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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Perhaps you should sing loudly as well. That'll show 'em!
  2. If I had a dollar for every American that heard Taiwan when I said Thailand, well I'd have some more money anyway.
  3. Illegal or not, back in the times when everyone stood, if you didn't the crowd would generally express their displeasure. I've seen them literally poke f-rang tourists if they were too slow.
  4. Always with the silly conspiracy theories.
  5. Something I already predicted which I recently heard agreed with by some pundit -- this time is different. While Israel (and other countries) obviously care about the hostages given what happened (the massacres by Hamas) and given the large numbers of hostages, their survival will not be the highest priority.
  6. I recall it was the baby / toddler area of one the kibbutzes that the Hamas terrorist scum massacred. In Kibbutzim children are cared for collectively. Yeah I get their perverted game. If they weren't ALL decapitated (which nobody even said they were!) then go ahead and doubt that they were murdered at all, or at the music festival, etc. etc. Or perhaps the murders of the babies was done in a humane way? Often the same kind of haters that are holocaust deniers.
  7. I have a funny story. Before you know what, once I was the only person in a massive movie theater. I stood. I'm curious if Thais would have.
  8. Israel's goal is to do as much damage to Hamas as possible. Hamas is a terrorist group favoring the murder of all Jews. Israel's goal in Gaza is not anything you said.
  9. Liar. Nobody said 40 babies were decapitated. You're employing Putin style mind bending propaganda. We supposedly "can't know" what's happening, so best to be apolitical and have no position.
  10. Conspiracy theory silliness strikes again.
  11. It was never said that ALL murdered babies were mutilated. So you're either lying or you suffer a memory lapse.
  12. Nobody is debating there needed to be some displacement of some Arabs during the founding period of Israel. That happens anywhere such shifts happen. For example India - Pakistan. Obviously horrible. No denying that. Sure mention Nakba. No problema. But I noticed you failed to mention the Jewish Nakba that emptied the Middle East and North Africa of the vast majority (or basically all in some countries) of theirJews. Haaretz has some extremely radical columnists. Of course Israel demonizers like to milk that. I reject the inflammatory use of the word pogroms in that context but agreed the settlement movement on the West Bank makes a two state solution almost impossible. But these days the majority of Israelis and Palestinians don't even want a two state solution. Outsiders can't make either side want something they don't want. As far as Hamas, not only doesn't Hamas want a two state solution, they want a FINAL SOLUTION of the murder of all Jews, the end of Israel in ANY borders. and an Islamic caliphate. For there to any hope of some kind of resolution to this mess, the Palestinians including the ones of Gaza are going to need to accept the existence of Israel in at least some borders. With Hamas having any power at all, there is zero hope. Not suggesting optimism. But I find posts like yours very clueless.
  13. This shouldn't be any surprise to anyone at all that has spoken to a few Thai people that are willing to talk in the last decade. Of course understandably Thai people don't usually want to talk about such things with f-rangs.
  14. The jails aren't big enough. As said, when in Rome.
  15. Those "pushy" Jews again. How dare the indigenous people of Israel who had been persecuted for thousands of years in the diaspora want to establish a nation state with some land in the region. But no. The Arab world attacked and in your words here we are.
  16. I can assure you that US does not want a war with Iran. The aircraft carriers are meant as a deterrent and possibly to send in a specialized force to try to free the American hostages. I'm not going to ignore US election politics. Biden will be under a lot of pressure to do everything possible to try to free the American hostages.
  17. Hamas is on the side of pushing all Jews into the sea, erasing the entire nation of Israel, and installing an Issis style Islamic caliphate in the region. No not all Palestinians are Hamas but wake up and be clear what you're supporting. Pure evil.
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