. Yes ultimately the U.S. was vital in helping the founding in the UN happen. Then the Arab world attacked. For that history, this is a great source:
  14. Competing narratives. Suffice it to say that things are now FUBAR now more than ever.
  15. You're tripping. That's a million miles away.
  16. Israel-Palestine latest news: Hamas orders civilians in Gaza to stay in their homes Of course they do.
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