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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. No it isn't. It's a common greeting in many cultures same and opposite sex.
  2. Don't start something you won't finish. I have a semi related story. I had just arrived in Buenos Aires so I took a nighttime city walk. Stopped at corner two beautiful young men approached each other from opposite directions and inches from my face started kissing each other. On their cheeks I was totally startled and flinched in shock. They noticed and laughed. I had reacted like it was a sexual thing but it was just how Argentinians greet each other.
  3. Winning that cup for Spain was a flipping big deal!! I see a man expressing that and forgetting she might not be ok with it. I think once he realized that mistake he should have made an epic apology instead of getting defensive. But I don't think he should be fired. The women made a bigger deal about the kiss than the actual action justifies. Good players si. Good sports not so much.
  4. OK. I got you now. Of course you can register as an expat like any other expat. Up to you but I seriously doubt the voting registration system communicates with financial institutions.
  5. I find it hard to believe that you can't register to vote.
  6. Yep. A real piece of work. https://www.mediamatters.org/diversity-discrimination/meet-will-witt-conservative-influencer-behind-pro-desantis-propaganda
  7. He could have said thickly settled, ha ha.
  8. They probably should have actually weighed him and insisted on a credible health history including all meds taken because if convicted he may be incarcerated in the great state of Georgia. It's important to know the health profile of inmates.
  9. Why? Who knows but Hillary Clinton was right about Inmate No P01135809.
  10. San Franciscans don't say Frisco! In Thailand to communicate, you say America. In Latin America, best to be polite and not say that. In Europe, say U.S. In the U.S., no need to say, people know. Why Do Some Hate the Nickname ‘Frisco’? | KQED
  11. Legally speaking he deserves to be presumed innocent of all 91 felony counts. If you're going to serve on a jury, you would need to commit to that. But this is a forum. 91 felony counts and innocent of all of them? When strawberry blonde pigs fly!
  12. Is that some kind of "Q" thing like the Kraken?
  13. 91 felony charges. The chances of him being cleared on all 91 practically zero.
  14. He was going for looking strong. What we got was him looking EVIL. If the shoe fits!
  15. Not afraid of running against Trump. That would be Biden's best chance. But this election is not just another horse race. There is now an active movement to enforce the constitutional rule that disqualifies Trump from running based on his insurrectionist actions. Some states will ban him from ballots because of that. A conviction is not required. This will be decided in the Supreme Court. If the ballot bans based on the constitution are upheld it will be game over for the traitorous grifter ex president. Stay tuned.
  16. Who said you can't go there? You're making that up. This is a viral song that just so happens to have more going on than is apparent on the surface and some of it is UGLY. People aren't "upset" about a song per se but the way it is being used and by the right wing now is already obnoxious and I think it's just the beginning. I don't think he mentioned welfare ladies. You might be remembering the classic republican dog whistles about black welfare queens. Oliver is talking about obese younger men and I think it's obvious he's talking to white men. His lyrics indicate a very weak understanding of the nutrition problem in economically depressed rural areas which are basically fresh and healthy food deserts and junk food is the only way poor people (on welfare or not) can realistically fill their stomachs.
  17. Stop that punching down, Oliver. Ironically it's going to be impossible for Oliver not to get rich from this even if he resists. Rich Men North of Richmond punches down. No surprise the right wing loves it | Music | The Guardian
  18. Similar response idea without the weird right wing conspiracy theory crapola in the viral song. Inspired by Woody Guthrie. Yes the viral song is great as a song but it's so incredibly misguided and divisive in its lyrics.
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