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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. You mean the republican house controlled by maga fascist performance artists such as MTG?
  2. Weird question. Is there something you want to share with us?
  3. Nato forces aren't fighting there. Nato is providing support to Ukraine of course.
  4. Yes, but the name itself has a notorious history in American politics. It was the same slogan used by the isolationist pro Hitler party proceeding WW2. It's associated with the antisemitism of American fascists Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh. Trump if he didn't know already was informed about that history, and still went with it.
  5. What actions? I agree that once Israel got the message that their Arab neighbors wanted to push them into the sea, Israel needed to get hard care in their defense in order to survive.
  6. Not saying this will work but I recently saw a Biden official talk about the current strategy to move the conflict towards something better. It was about relating the restoration of Israel relations with multiple Arab states as a model. The logic being about economic incentives. Those Arab nations are not softening their stance with Israel to be nice. They see economic and technological goodies they can get by cooperation with the very advanced nation of Israel. Not saying this will work with Palestinians as I couldn't know that But it's interesting. It's occurred to me before that if the Arab world had just accepted the existence of a tiny Israeli state in 1948 the Palestinian Arabs as they choose to be known as would be thriving and rich.
  7. Not against legit criticism. I would agree with most of it Stop the Nazi stuff.
  8. You are posting in bad faith again and again. Time to put this to bed. GOODBYE
  9. Wrong It's a false equivalence and is designed specifically to offend Jews specifically.
  10. How sleazy can you get!?! I was referring back to your own post before you edited it.
  11. One official? About one small area which you failed to mention That's proof to you that Israel is equivalent to Nazis? Total garbage.. Intellectually dishonest.
  12. Let's see the specifics of that with sources. Bottom line Hitler murdered over half the Jews in the world, the vast majority in Europe, and sought to murder all of them Even before Hitler Jews were a relatively tiny minority globally. The nation state of Israel has no such intentions or actions towards Palestinian Arabs. To suggest an equivalency between Hitler and Nazis is anti-semitic by definition. You can criticize Israel without going there.
  13. Your vile personal accusations about me are totally false. You're really totally out of control.
  14. There was not a SEPARATE identity for Palestinian ARABS who lived SPECIFICALLY in the land of Israel, Gaza, West Bank! Don't you get it? Jews were Palestinians too. The idea of a separate category for Palestinians that only includes Arabs and only includes Arabs associated with Israel, West Bank, Gaza is an artificially created political construct.
  15. 1000 years ago it wasn't Palestine. There never was a nation called Palestine in history.
  16. Indeed. It could prove fatal. Expats in general aren't the most risk adverse type of people.
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