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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. A Small Light Miniseries The Anne Frank story told from a different POV. The brave helpers. Turns out this is quite good.
  2. Freedom of speech. Won't keep it to myself. Flying a pride flag is speech. Stop victim blaming.
  3. Who? Fascist demagogues such as DeSantis. Blood on his sleazy hands.
  4. I wouldn't be so.sure about that. A good friend of mine growing up was a total chess God who then went on to MIT and being a tech industry legend. At the same time he'd go out at night to bash homos. Many people have great intelligence in narrow areas combined with massive idiocy in others. A more famous example Elon Musk
  5. Obviously. This tangential transgender issue has shed light on the outrageously sexist policies of chess competitions. End the separation and it's only a matter of time until women raise in the rankings.
  6. There is no logic to your conclusion. You could say no albino has ever won a chess championship. So what?!? Does that prove albinos need a separate category or won't ever win? Rubbish. Chess is a game of intellect. So you're saying women are dumber. If that isn't sexism I don't know what is.
  7. Yes and any secretary of state that enforces this will instantly be on the hit list of the white nationalist domestic terrorists incited by their dear leader in Mar y Lardo.
  8. Sounds like a great development and yet another feather in the cap of the successful first term of President Biden.
  9. I find your ad hominem post shallow and absurd. Let me ask the fair minded readers this If women by their biological nature are inferior in intelligence to men, why is there even one female CEO, university department head, state governor, or head of state in the world? If men and women have the same intellectual potential as I do believe they do, there should have never been any gender separation in chess competitions. You can't have it both ways.
  10. Don't be a pawn of the patriarchy! Excluding trans women in women’s chess makes you a pawn of the patriarchy | Arwa Mahdavi | The Guardian
  11. One thing I can't shake. Overtipping barbers especially if I'm using them regularly. It's definitely not the Thai custom but I just can't help it.
  12. I think drivers deserve tips more than waiters, unless at fancy restaurants. Never heard of a waiter killed bringing food to a table.
  13. You intentionally don't get my position. There should be no separate categories based on gender in chess at all. It's insulting to females that they've done this. They should reconsider and abolish the separation.
  14. Don't play dumb. You know what I meant. They're competing but it's not a physical competition like sports such as swimming, track, etc. Whether a person was born male or female should make NO DIFFERENCE. To suggest that it does, is sexist garbage.
  15. There shouldn't be any gender segregation in chess AT ALL. If women haven't rated at the top YET, then that's something to aspire to. Chess players are not athletes.
  16. Yeah I get that. Living in tourism centers creates different expectations.
  17. You definitely shouldn't spunk on the staff at least on the premises.
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