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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. This is really going to cut into his golfing. Oh, the humanity!
  2. Where there's smoke (scratch that) an apocalyptic conflagration there's fire.
  3. He was there for the weekend. Rehoboth is very nice. Not tacky like Mar y Lardo. He's headed to Lake Tahoe on Friday. It's August.
  4. To Trump Hawaii is Puerto Rico in the Pacific plus Obama's home state.
  5. No consequence to ignoring that paper.
  6. What Malaysia and many other countries are doing is not discrimination. It's persecution. It tells alot that you describe sending people to prison for homosexuality as discrimination. I did not equate. I pointed out a parallel. The US withdrawaling some of their best athletes because they were Jews to comply with Nazi sensitibilities was wrong. People siding with the Malaysian government over the dissenting band at that festival is also wrong. To add the 1936 Berlin Olympics preceeded the holocaust. The success of that Olympics added greatly to the internationally legitimacy of the Nazi regime.
  7. Reminds me of the Berlin Olympics where the US pulled out Jewish athletes to “adhere to all local guidelines and regulations."
  8. The music festival organizers are suing the 1975 band for massive damages for breach of contract (speech plus kiss) as the oppressive Malaysian government then cancelled the festival. So of course the festival had to give refunds. Too bad they can't sue the government. Not sure if they can legally enforce such damages or not. Suffice it to say that band will be less likely to be invited to countries that are persecuting LGBTQ people again.
  9. Yeah and it's funny not ha ha that people here are suggesting an equivalence between colored watches and the Nazi swastika / Holocaust denial.
  10. No respect all for any country's government that has laws that explicitly persecutes any minority group. Why respect something that should be universally condemned? Homosexuality which is illegal in Malaysia is not western or eastern.
  11. I'm expecting nothing. I know many countries have evil laws. Yes the government of Malaysia should be condemned in this case but of course it is an internal affair.
  12. It's truly bizarre that anyone with a pulse would actually think violence against LGBTQ people has come to an end. How does such ignorance even develop? Are there anti gay propaganda sources promoting that BIG LIE? In the US thanks to American fascists led by DeSantis the violence has particularly escalated against transgender people. But these dangerous demagogues hate all LGBTQ people and wish to erase them, no doubt. They label them as "groomers" which is hateful blood libel style rhetoric I have never seen in my life and I'm not young.
  13. Come to an end. You're hilarious. Been to Brazil? https://abcnews.go.com/US/threats-lgbtqia-community-intensifying-department-homeland-security/story?id=99338137
  14. Alone Together Two season cancelled sitcom (2018) I learned about this show from a Marc Maron podcast interview of comedian Esther Povitsky. She was funny on the podcast so I wanted to see more. Alone Together is not a show targeted to my demographic but for me it's worth watching for the humor of Povitsky. Do not confuse with Alone Together (2022).
  15. You didn't read the article, right? "Offensive" defined in Malaysia as existing.
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