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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Again what date were you talking about before that there was no persecution? Interesting that you didn't answer that. As far as the origin of Zionism it's no secret the motivation was the experience of Jews in the diaspora for thousands of years. Waves of pogroms, mass executions, expulsions, inquisitions not to mention restrictions of movement, professions, etc. So of course antisemitism was the reason that political Zionists believed a Jewish nation state was the answer to finally have a safe haven against persecution. You can agree or not. It was a slow growing movement but obviously it succeeded in the founding of Israel.
  2. Exactly Thorgal's rhetoric is classic Nazi apologist type stuff.
  3. Something's very fishy about your post. What time exactly was there no persecution? https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/nuremberg-laws Two distinct laws passed in Nazi Germany in September 1935 are known collectively as the Nuremberg Laws: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor. These laws embodied many of the racial theories underpinning Nazi ideology. They would provide the legal framework for the systematic persecution of Jews in Germany. Adolf Hitler announced the Nuremberg Laws on September 15, 1935. Germany’s parliament (the Reichstag), then made up entirely of Nazi representatives, passed the laws. Antisemitism was of central importance to the Nazi Party, so Hitler had called parliament into a special session at the annual Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg, Germany.
  4. Intentionally. Meant to inflame. Meant to suppress rational discussion of the conflict with people who would otherwise be very sympathetic to criticizing right wing policies of Israeli governments. In other words, totally unacceptable.
  5. You may not think you support Putin but by being a Kremlin talking point repeater, you are indeed supporting Putin. Own it.
  6. Yes he has genocidal intentions towards all of Ukraine. He wants: No Ukrainian language No Ukrainian culture No Ukrainian nation state No Ukrainian people (either become a Russian zombie or die) This is evil. War is justified in cases like this. For Ukraine, there is really no choice but to fight.
  7. Gee whiz. I wonder why Jews specifically have a problem with being called the same as Nazis. So difficult to imagine why that is.
  8. The topic isn't Russia. Don't act so dense that you don't understand the SPECIFIC inflammatory nature of accusing Israel of being Nazi equivalent. There is no way that you don't understand that.
  9. You're not fooling me. Accusing the one Jewish nation state in the world to be equivalent to Nazis is specifically designed to inflame Jews. That's why doing so fits the definition of antisemitism. You know that, but you persist. If you wanted a sincere discussion on issues around the conflict, you wouldn't do that. You clearly are not debating this in good faith. You're basically trolling. There is a lot of support in world Jewry for criticism of Israel. The majority of diaspora Jews are critical of the Israeli government being way too right wing, and sadly only a minority of Israel Jews but there are plenty in Israel as well. What percentage of Jews in the world would even want to have discussion with anyone like you pushing antisemitic Israel -- Nazi equivalency rhetoric? It's obvious to me. Well under one percent.
  10. Total garbage! The most prominent feature of Nazism is the goal of exterminating every Jew (religious or not) on the planet. In Hitler's time the Jewish state didn't exist, but he had promised the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to exterminate all the Jews in the region of Palestine as well. Just stop it, dude. Say fascist instead. I definitely see fascism in Israeli government. I don't see a Nazi government in Israel. Even if the Arabs took over and killed all the Jews in the region, they wouldn't be Nazis. Nazi is very specific. If you're talking genocide, every genocide except one in the history of the world (Putin currently has genocidal intentions towards Ukraine) was not Nazi. The holocaust was by the Nazis. Is this too difficult for you to comprehend? I can't believe that you don't get that your Nazi game is massively inflammatory and yes antisemitic. It's not necessary to make all of your critical points. But you clearly love flaming too much.
  11. I know you're not. You're obsessed with keeping the Nazi equivalency thing as the primary weapon in your Israel demonization arsenal.
  12. You didn’t reply to my post. What you posted is a separate discussion.
  13. Nobody has said legit criticism of Israel is antisemitic. Stop the lying. Equating Israel with Nazis is anti-semitic though. That's not legitimate.
  14. Calling Israel a Nazi state isn't debate. It's a 100 percent antisemitic flame troll tactic. The funny thing is that I'm very critical of the Israeli government. But play the Nazi game and you've ruled out any sincere discussion.
  15. Folksies -- it's been said before but at this stage both don't panic and don't conclude this won't hit you. We all need to WAIT! It's as simple as that. This situation is in process. We've heard countries with anti double taxation treaties won't be effected by this, but alas we haven't seen anything close to final language yet! We know what makes you a tax resident in Thailand NOW, but we don't know if they'll change that. There is no logical reason to jump to any conclusions, positive or negative, at this time,
  16. I'm interested in new curtains for my condo with a blackout part as well. I've noticed places are trying to sell automated ones these days, but that seems like asking for trouble when they inevitably break. So anyway I've tried before visiting random shops and wasn't confident in the communication situation or the products. Yes I want decent quality. Can anyone recommend a curtain shop that they've used where the communication was OK and you were satisfied with the quality and service? Tepprasit seems to be the district for this but any Pattaya area location considered.
  17. Also withdrawals from retirement accounts (such as IRA) which in the US are classed as taxable income.
  18. There's a fairly new clinic on Tappraya Road Jomtien complex area that advertised ear, nose, a d throat care. Anyone tried them for wax issues?
  19. Foreign pension income is exempt in Colombia. If your total worldwide income is above a set level you are required to file there but then you deduct all of the pension income. That said Colombia is complicated and it's necessary to get expert advice to analyze your specific situation. Most retired expats indeed most Colombians owe no tax. But yes the very wealthy need to take extra care and may choose not to live there long enough to be a tax resident there.
  20. US citizens etc. are subject to US taxation rules regardless of the country of our tax residency. https://www.konradlegal.com/2023/01/31/thailand-tax-guide-for-us-expats/
  21. If you're living in Thailand most of the time you're technically a tax resident in Thailand. You're conflating tax residency with US global taxation of US citizens. Being a tax resident of Thailand does not stop that. Only renouncing US citizenship stops that.
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