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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. His comment projects racism. Presumably more "European" Israel held to a higher moral standard than Arabs. Don't expect civilized behavior from them of course. They're Arabs. Racist double standard personified.
  2. Well first Israel needs to succeed in wiping out Hamas. That's not going to be quick or easy and it's hard to imagine how many of the hostages will survive either. Assuming they do succeed, then yes, there might at least be the hope and chance for Gaza to do some kind of much more positive rebirth. As I said before Hamas occupies Gaza. After they don't -- that could really be the much more challenging aspect of this war.
  3. He certainly comes off at the very least adjacent to that.
  4. My comrade? Just stop the troll baiting and move on.
  5. You are obviously too dense to get the When did you stop beating your wife reference. Sad.
  6. You're a real piece of work. So it's me who has gone ad hominem? Hilarious.
  7. Says you. I don't appreciate being stalked and baiting as you persist in doing.
  8. Good point. 10,000 is peanuts compared to the Chinese. Is there a backlog on the chickpea shipments or something?
  9. This is so true. Just say no to Reefer Madness propaganda. Ganja is a gift from the Gods.
  10. I must have missed the memo about signing a contract with the forum that people are obligated to response to each and every TROLL BAIT post.
  11. For RUSSIAN draft dodgers that is. I am happy to see RUSSIAN draft dodgers. They are often people that have skills that Russia has lost and if they were mobilized one less body to commit genocide against Ukraine.
  12. Hamas is the government of Gaza. There is nobody in power in Israel that wants to exterminate all the Arabs in Israel, Gaza, and the west bank. Your attempt at two side-ism here is not grounded in morality or reality. As far as why there aren't two states -- there is more than enough blame to go around starting with when the Arab world attacked in 1948 when Israel was founded.
  13. I have the wisdom to ignore Hamas terrorist apologist troll baiting questions that are structured like -- when did you stop beating your wife? You keep playing this stupid game.
  14. Sounds like you support the Hamas goal of pushing the Jews into the sea.
  15. More barbarian terrorists to behead babies, rape, and shoot at close range dancing people at music festivals?
  16. Define Palestinian homeland. Hamas wants Israel to not exist at all. Your rhetoric sounds similar. Hamas had the opportunity to make Gaza bloom into peace and prosperity if they had only agreed to live in peace and cooperation with Israel. Remember that Israel left Gaza long ago.
  17. Yes. A massive amount of land compared to what modern people picture as historical Palestine.
  18. Bull. It's a fact that that identity was created for political reasons in response to Israel. Acknowledging facts doesn’t make anyone dissappear. As far as dissappearing people, it's Hamas and much of the Arab side that want to exterminate Jews. Witness what just happened.
  19. Palestinian Arabs as a distinctive identity group was an artificial political construct created by Egyptian raised Yasser Arafat. Before Israel the Jews in the area identified as Palestinians.
  20. I never said there were no Arabs on the coast during the Zionist pioneer times.
  21. Yes of course. What other army does that? But they've been clear this is now a very major war and regretfully there will be many civilians killed. Blame Hamas terrorists for starting this. Hamas must be totally removed.
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