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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The power of "pink" money. https://www.businessdestinations.com/relax/chasing-the-rainbow-the-tourism-industry-is-becoming-more-inclusive/
  2. If you're really in a bad way you're not going anywhere. The thing about jungle smell is that you get used to it and after a few days you don't smell it anymore. At least that's my experience. I could probably live in Siam Reap too if I had to assuming I could stream and download torrents.
  3. I think gay retirees are already sold on Thailand but if they want to promote it more sounds good to me. There is competition of course just as there is for other demographics. Gay men are desired because in general they spend more. Obviously with many exceptions.
  4. Says the guy who said gay people are either fairies or flamers. That isn't funny. It's incredibly STUPID.
  5. Yeah these bigots think it's socially acceptable even approved to trash gay people. Maybe they're right. Homophobia is certainly rampant on this forum.
  6. Brain fart. Yes Biden is older. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-09-biden-trump-super-agers.html Biden is expected to outlive Trump, even though he is three years older. In the paper, the researchers note Biden's "nearly perfect health profile for a man his age," compared with Trump's "significant but modifiable" negative risk factors.
  7. So those are the two categories of gay people to you -- fairies and flamers? Such ignorant and vile bigotry. You're right that Puerto Vallarta has a lot of gay tourists and expats and locals. It's a great place but has gotten expensive, too hot in summer, sometimes crocodiles in the water, and seasonal risk of hurricanes.
  8. Indeed and also McDonald's pay varies based on actual job role and location. In other words the same jobs in Indiana will pay less there than NYC.
  9. You'd have to ask them but more advanced countries have long recognized the value of LGBTQ tourism so it makes sense to expand outreach to expats. Yes it is about money
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