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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. On the other hand if they off Putin as an inside job they'll blame the west anyway. Misinformation is their brand.
  2. Mostly false. The Russian economy is in trouble. The ruble has tanked. Both sides have supply problems with arms. Neither side is losing badly. A disaster for the west? It's been unifying for the west. As far as Russia do you think it's a good look to go begging to North Korea?
  3. Russia occupies over 20 percent. If they take Odessa Ukraine is toast. If Ukraine takes Crimea then Ukraine will win. Blow up that bridge!
  4. Not necessary. Ukrainians can win with their own troops but they do need enough military aid to actually win and they do need the west to understand not to have unreasonable expectations as far as the timeline.
  5. Real Time with Bill Maher is returning in spite of the strike. However, there will be no written segments such as his monologue and New Rules, and he won't be writing any of it himself.
  6. We don't really need to do that in the context of what this topic is. A man met someone to love in Thailand. Wish them the best.
  7. It's clear after reading that that you do indeed have an agenda. Thanks for detailing it out after your previous rather infuriating ambiguity.
  8. There's homophobia and transphobia and willful ignorance accross the generations.
  9. Whatever. I really don't get your agenda here. Often you hear transphobes claim all transgender women are simply men wearing a dress, and their identification as females as fake. That is completely wrong. However, many males that put on a dress are indeed just cisgender men wearing a dress. Instead of using wiki as a crutch, maybe you have an original thought?
  10. Divorce is so common anyway. It would depend on whether she thought the marriage was good or not. Impossible to tell unless you ask her.
  11. You're all over the map there but no of course Bisexual has nothing to do with gender identity! That's about sexual oriention. People that are transvestites might be cisgender, or they might be transgender, or they might be fluid. So saying a male puts on a dress tells us basically nothing about their gender identity.
  12. Should not be believed. It's meant to encourage the west to hold back all the help Ukraine needs to actually win. It's working more or less and that's got to change or this war will be lasting forever.
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