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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Different countries have radically different tipping cultures.
  2. Round up or nothing for cheap meal. 20 baht per person for a modest meal. 30 to 50 baht per person for an expensive meal. Forget percentages. You're not in Kansas anymore. If service charge has been added, then it gets tricky as often the restaurant just takes that money.
  3. Yes. Plenty. Also, plenty of FITS traveling as couples or their family.
  4. He would debate if a non loony tunes challenger enters the contest. It would be politically insane to dignity the current troll challengers by standing on a debate stage with them. Also Biden is the incumbent. Trump is the incumbent for the delusional.
  5. My current IP which is a DTAC sim card blocks torrents and stremio but works with a VPN.
  6. Some are. Most are useful idiots for Putin. Just as isolationists leading to WW2 like Ford and Lindbergh were useful idiots for Hitler.
  7. That makes no sense. So if he doesn't participate, then what? He's kept off ballots?
  8. I'm as anti Trump as it gets but I won't criticize him for skipping debates when he is so far ahead. It's a smart political decision.
  9. I bet you never heard of this one. Bob Patterson played by Seinfeld's Jason Alexander. A cancelled one season disaster but Alexander argues there was a lot of bad luck responsible for the spectacular failure. I had also never heard of it until now. I'm going to give it a chance. On youtube:
  10. It sounds like domestic terrorism incited by a fascist cult leader. He has nothing to lose now. He's willing to destroy the country to save his own ample ass.
  11. Expanded Medicaid blocked by right wing governments in so called red states. So basically for ideological reasons they're killing their own state citizens. Private insurance if you're older and/or preexisting conditions is massively expensive. Over a certain income level, the Obamacare subsidizes the insurance quite well in the lower ends of the scale. Employers are not obligated to provide insurance. They often play games to avoid that. Americans will often not call an ambulance (and thus die) because they want to avoid the massive bill just for the ride.
  12. I just watched that too. Totally disgusting! What a sleazeball. Plus of course he's on board with pardoning Trump. As bad as he is, he's still better than Trump or DeSantis though.
  13. Most homeless in the U.S. these days are homeless because the rent is too darned high! They may become mentally ill or dead from being homeless though. I know I couldn't hack that.
  14. Interesting comment but the cooler weather in Bagaio is a definite big plus for many. Also not that far to travel to a beach area occasionally if you want that. The trekking thing is something you might do once as a tourist outside the city. It's the city there that appeals to me a possibly great place to live, though of course we can't know anything much before visiting. His economic info about the U.S. is dated, but worth looking at for the Baguio content:
  15. Nicknamed Dramaguette. I visited there long ago and wasn't feeling it. I am curious about Davao, Iloilo City, and especially Bagaio.
  16. * Deleted post edited out * Well it is very popular with U.S. veterans. The SRRV has very low requirements for veterans and there is a veterans health care available in Manila.
  17. A clear and present danger. He should clearly be incarcerated while awaiting his trials. 'What's he got to lose?' Fascism expert says Trump's only option is to 'stage a coup' - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism Nothing is being done to curb Donald Trump from encouraging violence in his name – so it's only going to get worse, an expert wrote Thursday, Threats against judges and prosecutors are escalating, and members of the grand jury in Georgia have become targets of some Trump supporters with their names, photos and, in some cases, addresses posted online. Judge Tanya Chutkan, in particular, was targeted with racist threats to kill her if Trump is not elected in 2024. Meanwhile, Republicans – whether they're Trump allies or not – aren't stepping in to lower the temperature.
  18. I guess it's lost on you that it's in America's self interest to continue to provide support for Ukraine, and to weaken Russia.
  19. I also of course think he's guilty of a plethora of felonies. Which means I couldn't serve on his jury trials.
  20. You seem to be confusing two totally different issues. Nobody credible wants Trump sentenced without fair trials leading to convictions. The issue here is that he is violating the terms of his pre trial releases. Any other citizen if they have done what Trump has done would be incarcerated waiting for trial. Yes he's being given a special break because the situation of a former president facing such a plethora of felony indictments while running for president is extremely unprecedented. Judges want to preserve his rights, but as he does, he's pushing this to the limits.
  21. The headline is freaky too. I wouldn't necessarily blame it on the writer. Presumably they have an editor too.
  22. What I find hilarious is that you think Joe Biden is "the left." Almost as funny as people that think Trump is conservative.
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