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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. As far as renting returning expats with a small pension are going to have very little chance getting into established large properties. Many expats don't have a back home credit record anymore. The rent is going to be most of the check even for the cheapest places. They like to see rent being about 1/3 of income. There are possible options for some. Going to small landlords with horrible properties who are desperate. Offering to pay a year in advance if you can pay that (I did that once when I was in my 20s). Roommate situations where the landlord owns the place. Roommates for apartments often need to pass credit and income screening the same as renting. Living in vehicles. Some people like that. For me, that would be total hell. Again, pretty darned grim.
  2. It would be much more interesting to hear what you would dishonestly say.
  3. Even that is really pushing it on the smaller checks.
  4. You remind me of people that say they don't see color. Freakin' unbelievable.
  5. Without so many different ethnicities and all their wonderfully diverse cultures humanity would be incredibly BORING. In the cases here Jewish ethnicities are ancient and of the ethnoreligious category. In other words non observant Jews are still Jews. Palestinian Arab as opposed to just Arab identity was rather recently asserted for political reasons in the context of the conflict with Israel. Palestinian Arab identity deserves to be respected as legitimate though regardless.
  6. It's complicated. https://www.livescience.com/difference-between-race-ethnicity.html
  7. Yes. Westerners especially Americans often think Jews are overwhelmingly Ashkenazi. Not in Israel. As far as genetic history -- all major Jewish ethnicities, Palestinian Arabs, and Italians are all linked. Not that unusual for "close" peoples to be in conflict. The very concept of Palestinian Arab as a separate identity is an artificially created modern one.
  8. Thailand (or Cambodia, Philippines, Mexico, or Panama ...) OR BUST!
  9. The way to solve the homelessness crisis is housing people. There isn't the political will to actually do that.
  10. It's that trademark square face, I tell ya. Can't live with it, can't live without it.
  11. Israel is seen as a very advanced modern nation with some of the best educated people and most sophisticated technology including medical and military in the world. If genocide of Palestinian Arabs is the policy of the Israeli government then wowza they sure are crap at it!
  12. The actual topic is very different.. See the OP. .... German and Israeli officials have condemned Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for comments he made about Jews and the Nazi Holocaust in a speech.
  13. Yes it's an odd case study in something but I don't think there is an English word for it. Perhaps there is in Brazilian Portuguese.
  14. A debating maven you're not. You still haven't answered if Brazil's decimation of the rain forest is Nazi.
  15. Hmm. Well I deposited a US rona stim check at Bangkok Bank and it took several weeks to show up in my account.
  16. You're completely off base. To add Israel was founded as the one nation state homeland of the Jewish PEOPLE!
  17. It's no coincidence in the slightest. That was the point of founding Israel in the first place!
  18. WW2 took several years. The Russian fascists though they could win in a day. If it takes years it takes years for Ukraine to prevail and prevail they must. Putins main last hope is to wait to see if fascist isolationist Trump returns to power.
  19. Interesting you mention that. https://m.jpost.com/jerusalem-report/exploring-the-connections-between-jews-and-native-americans-672667 There is much sentiment behind the affinity of Jews and Jewish history with that of American Indian tribes. The atrocities inflicted upon their people were a key factor that resulted in diminishing their population by 90% – from a high of about 10 million in 1492 to a low of 250,000 at the beginning of the 20th century. Their numbers are slowly recovering. Common roots According to a Ynet report, a population of Native American Indians from the US state of Colorado has been found to have a genetic mutation typical of Ashkenazi Jews. The finding suggests the presence of common roots that date back to the days of Christopher Columbus.
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